The history of the costume goes back many centuries. How many modifications the pieces of linen, bones, leather have known! And the functions of clothes changed over time: at first it was protection from adverse weather conditions, then it was an indicator of a person’s position in society … Moreover, they covered nudity in different countries in different ways.
What countries are there! Each area has characteristic features in clothing. It depends on various factors: geographical location, neighbors, main industry, lifestyle… For example, Indian sari or Japanese kimono cannot be confused with anything. The loincloths of the Bushmen, Boers and other African tribes are also peculiar. The clothes of the Indians, and the dirndl of the Germans, and the klomps of the Netherlands are also interesting. But the Zaporizhzhya Cossacks are hard not to recognize by their red trousers and vyshyvanka. Attention should also be paid to accessories that can tell a lot about the owner, for example, the presence of war paint, coral beads, many bracelets or a wig. And each costume displayed the history of the country or region.
Clothes of the Cossacks - Don orKuban - is also of interest, just as we are interested in their history, way of life, customs. Let's get acquainted with the costume of the Cossacks, which you will meet now only in films.
Don life
A lot is known about the life of this segment of the population. And everyone is familiar with Sholokhov's epic "Quiet Don", which describes the life of these people. The historian, and even the layman, are interested in traditions and customs. All the little things make up the picture of the life of the Cossacks, about whom we watch films and read books. The Don Cossacks sacredly believed in the forces of nature, and therefore often performed various rituals and conspiracies. Of course, this was mostly done by women. Fortune-telling predetermined fate, and therefore it was useless to resist the decision of the boot, ribbon, hum, bark, ram. The house of the Cossacks combined everything necessary for life and was guarded, according to legend, by a special force contained in the image of a brownie. The respect of parents for the Cossacks is sacred. They also honored their military duty. It is no coincidence that the Cossack today is a praise, a comparison with a real man, a warrior.

Don Cossack uniform
Things for the Cossacks are not just pieces of matter, tailored in a special way. This is an expression of their independence and originality. You can learn about how the Cossacks looked from folklore - songs have always accurately reflected life. So, what did the clothes of the Cossacks look like? Before finding their own style, the Cossacks were full of trophy harem pants, jackets, shirts, hats, and accessories. But then the features of life began to be reflected more and more on the costume.
Everyone knows howcalled the clothes of the Cossacks, or rather, its most colorful element. These are bloomers. They were made from different types of fabric for different ranks and seasons. Blue pants were worn on weekdays. For going to church or on a holiday, only scarlet ones were intended. In general, the color differed depending on age.
Wide trousers were extremely comfortable for participation in hostilities and generally riding a horse. The Cossack was girded with a thin gaschnik - an inconspicuous strap, which, among other things, also supported the wallet. If the pants were considered both wearable and upper, then the situation was different with the shirt. It was made of light canvas. On the collar at the neck, it was decorated with embroidery. A red ribbon girded the hem. A woolen belt was tied at the waist. The shirt was not tucked in. There were also undershirts, which, however, were also decorated with embroidery. The clothes of the Don Cossacks would have lost themselves without the beshmet. Now this element of clothing would be called a jacket, caftan, tunic … He was put on a shirt and worn both at home and in public. It was distinguished by a variety of shapes (long and short floors) and colors: blue, green, gray, white, black, brown, yellow … Like any other element of clothing, the beshmet was belted. Jewelry hung on the belt, weapons clung. The children wore shirts and trousers. When the boy grew up and went to learn a craft or martial art, his clothes more and more resembled bloomers, shirt and beshmet of brothers, father.

What did the Cossacks wear? Cossack and Cossack clothes
The wife guarded the house. clothingCossack women were more diverse than the things worn by their husbands and sons. The main thing was a dress - a cup. Both the poor and the rich could afford it, however, the dresses differed in fabric. Under this camisole dress, shirts were worn, peeking out from the front and from under the puffy sleeves.

You could also wear a wide skirt - warm or light - with a sweater or a shirt with a throat. However, only older daughters who had reached the age of fifteen could afford such attire. The girls, on the other hand, wore linen long shirts and sundresses. The clothes of the Cossack men were more severe, the clothes of the Cossacks were full of all kinds of embroideries, stones, fur and lace inserts. For example, a female beshmet almost did not differ from a male one, the only thing was that it was more feminine, more elegant, and brighter. The main task of the Cossacks was housework, maintenance of the household, raising children in good conscience. The wife also had to be submissive to her husband in everything, and he, in turn, brought her gifts from distant countries, therefore, in early outfits, features of an oriental costume can be traced.
Cossacks wore stripes. This element of bloomers was regarded as an awareness of their belonging to the free kingdom. Cossacks, as you know, freedom-loving, proud, independent people. And it showed up even in clothes. So the stripes were a source of pride, which, however, they tried to ban and even shot for wearing this insignia. Nevertheless, the Cossacks stood their ground and did not give up.

Lifein the Kuban
If the Don Cossacks seemed harsh to us, then the opposite is true with the Kuban ones. Everyone knows the Kuban Cossack choir. Kuban Cossacks gravitated mainly to agriculture. They were dear to the hearth, their own home, family. The memory of various events was also honored, so photographs in traditional houses are not uncommon. In general, like all Cossacks, the Kuban Cossacks had a division of labor between a man and a woman, which was noticeable in a large family. From childhood, boys were taught to love and defend their native land, and girls were taught to take care of the house. The Cossacks revered the day when all work was forbidden - Sunday. Then acquaintances and friends could meet in church and at gatherings, discuss the situation in the country, solve problems, and young people had fun dancing, singing, playing, looking at each other.

Good Cossack
The clothes of the Kuban Cossacks are similar to those of the Don Cossacks. However, she adopted more features from the Caucasian outfits, with the carriers of which the Cossacks lived in the neighborhood and most of the time - in the world. A Circassian was considered a traditional outerwear - like a beshmet. In front, it was fastened with hooks, decorated with silver as richly as possible. The shirt formed the basis of underwear, could be worn out and refueled. Boots are striking in variety. Traditional clothing turned out to be unsuitable on the field of fierce battle, so the Cossacks were given an ordinary military uniform. At parades, they were allowed to wear folk costumes.
Keeper of the hearth
Kuban Cossacks woreembroidered shirts with a round neckline and obligatory embroidery. The skirts were layered. They were also complemented by an apron. Lacquer boots were the dream of any Cossack. After marriage, women always wore a headdress, the appearance in public without which was considered a shame.
Suit today
Cossack clothes, like any other national clothes, were assimilated. European currents penetrated it. Now few people walk around in Cossack clothes - except at festivals. But the clothes of the Don and Kuban Cossacks remain interesting and do not lose their charm, originality, and the spirit of independence. Cossacks still exist today. They still honor traditions and wear traditional uniforms on holidays.