Krasnostebelny peristolifolia belongs to the family of slantberry and is an exotic aquarium plant. Due to its erratic growth and strong branching, it is considered a good option for containers with viviparous fish. Fry can easily hide in its thickets. Regular pruning is required to prevent the appearance of surface shoots. If there are shrimps in the aquarium, they will easily clean the plant's leaf plate from unwanted suspension.
General information. Habitat
Redstem peristololium is a natural variety of Brazilian peristololium. The homeland of the plant is North America, Cuba, Mexico. In its natural habitat, it grows in deep and shallow water with clean, clear water. If its level is very low, then the plant becomes surface. Depending on the conditions, its appearance is somewhat different:
- In the air, the stem is erect, on which there are rugged, feather-like, green-colored leaves with a glossywater-repellent surface.
- Underwater - sheet plates take on a more elegant look.

Regardless of where it grows, the stem turns brownish-red even in low light, which is a hallmark of this species. Other perennials require bright light.
Red-stemmed perististolium, the photo of which is presented in the article, under growing conditions in an aquarium, can reach a height of fifty centimeters. Depending on the environmental conditions, its stems and leaves take on a variety of colors. From a straight and thin stem, pinkish or brown leaves extend in different directions, resembling hairs or a feather, collected in whorls. Their location is chaotic, normal whorls are rare. The color of the stem is dark red or reddish brown. The stem needs special care, it needs pruning to keep it from becoming an emersed plant.

The root system is poorly developed. The roots creeping along the surface of the soil are long and very thin. The plant has the ability to grow rapidly, to curb which many breed special fish that love to feast on this exotic plant.
The content of red-stemmed peristoli in the aquarium is allowed both free-floating and rooted in the ground. It is planted in groups (two or three bushes) in the background, as it forms dense thickets.
Requirementsto the water
The plant is very thermophilic, so it needs special conditions - a high temperature in the aquarium. For this reason, it cannot be planted with cold-resistant vegetation. In the winter months, the temperature should be around 18, in the summer - 25 degrees. Clean water is also a necessary condition for its maintenance. It is required to change 1/3 of the volume weekly. The following water parameters are considered optimal: acidity - within 6, 2–7, 2; hardness - from 2 to 14 degrees.

Filtration is required, as the plant does not tolerate various suspensions and particles of dirt in the water. They settle on the leaves and interfere with the absorption of nutrients, which can lead to starvation and death. And also spoils the appearance of red-stemmed peristolium (Myriophyllum heterophyllum).
The plant loves light, so good aquarium lighting is a must. For these purposes, fluorescent lamps with a power of 0.4 W / l are suitable. Daylight hours are approximately twelve hours. Thanks to him, the leaf plate has a dark green, and the stem has a dark or brown-red tint.

Lack of light has a detrimental effect on the plant, it becomes pale and strongly stretched. In addition, it should be protected from direct sunlight. When they hit the leaves, the latter lose their attractiveness, brown spots appear on them.
Soil, top dressing
The best soil is coarse river sand with an averagesilting. At the bottom of the aquarium, it is poured up to about three centimeters. However, if there is gravel at the bottom, then the red-stem peristolilist is planted in small pots. Arrange them along the walls.

Despite the fact that this crop does not require additional nutrition, a monthly top dressing with liquid mineral fertilizers and the supply of CO2 is desirable to give splendor and brightness to the bush. And also experienced aquarists advise to dig a clay ball at the roots of the plant. Thanks to him, the plant will have a reliable root system.
Propagation of the red-stemmed peristolist is carried out with the help of cuttings. A young shoot is separated from the mother bush and planted in the ground. There are two ways to do this:
- The plant is not removed from the soil, but the required length is cut from the top of the mother plant. Each cutting must have at least three internodes. After a while, new sprouts will appear.
- They pull the plant out of the ground, cut off the young shoots and plant them back.
Peristolist red stem: reviews
This exotic culture is valued by aquarists for its good decorative qualities. Below are some comments and reviews about this plant:
- with proper care, peristolium forms beautiful thickets;
- this is a rather fragile plant with amazing coloration;
- important to maintain certain water parameters;

- breeds easily;
- very fast growing;
- besides the red stem, there are many other equally interesting types of peristolin;
- necessary to maintain the ideal purity of the water in the aquarium.
Other types of peristolium
Several varieties of this unusual plant are known. Consider some of them:
- Christmas tree - unpretentious in care, releases a large amount of oxygen. It got its name for strongly dissected leaves with needles, which reach a length of five centimeters. Its color is from light green to bluish.
- Brazilian is a very beautiful plant with bright green leaves in bunches. The leaves curl up in the dark and open up in the light.
- Matogrossky green - forms openwork thickets in the aquarium, which look advantageous against the background of other plants.
- Matogrossky red - red leaves are finely dissected and collected in small bunches. Due to the bright light, they have a golden hue.
Diversity is considered a distinctive feature of pinnates, i.e. the leaves located above the water differ from those that are immersed in water. Plants of all kinds are very beautiful and have different colors. At home, dark red, emerald or rich green species are most often grown. A lush and tall bush takes its rightful place in the aquarium composition.
Redstem peristula: problems faced by aquarists
Aquarium plants are the link inmaintaining biological balance. They need good maintenance, attention and care. Whether an experienced aquarist or a beginner, both are capable of encountering some challenges when growing plants. If this happens, then you should pay attention to:
- Lighting - when choosing it, be sure to take into account the height of the aquarium. Peristolist is picky about good lighting.
- The amount of supplied CO2 is the main building material for plant cells. The optimal concentration of gas in an aquarium with this exotic culture is 15–30 mg/l.
- Daylight regime - it should be twelve hours.

- The presence or absence of dressings - a lack, like an overabundance, is harmful to the plant. Fertilizers are needed in small quantities. However, if there are too many of them, then this is easy to fix by changing the water. And the disadvantage can be compensated by additional application of complex fertilizer.
- Water parameters - the intensity of fertilizer consumption by plants, in particular, CO2, depends on the level of acidity. And since this type of peristolist prefers an acidic environment and hard water, it is considered optimal to maintain acidity in the region of 6–7.
- Soil quality - may not match this type of plant.
Thanks to the plants in the aquarium, a biological balance is created, they not only create a beautiful background, but also saturate the water with oxygen. pinnatered stem has good decorative qualities. It grows rapidly and forms beautiful lacy thickets. Therefore, it is readily used to decorate aquariums. They plant it both in the background and around the entire perimeter. Bright and long lighting favorably affects the plant. It becomes bright and strong. The inhabitants of the aquarium, both small and large, will easily find a safe haven in the thickets of pinifolia bushes.