The Gulf Stream stops. Is humanity facing a catastrophe?

The Gulf Stream stops. Is humanity facing a catastrophe?
The Gulf Stream stops. Is humanity facing a catastrophe?

Do you know why Holland still has such a mild climate that tulips grow there, even though Siberia, which is located at the same latitude, has permafrost all the time? Why is Scandinavia such an ideal climate for human life, while the British Isles never get covered in ice? That's right, until recently, the whole of Europe was carefully heated by the Gulf Stream (current).

golf stream stops
golf stream stops

2013: the heart of the global climate stopped

The ocean current, carrying about 50 million cubic meters of warm water per second, not only provided comfortable living and a warm climate for the population of Western Europe and the United States. The absence of permafrost and deep freezing of the soil made it possible to save hundreds of billions of dollars on infrastructure, as well as on a huge amount of building materials, insulation and fuel (oil, gas, coal and electricity). Until recently, Europe did not need many kilometers of heating mains and powerful heating plants. In addition, residents of European countries could save on the purchase of warm clothes. Thus, the Gulf Stream was a truly royal gift of nature to the population of the United States andEurope.

Unfortunately, we have witnessed the incredible fact that the Gulf Stream has stopped. 2013 can be called a year of transition to the beginning of global climate change on the entire planet. Back in 2010, the Western media began to publish articles that the Gulf Stream was stopping, which, in their opinion, was the beginning of a new ice age. There are versions that more than 50% of humanity may die due to the onset of a cold snap.

Why is the Gulf Stream stopping?

golf stream during 2013 stopped
golf stream during 2013 stopped

The first person to report that the Gulf Stream was stopping was Dr. Zangari, who had been watching the Gulf of Mexico for several years. It was he who, comparing data received from satellites, said in 2010 that the current that stabilizes the climate on the planet has almost completely stopped. According to the physicist, the reason for this was the oil spilled in the Gulf of Mexico and destroyed the boundary between the layers of cold and warm water.

The consequences of the disaster in the Gulf of Mexico

The consequences of the fact that the Gulf Stream stops, or rather, has practically ceased to exist, according to scientists, can be quite deplorable. There is an opinion that Europe and the USA are already in full swing secret preparations for the beginning of a new ice age. As we can see in the news, European countries are laying out new gas pipelines, and the democratic revolutions taking place in North Africa and the Middle East look like an attempt to make cheaper and more affordableenergy resources located there.

golf stream stopped 2013
golf stream stopped 2013

Oddly enough, there is an opinion that Russia can only benefit from stopping the Gulf Stream. It is possible that the climate in our country will become milder, and the productivity of the main crops will increase significantly. However, there are scenarios with more tragic consequences for Russia. One can only hope that the gloomiest predictions made by scientists will never come true.
