Common iguana: description, photo, conditions in captivity

Common iguana: description, photo, conditions in captivity
Common iguana: description, photo, conditions in captivity

Pets are different: someone loves affectionate and graceful cats, someone likes the devotion and loy alty of dogs. Many people like to watch underwater inhabitants for hours or listen to the sonorous voices of birds. And exotic lovers prefer the company of reptiles, one of which is our today's heroine - an ordinary green iguana.


The species Iguana-iguana belongs to the genus Real iguanas of the Iguana family. The homeland of this large lizard is Mexico, from where the species spread and today is widely represented in South and Central America, it was also introduced to Florida.

Common iguana prefers to settle in tropical rainforests and dense thickets on the banks of rivers. This is an arboreal species of reptile, and therefore they spend most of their lives on trees.

common iguana
common iguana

Common iguana description

Today, this lizard is increasingly seen in home terrariums. Iguana ordinary (photo you can see inarticle) is a large animal. An adult reaches a length of 1.5 meters (with a tail), although real giants are often found - up to two meters or more. The size of the lizard depends on age and gender: males are much larger than females. What does the common green iguana look like? Photos published in various publications for naturalists demonstrate how diverse representatives of this species are.

Some individuals have thickened skin protrusions located on the upper part of the nose. They are small, barely noticeable, and can reach huge sizes. Some lizards may have several such "horns". The diversity of the species is also manifested in the color of these lizards. Although they are called green, in fact they are not always so. An ordinary iguana can be painted in a wide variety of shades of green: from saturated to very light. Inclusions of various shades of blue are allowed.

common green iguana
common green iguana

In nature, there are also rare representatives of the species, with a color that differs from most animals of this species.

Brown iguanas

This is a common iguana, the description of which in reference books confirms that this lizard can be tan, brown or cream in color. Sometimes such a shade may be unnatural, but caused by stress or illness of the animal.

Blue lizards

This common iguana comes from Peru. The rich turquoise skin color distinguishes these lizards. The iris of the eyes of such individuals is usually reddish-brown. All over the body, tail, inskin folds are thin black stripes.

Blue color can be in very young ordinary animals, but with age it changes to green.

Red morpha

In nature, this color does not exist: it is obtained artificially. The common red morph iguana acquires this skin color due to nutritional characteristics. Animals are fed with pigmented natural fruits and vegetables - red bell pepper, for example, or artificially pigmented fish food (for parrot fish). Naturally, these products do not replace the main diet, but are only a supplement.

common red iguana
common red iguana

Don't be scared if the common iguana changes color at home. These lizards change it during their life, and it depends on their condition and conditions of detention. Juveniles change color during molting, adults can change color under the influence of temperatures: if the animal is cold, its color darkens, and in the heat it turns pale. Most males change their color a few months before the mating season. Wave-like bright orange stripes appear on their body at the chin, on the body and paws, on the spikes.

But if your pet's color turns dark grey, dark brown, yellow or black, you need to see a specialist to identify the reasons for this change, since in most cases this can be a sign of an animal illness or unfavorable conditions. With good care for this reptile, its life expectancy averages up to 12 years, although there are also centenarians who live up to 18 years.

common iguana photo
common iguana photo


The common iguana is a diurnal animal. It is active in the morning and evening (before sunset). At this time, in natural conditions, the lizard climbs trees, where it enjoys basking in the sun. This is necessary for reptiles to produce vitamin D and thermoregulate.

The common iguana is not only an excellent tree climber, he is also a first-class swimmer. It is water that saves the lizard in case of danger. Under the conditions of keeping a green iguana, the owner will be surprised by the calm and docile nature of an unusual pet.

what does an ordinary green iguana look like photo
what does an ordinary green iguana look like photo

You can tame a young lizard by holding it often: it gets used to it pretty quickly and becomes tame.

Containment conditions

To keep an iguana you will need a vertical type terrarium. For a young animal, a small container, 45x45x60 cm in size, is suitable. But since this type of lizard grows quite quickly, after six months your pet will barely fit in your home and will need to be replaced.

It would seem that you can immediately purchase a more spacious terrarium, but experts believe that a young lizard feels more confident and secure in a smaller volume. Under such conditions, it will be much easier to tame her.

common iguana at home
common iguana at home

For an adult, the terrarium should be spacious so that the animal does notonly completely fit, but there was still room for a pool, which is vital for green iguanas. The minimum size for an adult is 80x70x120 cm.

Terrarium decoration

According to experienced owners, the best option for covering the floor of a terrarium is a rubber lawn mat. It will not only give a more attractive look, but also allow you to keep the lizard's house clean: it will not start microorganisms that can harm your pet's he alth. Before placing such a rug, it should be washed and well ventilated so that the reptile is not irritated by extraneous odors.

You will also need a spacious pool, since it is in the water that the reptile defecates. For this reason, the water must be cleaned and changed regularly. Lighting for a green iguana is considered comfortable daylight hours of at least twelve hours. Try to imitate circadian rhythms. In this case, the reptile will feel more comfortable in captivity.

common iguana food
common iguana food

A mandatory condition for keeping an iguana at home is a fluorescent lamp with a UVB emitter. This simple device will help the lizard produce the vitamin D it needs. On warm and sunny days, the terrarium can be taken outside to allow the lizard to enjoy natural sunlight. But at the same time, direct rays should not fall on it, since the glass will get very hot and change the microclimate of the terrarium.


For the green iguana, a multi-level temperature regime is very important. This is because reptilescold-blooded. The general temperature in the terrarium should not fall below +28 °C, at the warming point this figure increases to +35 °C, and at night it can drop to +20 °C. The lamp at the warm point should be placed at a safe distance (20 cm) above the top branch in the terrarium. The water temperature in the pool is not higher than +25 °С.


Like most tropical animals, iguanas need at least 80% humidity. To achieve this level, you can place an aquarium heater (previously well insulated) in the pool: it will maintain the required temperature of the water and create evaporation that will help maintain humidity. In addition, you should spray the terrarium with warm water three times a day.


Green iguana eats dandelion leaves, clover, lettuce, loves various fruits. Vegetables are cooler, although this largely depends on the taste preferences of your lizard. It is not recommended to give cabbage to your exotic pet. It is advisable to add germinated mung bean, especially when rearing offspring, as it is rich in protein.

common iguana breeding
common iguana breeding

While the lizard is young, it can be pampered with insects (in small quantities). For this fit crickets, zofobas. The salad, which is 70% leafy greens and the remaining 30% chopped vegetables and fruits, will be a delight for your common iguana to eat. Nutrition in the life of this reptile is of great importance, but do not forget about vitamins: they should be given twice a week. Put interrarium feeder with crushed shell or eggshell: this treat will be a source of calcium.

Common iguana breeding

Green iguanas reach sexual maturity between one and a half and three years of age. You will know that the mating season is approaching by the changed color. In males, the mating season lasts about a month, and in females no more than ten days.

After mating, the female carries and then lays eggs for two months. It is advisable to transplant the females into a separate terrarium during this period. The clutch consists of 40 or more eggs. It is removed and transferred to an incubator with a temperature of +32 °C. Babies are born after 90 days. During the period of gestation, the female needs a lot of calcium and protein food.
