One of the best ways to decorate the land around your house or estate is to use coniferous trees for decoration. They are able not only to create comfort, but will also diligently purify the surrounding air, spreading their magnificent aroma.
Hupsi spruce has gained particular popularity among coniferous trees used for decoration. This variety was bred in America back in 1922. Since then, Hupsi has become a worthy decoration of many landscapes in Europe.

General information
Hupsi is the name of one of the varieties of blue, or prickly, spruce. It can rightly be considered one of the best for decoration. This tree has the appearance of a wide cone, the diameter of which reaches 4-5 m. Blue spruce Hupsi has an intense color and is considered the bluest representative of its species. When beautiful red cones appear on the needles, a delightful sight appears before your eyes.
Hupsy is a slow growing variety. And when the tree is 30 years old, it will have a height of 12-15 m. The tree has a very dense crown, which increases by 12-20 cm annually. SpruceHupsi is covered with hard, thick and sharp needles, 2-3 cm long. The shoots are attached to the trunk horizontally, but due to their inherent strength, they do not break under the weight of snow.

Best Landing Spots
Nothing decorates the main street of the city like the Hupsi spruce. The description of the requirements for its growth is very small: it is resistant to severe frosts, tolerates urban air pollution well and grows on almost any soil.
If the tree is grown in some small garden, park or square, it can be trimmed regularly. It is important that this be done very delicately. Then this garden beauty will be able to please the eye with her pale blue needles and graceful shape.
How to plant Hupsi in your garden
If you liked the prickly Hupsi spruce and want to start the same in your garden, then the first thing to do is to cut the stalk. To do this, you should choose a branch 6-10 cm long in the middle of the crown and preferably on the north side. This should be done in April or May, choosing a cloudy day. The tree from which the cutting is taken must be at least 5 years old.
It is necessary to cut off the branch you like with a "heel", that is, capturing a small amount of older wood and bark. Before planting the cutting, the “heel” is cleaned a little, but without touching the bark. Then the stalk should be kept for a day in a growth regulator solution. And only after that it can be planted for rooting, immersed in the soil by 5-6 cm and maintaining a degree of inclination, which is 30. The appearance of rootscan be expected in a few months, and sometimes a whole year.

How to make a tree grow fast
In order for the blue Hupsi spruce to feel good and develop successfully, it is important to observe the following conditions:
- Summer watering should be carried out at the rate of 12 liters per seedling. If you overdo it with water, the roots will begin to rot, and the needles will crumble. Water should be warm and it is better to pour it on the crown of a tree from a watering can.
- Spruce must not be allowed to grow in dry land for a long time, since only in the presence of moisture, mushrooms in the soil create a nutrient medium for it.
- It is necessary to regularly fluff the ground near the trunk of the tree, but so as not to hurt the roots.
- You should carefully monitor the appearance of a young seedling in order to notice the appearance of the disease in time. If a reddish tint has formed on it, this indicates a fungal infection.
- From too much frost or the scorching sun, young trees should be covered with a non-woven material stretched over the frame, which is able to pass air. You can simply build a hut of branches around the Christmas tree. The main thing is that the shelter should not be located too close to the tree, which in this case can rot.
- It is very important to immediately cut out dried and brown shoots.
- To accelerate the growth of shoots, spruce is treated with special solutions in the spring. For example, "Epina-Extra" or "Epina" + "Zerkon" in a ratio of 2: 1.

Spruce Hupsi is the most beautiful tree that canbecome a wonderful decoration of city streets and squares, as well as a decorative element in a small private garden. Her planting and growing with her own hands will not create a lot of red tape. The tree is not demanding on the quality of soil and air. True, it does not like excess moisture, so you should take care of good soil drainage. But a long drought does not particularly please him, as it loses its nutrient medium during this period.