
What is a placoid scale?

What is a placoid scale?

Last modified: 2025-01-23 09:01

Placoid scales are characteristic of fossil fish that died out tens, and some hundreds of thousands of years ago. However, in our time there are representatives of the underwater world, who still have a similar skin. You can learn about which fish still have placoid scales, about its structure, as well as other interesting facts from this article

Kalanchoe: the birthplace of the plant and the necessary composition of the soil

Kalanchoe: the birthplace of the plant and the necessary composition of the soil

Last modified: 2025-01-23 09:01

Very often on the windowsills among a variety of indoor flowers you can find Kalanchoe. This plant is native to Madagascar and South Africa. Kalanchoe is not only distinguished by its beautiful appearance, but also by its extraordinary healing properties

Rare and unusual natural phenomena: photo, description

Rare and unusual natural phenomena: photo, description

Last modified: 2025-01-23 09:01

Our world is fraught with many unusual natural phenomena. There are those that are easily explained, but there are those that even modern science cannot understand. In this article, we will consider in more detail the second part of them

The most beautiful nation according to the inhabitants of the planet

The most beautiful nation according to the inhabitants of the planet

Last modified: 2025-01-23 09:01

Although some are of the opinion that their own nation is the most beautiful, there are certain standards of attractiveness in the world. The most beautiful nation is determined by polling hundreds of thousands of people on the planet with different tastes and concepts of beauty

Volcano Tambora. Eruption of Mount Tambora in 1815

Volcano Tambora. Eruption of Mount Tambora in 1815

Last modified: 2025-01-23 09:01

Description of a natural disaster in Indonesia that affected the climate of many regions of the Earth, causing the so-called "year without summer" in Europe

Natural objects of Russia. Unique natural objects of Russia: list

Natural objects of Russia. Unique natural objects of Russia: list

Last modified: 2025-01-23 09:01

This article will not only tell about the unique natural objects of Russia, the reader will get to know his native land in more detail, reopening its corners and actually marveling at what he saw

Reservoirs of Russia: list, description, economic importance

Reservoirs of Russia: list, description, economic importance

Last modified: 2025-01-23 09:01

Reservoirs are reservoirs created by human hands with the help of dams in the river valley, which serve to collect and retain water masses. More than 1200 such structures have been built in our country

El Hupsi is a charming blue beauty. El Hupsi: description, reproduction, care

El Hupsi is a charming blue beauty. El Hupsi: description, reproduction, care

Last modified: 2025-01-23 09:01

Hupsi spruce has gained particular popularity among coniferous trees used for decoration. This variety was bred in America back in 1922. Since then, Hupsi has become a worthy decoration of many landscapes in Europe

Gnus is What insects hide behind this name?

Gnus is What insects hide behind this name?

Last modified: 2025-01-23 09:01

All small dipteran insects that feed on human blood are collectively called midges. It can be both mosquitoes and various midges, midges, horseflies. They drink not only human blood, they also like the red liquid of warm-blooded animals

Teal-crackling: lifestyle, reproduction, photo

Teal-crackling: lifestyle, reproduction, photo

Last modified: 2025-01-23 09:01

The crackling teal belongs to one of the smallest duck varieties. This bird usually eschews people, so studying its habits and lifestyle in natural conditions is not easy for scientists. However, some data was still collected

Blue Hole (Red Sea, Egypt): description. "Diving Cemetery"

Blue Hole (Red Sea, Egypt): description. "Diving Cemetery"

Last modified: 2025-01-23 09:01

The Blue Hole (Red Sea, Egypt) is one of the most dangerous vertical sea caves on the planet, for which it received its second name "Diver's Cemetery". It can be called "Everest" for divers - it is both beautiful and scary

Grodno Zoo: when to visit and who you can see

Grodno Zoo: when to visit and who you can see

Last modified: 2025-01-23 09:01

Several decades ago, the first zoo appeared in Belarus. Grodno at first had only a botanical garden on its territory, and then part of it was taken away for animals. So in 1927, the Grodno Zoological Park, the most famous in our time, arose and began to gradually develop, in which now there are more than 3,000 individuals, representing more than 300 species of animals

Medicinal black root: description, application, cultivation and reviews

Medicinal black root: description, application, cultivation and reviews

Last modified: 2025-01-23 09:01

Medicinal black root is one of more than 80 representatives of the genus Black root, which is part of the Borage family. As soon as they don’t call it among the people: rat racer, scrofulous grass, night blindness, burdock, lihodeyka, bone crusher, live grass, etc. The appearance of the plant cannot be called attractive, so it is grown only to repel rodents and insects. For centuries, the healing properties of this poisonous plant have been used in the treatment of many diseases

Common pheasant: description, nutrition, reproduction and interesting facts

Common pheasant: description, nutrition, reproduction and interesting facts

Last modified: 2025-01-23 09:01

Common pheasant was first discovered in the territory of the ancient Caucasus. Hence its second name is the Caucasian pheasant. It is not known for certain how, but the bird was brought to other countries, and today it can be found in many parts of the world

Mountain turkey or Caucasian snowcock. Where does the mountain turkey live, photos and basic information

Mountain turkey or Caucasian snowcock. Where does the mountain turkey live, photos and basic information

Last modified: 2025-01-23 09:01

Mountain turkey is a bird not familiar to everyone. She lives far from everywhere, so there are few of those who saw her with their own eyes. The Caucasian ular, the so-called mountain turkey in a different way, looks like a domestic chicken, and a little like a partridge. It is the largest bird in the pheasant family

Field larkspur: description and application

Field larkspur: description and application

Last modified: 2025-01-23 09:01

Nature has given us a lot so that we can maintain or improve our he alth if necessary. You just need to learn how to skillfully use its priceless gifts. A plant called "larkspur" is one such gift. With its help, the digestive tract, kidneys, eyes and other organs and systems of the body are treated

Common mole rat: description and photo

Common mole rat: description and photo

Last modified: 2025-01-23 09:01

The common mole rat is completely devoid of sight, instead it has tactile hairs, a well-developed sense of smell and hearing. This animal is quite enough for a normal life, during which he almost never sees sunlight. For many land owners, the mole rat has become a real punishment, because it is able to dig up the entire landing area and even affect the stability of the buildings located there

Why do doves nod their heads when walking? A clue in biology

Why do doves nod their heads when walking? A clue in biology

Last modified: 2025-01-23 09:01

Why, when walking, doves nod their heads - a question that, probably, each of us has asked ourselves at least once. But for many, he, along with other questions about the life of these birds, is still a mystery. Let's try to figure out why pigeons have such a funny walk

Oak leaf in nature, design, heraldry and literature

Oak leaf in nature, design, heraldry and literature

Last modified: 2025-01-23 09:01

“There is a green oak near Lukomorye”… Many people associate their childhood with these words, a fabulously magical journey into the world of Pushkin's poetry. And what other associations can arise in connection with the mention of the phrase "oak leaf"?

Appaloosa horse breed: photo, description. Appaloosa horse: leopard, bay

Appaloosa horse breed: photo, description. Appaloosa horse: leopard, bay

Last modified: 2025-01-23 09:01

The breathtaking Appaloosa horse is one of the most recognizable horses in the world. She gained her popularity not only due to her impressive color, which gives her exceptional beauty, but also to her talents, as a result of which she can perform in almost any kind of equestrian sport

Pasture tick. Development cycle of the pasture mite

Pasture tick. Development cycle of the pasture mite

Last modified: 2025-01-23 09:01

Blood-sucking mites live almost everywhere. They can lie in wait for their prey in the forest, in the field, on pastures, as well as in rooms where animals are kept. Despite the diversity of species, it is the pasture tick that poses the greatest threat to humans, which sticks to the body imperceptibly and painlessly. As a result, the person may not even be aware of the bite

Tick habitat in nature

Tick habitat in nature

Last modified: 2025-01-23 09:01

When gathering for vacations, the biggest problem remains the issue of protection against ticks. This is due to the fact that their bites can lead to irreversible changes in the human body, causing disability or, even worse, leading to death

Where does wild rose grow and what are its properties?

Where does wild rose grow and what are its properties?

Last modified: 2025-01-23 09:01

Probably, every person at least once in his life saw wild rose bushes, or, as it is popularly called, wild roses, because it really belongs to the Rosaceae family. Thanks to a number of useful properties that contain both fruits and rosehip flowers, you can not only significantly strengthen the immune system, but also cure many diseases

Wrestler - a plant of the Buttercup family

Wrestler - a plant of the Buttercup family

Last modified: 2025-01-23 09:01

The aconite plant (wrestler as it is sometimes called) looks great when planted together with most garden flowers. Wrestlers pose the greatest danger to farm animals, especially during the flowering period, because even if dried, they do not lose their poisonous properties

The most common fresh water plants

The most common fresh water plants

Last modified: 2025-01-23 09:01

All over the world there are thousands of rivers, lakes and swamps, the vegetation in which impresses with its diversity. At the same time, some plants can exist not only above the surface of the water, but also below it. All plants of freshwater reservoirs are unique, but despite the fact that it is still typical for most of them to grow in certain types of reservoirs, there are also such varieties that feel great in any fresh water

Cyclops crustaceans: structure, nutrition, coloration, reproduction, breeding, significance for humans, interesting facts, representatives, photos

Cyclops crustaceans: structure, nutrition, coloration, reproduction, breeding, significance for humans, interesting facts, representatives, photos

Last modified: 2025-01-23 09:01

Cyclops belong to the family of copepods. Entering the crustacean class, the cyclops has a unique body structure that significantly distinguishes it from other representatives

Wild nature of Ukraine. Natural monuments of Ukraine

Wild nature of Ukraine. Natural monuments of Ukraine

Last modified: 2025-01-23 09:01

Having visited Ukraine at least once, it is impossible to remain indifferent to its natural we alth, and given the harmony and beauty of the opening views, one gets the impression that Ukrainians were lucky enough to live in paradise. The nature of Ukraine is the main asset of the country. Most of the territory is occupied not only by forests, but also by untouched corners of nature, where you can relax not only with your body, but also with your soul

Black Sea salmon. Habitats, fishing, fishing

Black Sea salmon. Habitats, fishing, fishing

Last modified: 2025-01-23 09:01

Black Sea salmon is familiar to fishing enthusiasts, like brown trout or laurel. It was once widespread in the range of the Azov and Black Seas, but is now rare. The number of this fish was especially reduced in Azov. Despite the fact that measures are being taken to restore the population, it continues to decline steadily. This type of fish is included in the Red Book, illegal fishing is suppressed, but today the situation has not changed

Gray warbler: description, habitat, reproduction and keeping at home

Gray warbler: description, habitat, reproduction and keeping at home

Last modified: 2025-01-23 09:01

Warblers are considered one of the largest families of songbirds. These birds prefer to build their nests in dense thickets of grass and shrubs. They mostly live in forest-steppe and steppe zones. Warblers, mockingbirds and warblers are also included in the warbler family

Shrub dog: lifestyle and photos

Shrub dog: lifestyle and photos

Last modified: 2025-01-23 09:01

The bush dog, the photo of which is now in front of you, is an extremely secretive animal. Its history began in a very unusual way. Once scientists managed to find the remains of a hitherto unknown animal, they decided, of course, that these were the bones of an extinct creature, and gave it the name "cave dog". What was the surprise of zoologists when the same cave dog was discovered in the tropical forests of South America, which was listed as extinct from the face of the Earth

The world of amazing animals. Marsupial moles: lifestyle, species description, structural characteristics

The world of amazing animals. Marsupial moles: lifestyle, species description, structural characteristics

Last modified: 2025-01-23 09:01

What are marsupial moles? Characteristics and description of the species. What do marsupial moles eat? Habitat

Epishura crustacean: description, features and interesting facts

Epishura crustacean: description, features and interesting facts

Last modified: 2025-01-23 09:01

Baikal is a wonderful lake of exceptional purity. To what or to whom does the lake owe its peculiarity? They say that after two or three days it is useless to look for a drowned man in Baikal. It turns out that a small, barely noticeable to the eye, copepods lives in the lake. He is surprisingly efficient, and his genus is numerous. Thanks to him, the water is filtered at a very high speed. Chistyulya does not tolerate excess that is carried out by rivers, thrown from ships, or enters the lake in any other way

Each odd-toed ungulate is priceless, and humanity can save the remaining species

Each odd-toed ungulate is priceless, and humanity can save the remaining species

Last modified: 2025-01-23 09:01

Despite the fact that the odd-toed animal and its artiodactyl counterpart belong to the same group, which is called the superorder Ungulates, there are many significant differences between them. The main thing is that people exterminated most of the first detachment

Giant salamander (gigantic): description, dimensions

Giant salamander (gigantic): description, dimensions

Last modified: 2025-01-23 09:01

The gigantic giant salamander is the largest tailed amphibian in the world and lives in China and Japan. From this article you can learn a lot of interesting things about this animal, which is currently on the verge of extinction

Synthetic stones. Zirconium - a gemstone substitute

Synthetic stones. Zirconium - a gemstone substitute

Last modified: 2025-01-23 09:01

Nowadays, not all people can afford to buy jewelry with real gems, therefore, in order to reduce the cost of jewelry, some manufacturers use synthetic stones as inserts. Zirconium is the most common of them

The passenger pigeon is an example of human folly

The passenger pigeon is an example of human folly

Last modified: 2025-01-23 09:01

The main habitat of this amazing bird was North America. The passenger pigeon got its name because of the habit of moving in flocks from place to place in search of food. Having eaten everything in one area, the flock rose into the sky, flying to another forest. The birds mainly fed on tree seeds, acorns, nuts and chestnuts. They settled in huge colonies, numbering up to one billion individuals

Steller's cow - an extinct species of the siren squad

Steller's cow - an extinct species of the siren squad

Last modified: 2025-01-23 09:01

Steller's cow, or rather the story of its extermination, has become a vivid example of human cruelty and shortsightedness, because with the speed with which this mammal was destroyed, not a single living creature on Earth was destroyed

Marsupial wolf: photo and description

Marsupial wolf: photo and description

Last modified: 2025-01-23 09:01

The marsupial wolf is an extinct animal that lived in Australia and New Guinea three thousand years ago. In Tasmania, the last individual disappeared from the face of the earth in 1936. It is believed that thylacine has never attacked a person. Juveniles even succumbed to domestication

Kimberlite diamond pipe is the largest diamond quarry. First kimberlite pipe

Kimberlite diamond pipe is the largest diamond quarry. First kimberlite pipe

Last modified: 2025-01-23 09:01

Kimberlite pipe is a vertical or close to such a geological body, which was formed as a result of a breakthrough through the earth's crust of gases. This pillar is truly gigantic in size. The kimberlite pipe has a shape that resembles a huge carrot or a glass. Its upper part is a giant bulge of a conical shape, but with depth it gradually narrows and finally turns into a vein

The Gulf Stream stops. Is humanity facing a catastrophe?

The Gulf Stream stops. Is humanity facing a catastrophe?

Last modified: 2025-01-23 09:01

The consequences of the fact that the Gulf Stream stops, can be very deplorable for the whole world. There is an opinion that the US and Europe are already in full swing preparing for the start of a new ice age