Definition, meaning and function of morality

Definition, meaning and function of morality
Definition, meaning and function of morality

It's hard to find a person who has no idea what morality is. But apparently, far from everyone agrees with its necessity. Perhaps they are really right, and he althy egoism and the desire to fully satisfy all their needs, albeit at the expense of others, is the only right decision? In this article, we will consider the functions of morality, as well as discuss its necessity for the normal development of society as a whole and each person individually. Who knows, maybe everyone would be better off if they could do whatever they wanted without even having a guilty conscience?

morality functions
morality functions

Before proceeding to the study of what are the main functions of morality, you must first define this concept. Morality is a set of norms, assessments and rules that regulate the behavior of people, as well as the interaction between them in various life situations. They arisemost often spontaneously, but take root only if most people find them useful. Considering the essence and functions of morality in society, it is important to understand that its main purpose is to reconcile the personal interests of a person and the needs of society as a whole. Norms offer us a certain stereotype of behavior developed over the course of evolution, which is recognized at this historical stage by the majority of people. The functions of morality reflect its undoubtedly important role in society. In total, there are three of them: regulatory, cognitive and evaluative-imperative. These functions of morality in society were developed in the course of a kind of historical search for the most worthy and humane ways of existence for each individual.

functions of morality in society
functions of morality in society

Regulation of people's behavior with the help of moral norms is unique, because it does not need the creation of certain punitive bodies, but occurs through their assimilation by the child during the educational process. Therefore, despite the fact that the functions of morality are undoubtedly important for the harmonious development of society and each individual, they are far from being performed by everyone. It all depends on the inner beliefs of each individual.

Regulatory function is that morality is a way to control behavior. From childhood, people learn certain useful stereotypes that help them feel comfortable in most life situations. The evaluative function of morality is that all social phenomena are divided into "good" and "evil". By making this for myselfassessment, a person can form his attitude to what is happening and act in one way or another. This helps him in understanding the world around him and systematizing the information received about him.

essence and functions of morality
essence and functions of morality

Many people often confuse such two concepts as "morality" and "morality". But there are significant differences between them, despite the fact that they are both based on high ideals developed by mankind throughout its history. The thing is that morality involves softening the strict imperatives of behavior proposed by morality for their application in real life.
