
Lily of the valley tree: description, planting, cultivation, reviews

Lily of the valley tree: description, planting, cultivation, reviews

Last modified: 2025-01-23 09:01

The lily-of-the-valley tree or, in other words, the Carolina galesia, is a delicate and beautiful plant that can delight the gaze of the gardener who planted it. The main thing is to follow some rules of care

Purple willow in medicine and landscaping

Purple willow in medicine and landscaping

Last modified: 2025-01-23 09:01

Purple willow is a wonderful ornamental plant that inspires poets and passionate lovers. Many are well aware of its amazing healing properties

Eels: fish that amaze the imagination

Eels: fish that amaze the imagination

Last modified: 2025-01-23 09:01

The European eel is one of the most unusual fish that can only be found on our planet. Throughout their lives, they undergo so many amazing metamorphoses and overcome such distances that their feats are amazing. You can start with the fact that eels are fish that live in fresh water, but breed in the ocean

Reproduction of mushrooms. Mushroom propagation methods

Reproduction of mushrooms. Mushroom propagation methods

Last modified: 2025-01-23 09:01

We used to call mushrooms mushrooms and boletus mushrooms, which look great on a table served for dinner. But we talk about their real nature only in botany lessons or in the case of rare “near-scientific” conversations. The structure, mode of existence, and even more so the reproduction of mushrooms for the majority of the population remain "a secret covered in darkness." Yes, it's a special issue. Nevertheless, it is desirable for an educated person to have a minimal idea of u200bu200beverything. Is not it?

Angora hamsters are little fluffies in the house

Angora hamsters are little fluffies in the house

Last modified: 2025-01-23 09:01

Recently, Angora hamsters have been especially popular. These cute fluffy creatures immediately attract attention. Many people think that this is a separate type of rodent, but it is not. Long-haired animals are just a variety of Syrian hamsters

Syrian hamsters: classification, description and care

Syrian hamsters: classification, description and care

Last modified: 2025-01-23 09:01

Syrian hamsters were bred from wild relatives found in Syria. They are noticeably larger than Dzungarian babies, with the size of their bodies they rather resemble large guinea pigs

What do hedgehogs eat? Interesting Facts

What do hedgehogs eat? Interesting Facts

Last modified: 2025-01-23 09:01

Hedgehogs are always welcome guests in our gardens. These are funny and very cute creatures with needles everywhere except for the belly, muzzle and paws. Hedgehogs are shunned by almost all predators, as they have the ability to curl up in a ball so that the spines protect exposed areas of the body. A strong ring muscle keeps the needles "on end"

What does a cricket eat in nature and in human habitation?

What does a cricket eat in nature and in human habitation?

Last modified: 2025-01-23 09:01

About what the cricket eats, where it lives and how it can serve a person, this material tells. Perhaps it will be of help to those who decide to keep these insects at home, in the insectarium

The most unusual places on Earth. Unusual places near Moscow. Unusual places of the world

The most unusual places on Earth. Unusual places near Moscow. Unusual places of the world

Last modified: 2025-01-23 09:01

The world we live in is full of mysteries and mysteries. In this article we will consider the most unusual places on Earth, we will also touch on the territory of Russia

European mink: such a small and such a valuable animal

European mink: such a small and such a valuable animal

Last modified: 2025-01-23 09:01

The European mink is a small crafty animal that is on the verge of extinction and is listed in the Red Book. No one can accurately indicate the reason for the disappearance of this cute creature from its usual places. Some scientists sin at hydroelectric power plants, because minks live near reservoirs, but their numbers have declined already at the beginning of the last century, and then there were no power plants

Musk ox: lifestyle features

Musk ox: lifestyle features

Last modified: 2025-01-23 09:01

The musk ox (Ovibos moschatus), also known as the musk ox, is the only member of the bovid family that remains today. Despite such a significant size, this animal has a closer relationship not with cows, but with goats and sheep

Steppe ferret: photo and description, behavior, reproduction. Why is the steppe ferret listed in the Red Book?

Steppe ferret: photo and description, behavior, reproduction. Why is the steppe ferret listed in the Red Book?

Last modified: 2025-01-23 09:01

Who is the steppe ferret? A photo of this funny furry animal can melt the most callous heart. There are many myths about ferrets - they say that they are cruel robbers of chicken coops. But small predators are also bred in captivity - and not only in fur farms for the sake of fur. They took the same place as dogs and cats. People are increasingly breeding them as playful and affectionate pets

Crucian fish - habits and features

Crucian fish - habits and features

Last modified: 2025-01-23 09:01

Slaves crucian carp is capricious in catching and behaves like a bream on a bite. Laying the float on the water and pulling it a little to the side, she immediately begins to drown it. Moreover, it is not necessary to cut it sharply and lead it to the shore immediately. In a panic, she can break the tackle. You need to take her out of the water a little and give her a breath of air

The biggest wild cat in the world: description, habitat, features, sizes, photos

The biggest wild cat in the world: description, habitat, features, sizes, photos

Last modified: 2025-01-23 09:01

Our planet is inhabited by 37 species of representatives of the Feline family. Most of them are large animals, predators. Lions and tigers, panthers and cougars, leopards and cheetahs are considered the largest wild cats in the world. Representatives of this large family have distinctive features in behavior, color, habitat, etc

Black mamba. living conditions

Black mamba. living conditions

Last modified: 2025-01-23 09:01

The black mamba is a snake that lives in the African equatorial forests. You can meet her on the southeast coast of Africa (more often in the south of the continent, in the latitudes of Lake Titicaca). She lives everywhere except Namibia and South Africa. She managed to adapt to all climatic zones. These are savannahs, and forests, and rocks, and swamps

Milk snake is an amazing beauty

Milk snake is an amazing beauty

Last modified: 2025-01-23 09:01

The milk snake is a reptile that is very easy to keep in captivity, so it is often found in terrariums - both at home and in zoos. At the bottom of the terrarium for her, it is best to put moss, sawdust, coconut flakes. Since these snakes love water and prefer damp places, having a pool is a must

Reticulated python: photo, sizes

Reticulated python: photo, sizes

Last modified: 2025-01-23 09:01

The reticulated python is a snake that claims to be the largest reptile. Its maximum documented length to date is 7.5 m. The python is a non-poisonous animal that often inhabits home terrariums, as well as zoos and exotic exhibitions

Already ordinary: description and photo

Already ordinary: description and photo

Last modified: 2025-01-23 09:01

The ordinary snake is a non-venomous snake, one of the most common representatives of the class of reptiles. It is typical for regions with a temperate climate both in our country and in Eurasia as a whole. The article will give a detailed description of this reptile, talk about its habitats, dietary habits and lifestyle, and also explain the ways in which you can distinguish between a viper and an ordinary snake

Common seal: appearance, habitat, natural enemies

Common seal: appearance, habitat, natural enemies

Last modified: 2025-01-23 09:01

The common seal is one of those few inhabitants of our planet who prefer cold to heat. In fact, that is why they can only be found in remote snowy regions. Because of this, for a long time, scientists could not study these animals properly. And only now, when progress has stepped far forward, their amazing life in the natural environment has opened up to us

Description of black fish

Description of black fish

Last modified: 2025-01-23 09:01

Description of fish black live-eater. The structure of the mouth of the living throat. How does a fish find its prey? Why is it dangerous to be "greedy"

Ancient reptiles. rebirth

Ancient reptiles. rebirth

Last modified: 2025-01-23 09:01

Several hundred million years ago, ancient reptiles or dinosaurs dominated the Earth - the crown of creation of that time! They occupied everything: land, water, air! These were the absolute leaders of wildlife

Mysterious constellation Pisces

Mysterious constellation Pisces

Last modified: 2025-01-23 09:01

The constellation Pisces is one of the most famous constellations of the zodiac, it is in it that the vernal equinox point is located. It consists of two parts - they are traditionally called Northern Fish and Western Fish. By the way, the Western Fish is sometimes called its other, Arabic, name - the Crown

The Khimki forest: ups and downs around the construction of the new M-11 Moscow-Petersburg highway

The Khimki forest: ups and downs around the construction of the new M-11 Moscow-Petersburg highway

Last modified: 2025-01-23 09:01

Since 2007, a serious conflict has flared up around the Khimki forest in connection with the construction of the Moscow-Petersburg regional highway, part of which subsequently ran through the vegetation. Many organizations were involved in the problem, the society split into two camps: some supported, others opposed the construction of the route

"Land of the Leopard" - a national park in Primorsky Krai

"Land of the Leopard" - a national park in Primorsky Krai

Last modified: 2025-01-23 09:01

The deplorable situation in which the population of the Far Eastern leopard and other species of plants and animals from the Red Book living in the Primorsky Territory found themselves forced the scientific community, the public and government officials to radically approach this issue. As a result, the "Land of the Leopard" was established

Lake Tiberias is the largest source of fresh water. Sights of Lake Tiberias

Lake Tiberias is the largest source of fresh water. Sights of Lake Tiberias

Last modified: 2025-01-23 09:01

Lake of Tiberias (Sea of Galilee - its other name) in Israel is most often called Kinnerit. Its coast is one of the lowest land areas on the planet (in relation to the level of the World Ocean). According to legend, 2 thousand years ago, Jesus Christ read sermons on its banks, resurrected the dead and healed the suffering. Also, it was there that he walked on water. The lake is the main freshwater source for all of Israel

What is the sea like? Sea classifications

What is the sea like? Sea classifications

Last modified: 2025-01-23 09:01

Known classifications of the seas: by proximity to the oceans, isolation from them, by degree of salinity, temperature and bends of the coastline

Orenburg Reserve: plants and animals, historical and archaeological sites

Orenburg Reserve: plants and animals, historical and archaeological sites

Last modified: 2025-01-23 09:01

The Orenburg Nature Reserve is one of the largest protected areas in the country. The tasks that are carried out on its territory helped to preserve many of the rarest representatives of flora and fauna

Bob is the name of the fruit of plants of the legume family and individual plants. The difference between beans and beans

Bob is the name of the fruit of plants of the legume family and individual plants. The difference between beans and beans

Last modified: 2025-01-23 09:01

Almost every person has seen representatives of the legume family in his life. These are plants that are united by a list of special features. Bean is the name of the fruit of plants of the legume family and at the same time an individual plant

Where is the Sestra River located? Description and reviews of fishing

Where is the Sestra River located? Description and reviews of fishing

Last modified: 2025-01-23 09:01

Among the numerous reservoirs of the Leningrad Region, the small river Sestra flows along the Karelian Isthmus. It begins in the swamps of the Lembolovskaya Upland, flows into an artificially created lake called the Sestroretsky Razliv. The length of the river, including its sources, is less than 90 km

Smelt is a useful fish

Smelt is a useful fish

Last modified: 2025-01-23 09:01

Smelt is a fish with small, delicate scales that fall off very easily. She also has an elongated body, a mouth with an elongated jaw and many large teeth. This fish is very beautiful. The sides are silvery with a bluish tint, and the back is brownish-green and slightly translucent

Yellow alfalfa: characteristics, description, useful properties

Yellow alfalfa: characteristics, description, useful properties

Last modified: 2025-01-23 09:01

The richness of the flora of our country never ceases to amaze everyone who is interested in it. A plant such as yellow alfalfa is a unique set of properties widely used in agronomy, it will be useful in any household. What you need to know about alfalfa More on this in the article below

Tool fish and its types

Tool fish and its types

Last modified: 2025-01-23 09:01

In nature, there are many representatives of the water world, honored to bear interesting names corresponding to a particular type of activity or subject. As you might guess, the article will focus on those whose nicknames have names similar to the names of some instruments

The frilled shark is a surviving fossil

The frilled shark is a surviving fossil

Last modified: 2025-01-23 09:01

The frilled shark is rare, lives in the depths of the oceans. Outwardly similar to a sea snake. The last living specimen was caught by the Japanese in 2007, photographed, but a few hours later the shark died

A shark attack on a person - horrors are not in the movies, but in reality

A shark attack on a person - horrors are not in the movies, but in reality

Last modified: 2025-01-23 09:01

This bloodthirsty and merciless murderer is the stuff of chilling legends. In thrillers, the white shark appears to the viewer as a vengeful, intelligent creature, from which it is almost impossible to hide. And after all, in fact, who can remain indifferent to the footage, which depicts a shark attack on a person? Moreover, such stories take place in real life

The biggest sharks in the world

The biggest sharks in the world

Last modified: 2025-01-23 09:01

Sharks are the most dangerous animals living in the aquatic environment. They have a keen sense of smell and are able to pick up elusive scents from miles away. The same can be said about their vision, which is several times superior to that of a human. In addition, the jaws of an average-sized adult can contain from 10 to 20 thousand teeth, which can be compared in strength to rods made of steel. In this article, we will get acquainted with the largest sharks

The biggest berry in the world

The biggest berry in the world

Last modified: 2025-01-23 09:01

The biggest berry on the planet is, of course, the watermelon. Its homeland is South Africa. Today, however, watermelons are grown in 96 countries. In Russia, watermelons were originally considered an overseas delicacy and were prepared in a special way. To begin with, they were cleaned, cut into slices and soaked for a long time. Then they were boiled with spices and pepper. Thus, its original taste and most of the nutrients were lost

The most common types of daisies

The most common types of daisies

Last modified: 2025-01-23 09:01

In the event of various forms of ailments, people most often resort to the help of drugs, often with non-natural, synthetic components. However, the body is best able to cope with diseases with the help of medicinal herbs that have a mild and unobtrusive effect

Pink clover: medicinal properties and methods of harvesting a useful plant

Pink clover: medicinal properties and methods of harvesting a useful plant

Last modified: 2025-01-23 09:01

What does pink clover look like? Useful properties of the plant and indications for use. Where and how to harvest pink clover? Precautions When Using Medicinal Herbs

Do you have shrubs blooming on your site?

Do you have shrubs blooming on your site?

Last modified: 2025-01-23 09:01

Do you have shrubs blooming on your site? If the answer is no, then you need to read this article and think about decorating your garden

Types of oysters: complete list. Types of oysters for pearls

Types of oysters: complete list. Types of oysters for pearls

Last modified: 2025-01-23 09:01

Information about the extraction of oysters takes us back to time immemorial - in the Neolithic settlements of a man who settled along the coasts of the oceans, shells of these mollusks are found in huge quantities. In Korea, South Primorye, and also in Japan, the length of ancient oyster piles sometimes reaches hundreds of meters. In this article, we will look at the most common types of oysters, the list of which is given below