Philosophical lexicon is developing, however, like humanity, words and concepts are used, which should give justification for phenomena occurring in the world. It is quite obvious that, without developing terminology, philosophy would perish as a science. However, one should not think that at this historical stage in the development of mankind, this science has receded into the background, in fact, it is worth recalling Foucault, Steiner, and it immediately becomes obvious that this science needs an update of the terminological dictionary, because there are still many challenges ahead of humanity, which needs to be thought about.
The term "reflection"
Reflection is a comprehensive property of matter, which manifests itself in the ability to reproduce the properties, attributes, signs, accidents of an object that is reflected. There is no doubt that the priority in the use of this word in philosophy belongs to Lenin, but the concept itself has an earlier origin and is found in the works of D. Diderot. Reflection is a feature that depends on the ability of matter to a certain organization, that is, its manifestation in various forms and types. The application of this concept to matter is possible only in connection with the first law of thermodynamics. It follows that reflection is a manifestationdifferent levels of being, both material and metaphysical.
Of course, it is more customary to perceive this phenomenon exclusively as a physical phenomenon. It is not difficult to understand that reflection is just a process of mechanical, chemical deformation, it is more difficult to consider this phenomenon in a metaphysical aspect when it manifests itself in a prepsychic form.

The manifestation of reflection in living organisms
The existence of living beings in space has been the subject of controversy among various thinkers. Since the ancient world, philosophers have thought about the reasons for the origin of life on earth. There were various theories regarding the origin of life and the processes associated with it. The application of this term to philosophy made it possible to re-evaluate and rethink various philosophical concepts of the emergence and development of life in the Universe. So, reflection is an ability that can affect a living being, this phenomenon occurs after the organism of the creature is exposed to external or internal influences. There is no doubt that many scientists and philosophers believe that this ability is basic and exists in any living being. Along with instincts, the ability manifests itself in a prepsychic form.

Introduction to philosophy
Reflection is a philosophy related to the branch of epistemology, which considers knowledge and principles of cognition in space. A huge contribution to the development of the concept of "reflection" as an independent philosophical term was made byIN AND. Lenin. In his writings, he substantiated the possibility of the existence of this concept independently. His works made it possible to consider reflection as the basic principle of dialectical materialist theory. However, this concept caused a number of protests from the revisionists, who insisted that reflection as a principle of the concept expressed in Lenin's writings could not be reliable. In their opinion, the use of this method leads to the infringement and limitation of human nature, creating something more like a doll than an independent individual. After all, suppose that a person does not comprehend the stimuli that arise, but blindly acts according to instincts, his rationality is leveled to the level of an animal, which is guided exclusively by instinctive unconscious activity.