Humanity has always been interested in issues of disguise. Increased attention to this topic was caused by the instinct of self-preservation. The ability to merge with the terrain with the help of branches and grass tied to the body guaranteed a successful hunt, as a result, a person could feed himself. Over time, the art of disguise became very popular in military affairs. The ability to dissolve, not stand out, now kept the soldier alive.
Army camouflage. Home
The history of the development of camouflage patterns has only a few decades. This was quite enough so that after a short period of time, thanks to the intensive activity of military developers, a huge variety of camouflage suits appeared that could hide a person in any terrain.

The very first camouflage colors appeared in the nineteenth century. The soldiers of England during the Anglo-Boer War wore bright red uniforms. For the Boers, who already had the experience of camouflage, they were too visible on the ground. As a result, England suffered heavy losses of personnel. Therefore, the country's leadership replaced the red uniforms with special swamp-colored clothes.– Khaki.
The second state whose army began to use camouflage was Germany. The colors of the camouflage of the German personnel consisted of thirty options. Preference was given to the very first, “fragmentation” sample. Camouflage got its name because its pattern was randomly scattered colored geometric shapes of various sizes. The “shrapnel” version of camouflage was first used by the German army in the First World War. Since the debut of such a camouflage suit was successful, Wehrmacht soldiers used it in World War II. At the same time, helmets with armored vehicles began to camouflage.
Soviet developments of army camouflage suits
In Soviet times, the Higher School of Military Camouflage and the State Institute of the USSR Academy of Sciences, formed in 1919, de alt with all issues related to camouflage patterns and colors. Outstanding scientists - S. M. Vavilov, V. V. Sharonov and others were involved in this work. Thanks to fundamental scientific research, camouflage colors were developed that make it possible to visually disperse the silhouette of a person. This effect of a camouflage suit was achieved by combining a unified deforming pattern, which was a set of large amoeba-shaped spots with a baggy form of camouflage clothing. Such a combination “breaks” the silhouette of a person, disperses the contours of his figure. A similar effect is typical for military camouflage suits of the Soviet era. The ability to disperse the outlines of the silhouette distinguished these patterns from hunting patterns.options for which the main goal is to "merge" the object with the surrounding area.
Soviet developers paid special attention to the correct selection of colors for decorating amoeba-like spots. At the same time, the seasons and the characteristic features of the environment were taken into account. So, for the color of the area inherent in the summer season (grassy green), spots of dark and black colors are ideal. The autumn season is characterized by a yellow or dirty brown background. For him, Soviet technologists picked up dark brown deforming spots.
Both personnel and military equipment were subject to camouflage.
In 1927, Soviet developers of camouflage clothing supplied the military with domestic-made camouflage. This is a white winter suit and a brown summer hoodie.
Post-war development of army camouflage patterns
After the end of the Second World War, the development of camouflage suits went at an accelerated pace. Military designers of camouflage patterns, having considerable experience, realized that the colors of camouflage for the army must be selected taking into account the terrain, since they cannot be universal and suitable for any environment. Camouflage is much more effective if it is chosen both for a specific type of terrain in which hostilities are conducted, and for the season.
What are the colors of camouflage? The photos presented in the article will help you navigate this issue. There are really a lot of options, as you can see.

Central ResearchThe Karbyshev Testing Institute has developed the best military camouflage in the world. The colors of these camouflage suits, despite their unattractive appearance, are perfect for our geographic latitude.
Cold War camouflage
Designers from different countries approach the choice of camouflage patterns in their own way. This is due to the different types of terrain. Military technologists who develop camouflage suits for the army of a particular country take into account the fact that each branch of the military needs its own camouflage. Over time, it can change and improve. The years of the Cold War are considered to be one of the most fruitful periods in the history of the development of the art of disguise. At this time, camouflage attracted particular attention of developers.
Types and colors of the countries of the world
- Europe and America. During the Cold War, the “forest” camouflage was created here. It is ideal for woodland and leafy terrain.
- Central Asia and North Africa. The army of these states uses a type of camouflage suit “desert”.

- Southeast Asia. The military uses jungle camouflage. It is ideal for tropical latitudes.
- South Africa. The country's army has very few options for camouflage suits. This is due to the uniformity of the terrain, on which the “bush” camouflage hoodie is very effective.
Russian camo colors
KZM-P - Until recently, the most common camouflage in Russia. The birch color is its second name, better known than the official one. The pattern has several more names: “golden” and “silver leaf”, “sunny bunny”, “border guard”. The principle of the pattern is the scattering of the contour of a person by simulating the play of light in the drawing. Originally developed back in Soviet times, it was widely used by KGB special forces, paratroopers and border guards.

This was a classic Russian version of camouflage, as it was ideal for the latitudes of the USSR. But over time, after discoveries in the field of camouflage art, the colors of Russian camouflage have changed and are no longer found in their original version. Its “clones” that have appeared are commercial options and have their own circle of admirers among hunters, fishermen and airsoft fans.
NATO version
One of the most common camouflages used by European armies is Woodland (American made). Since 1980, when this camouflage was released, and to the present time in Europe and the USA, it is considered the best. Its popularity led to the appearance of "clones" and their distribution around the world. Woodland is a pattern in the form of spreading spots in two colors: brown and black. They are located on a light and dark green background. The disadvantage of this camouflage appears after it gets wet. When wet, it turns black and becomes noticeable. Recently, the original classic Woodland camouflage variant has been obsolete. This became the reason forits improvement. This is how its variations appeared:
- Basic – General.
- Woodland-lowland camouflage (for lowlands) - it is characterized by a predominance of green.
- Woodland-highland is a variant used for activities in the mountains (it is dominated by a brown tint, the color of the mountains).
- Intermediate sample - Woodland-delta. Used by NATO troops. The countries that are members of the Alliance have adopted the main idea of this camouflage pattern and use similar variations in their country. This is because the armed forces of each state must have their own distinctive camouflage.

The principle of selecting a camouflage pattern
The main criterion for the design of colors and saturation is human vision. In the process of creating colors, the ability of the brain to highlight the contours of objects and recognize them is taken into account. There is an identification process. The smallest ideas about the contours are enough for the human brain to receive information about the object seen. With the help of the displaced corners of the picture and their corresponding colors, perception and identification are distorted - this is the main task that the camouflage suit performs. This principle is applicable to the manufacture of all types of camouflage clothing - military and hunting. At the same time, camouflage designers construct specific pattern patterns for each camouflage, their shapes, sizes, and the degree of contrast of nearby elements of the pattern. They can be bigor small ones. Spots or stripes are applied at an angle of 30 or 60 degrees relative to the visual contours of the object.
Commercial camouflage pattern
Camouflage clothing is applicable not only in military affairs. When hunting or fishing, properly selected camouflage is also indispensable. Camouflage color variations not used for military camouflage suits have found their way into commercial camouflage. Suits, which for some reason were not put into service with the country's army, are actively used by private paramilitary structures - security firms, hunters and fans of tactical games. Camouflages for this category of consumers are produced by private companies in separate factories. Their products are suits, the colors of which are very similar to the army options. But they have one difference - there may be fewer colors in such products or, conversely, more (several additional ones have been added).
Moss camouflage pattern
Hunting is carried out in forest and field conditions. If hunting is planned in the forest, then the choice of camouflage suit depends on whether the forest is deciduous or coniferous. The solution to the problem will be the acquisition of camouflage "moss". Its pattern contains greens and sandy browns, perfectly replicating this plant. This costume has two options:
- Summer. It is used in the warm season. The light natural fabric of the suit is well ventilated.
- Winter. Designed to be worn in cold weather. ATunlike the summer sample, the shades on this camouflage are much darker. This is achieved by additional gray. The brown color that is also available in the summer version is much darker here. The suit is made on the principle of two-layer clothing and is considered good protection against moisture and strong winds. The winter set includes a hood, which is fastened with a zipper. This makes it possible to quickly remove it if necessary. Velcro on the hood allows you to tightly close the neck and head. The pockets are also equipped with Velcro fasteners to prevent loss of contents during vigorous movements. There are drawstrings at the bottom of the legs. This makes it easy to tuck trousers into berets, protects from dust. Moss camouflage is used by fishermen, hunters and tourists.
Pixel Art
The armies of many countries use digital camouflage. These camouflage suits got their name because of the presence of individual pixels that appear during digital computer processing. At the heart of the work on the digital version was taken into account the peculiarity of the human eye to perceive the surrounding objects as a continuous whole. Since there are no interrupted lines in nature, one small fragment is enough for the human brain, from which it later builds the entire image. Pixel patterns, having unnatural and unusual outlines, are used in order to reduce this ability of the brain to “complete” the missing fragments.

To interrupt lines and contours, pixel camouflage was invented. The color names of the "digital" camouflage suits are as follows:
- ACUPAT. Used for fighting in urban areas or rocky deserts.
- CADPAT. Good for a forest belt.
- “Digital Flora”. Used in forest areas. Especially effective if a person moves quickly. In this case, the eye is unable to focus on the object.
Camouflage for armored vehicles and aviation
In addition to protecting personnel, armored vehicles, military or strategically important buildings for the army and aviation are also masked. The procedure for masking by applying a camouflage pattern is not laborious. This will take several hours. The main thing is to follow the instructions: you need to maintain the ratio of spots inherent in each pattern (their sizes and shades). A pattern is only considered camouflage if it contains at least five stripes or spots. However, they must be at least two colors.
The army of the Russian Federation practices aircraft camouflage. For this purpose, pixel two-tone patterns are used. Unlike Russian aviation, the US Air Force does not carry out such a practice. US aircraft are predominantly painted neutral grey. This, according to US military analysts, helps the aircraft to blend in, especially at long ranges, while camouflage against the sky is more likely to attract attention.

Digital patterns are used in the coloring of strategically important military facilities asUS and Russian Armed Forces.
The art of disguise is especially important at the present time. In the conditions of the current level of development of weapons, the lack of camouflage or its defect can lead to serious losses of personnel.