Last modified: 2025-01-23 09:01
Moscow Region is one of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, belonging to the Central Federal District. The administrative center is unofficially considered the city of Moscow. The region is located in the center of the European territory of Russia, on the East European Plain, in the Volga River basin. The territory of Moscow and the Moscow region has a complex, confusing and not entirely rational zoning
Last modified: 2025-01-23 09:01
Clay is a mineral that has found wide application in various spheres of life. This rather complex rock can be represented by different composition and properties. The conditions for the formation of different types of clays also differ significantly
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The invention of the watermill was of great importance for the history and development of technology. The first such structures were used for overflowing water in ancient Rome, later they were used to produce flour and for other industrial purposes
Last modified: 2025-01-23 09:01
What is called a badge of honor? Consider its varieties. Let's talk about the sign of an honorary citizen of Moscow: we will present its description, the procedure for presenting it, the persons who were awarded this award
Last modified: 2025-01-23 09:01
Scientists have recorded a signal from the planet Gliese 581d and have already managed to declare that the conditions on it are suitable for the origin and maintenance of life. At the moment, it is known that the celestial body is 2 times larger than the Earth. The signals have been recorded for a very long time, but only in 2014 it was possible to notice that they are repeated, are cyclical
The building of the Senate and Synod in St. Petersburg: overview, description, history and architect
Last modified: 2025-01-23 09:01
One of the amazing architectural creations of the Northern capital is the building of the Senate and the Synod. There are many wonderful buildings in St. Petersburg, however, it was this last major project of the famous architect Rossi that became a symbol of late classicism
Last modified: 2025-01-23 09:01
As you know, the Earth, due to the prevailing world order, has a certain gravitational field, and the dream of man has always been to overcome it by any means. Magnetic levitation - a term rather fantastic than related to everyday reality
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Eastern countries attract tourists with their beauty and originality, besides, many Asian states can boast of a high standard of living and new technologies introduced into the life of ordinary people. Japan is especially interesting in this regard. Those who had the pleasure of traveling through the Land of the Rising Sun will never be able to forget the Japanese trains that cover many kilometers in just a matter of minutes
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The Tower Bridge is one of the hallmarks of London and Britain in general, along with Buckingham Palace and the London Eye. The structure is over a hundred years old. However, the bridge is still beautiful, lively and interesting to the public, and also brilliantly copes with its original function
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Euskadi, or the Basque Country, is one of the places that can be safely attributed to the most unusual historical regions not only in Spain, but also in Western Europe as a whole. Inhabited in hoary antiquity and managed to preserve its originality and culture, this region is worthy of the closest attention. By the way, neither the secret of the origin of the people who have inhabited these lands since ancient times, nor the history of the emergence of its language have so far been disclosed
Last modified: 2025-01-23 09:01
Family is a powerful life foundation that gives support and strength in order to grow and develop. Without knowing his relatives, a person, in fact, does not understand who he is, therefore he cannot move forward. How to find your roots? You will find the answer in the article
Last modified: 2025-01-23 09:01
The B altic ports play an important role in the economy of countries with access to the B altic Sea. It is through them that the main trade flows, so a lot depends on their modernity and infrastructure equipment. In this article we will talk about the main ports in this direction
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Fans of traveling around their native country should definitely visit Perm. It is a large and beautiful city with a developed industry and wonderful nature. And it also happens that a person decides to choose this place for his permanent residence. Then the question arises which neighborhood to choose
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Rainbow has long been considered a symbol of joy and optimism. After all, what could be more joyful than seeing a bright multi-colored arc in the sky in the middle of the rain. For adults, this spectacle causes a smile, and for children, a real delight. However, sometimes you really, really want to see a rainbow, but it doesn’t rain and it doesn’t rain, or, on the contrary, it rains without stopping, without missing a single ray of sunshine. It is for such cases that we have prepared several ways to make a rainbow yourself at home or in the yard
Last modified: 2025-01-23 09:01
Vasilyevsky Island is a special place in St. Petersburg. There are no streets here: there are avenues and lines. This is due to the special history of the place. Vasilyevsky Island is a visiting card of a trading city, as well as the center of industrial, cultural and profitable life of the Northern capital. The leather line is one of the places that can tell a lot about the history of the island and the city itself
Last modified: 2025-01-23 09:01
Luxury women always look at readers from glossy pages. And this is not surprising - the poses of the models, makeup and clothes are thought out and worked out to the smallest detail. From the outside it seems that the girls are just sitting, standing or walking, in fact, their every movement is the result of the joint and fruitful work of the model and the photographer
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August 2, 1930, near Voronezh, exercises of the air force (VVS) were held. A feature of the exercises was the parachute landing of a military unit in the amount of twelve people from the Farman-Goliath aircraft. This date became the day of the airborne troops (VDV) of the Red Army, which later became a separate branch of the military, commanded by the commander. Commanders of the Airborne Forces were appointed from among experienced combat officers
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Polish cities are the main asset of the country, some of them are under the protection of UNESCO as cultural heritage. Many of them are famous for their secrets and unique traditions
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The Moscow Metro is a unique complex of buildings that has several world records in its treasury, for example, the largest passenger traffic, amounting to more than 8 million people a day. At the end of last year, namely on December 28, another world achievement was put into the asset of the Moscow metro - this is the longest escalator in the world
Last modified: 2025-01-23 09:01
Japan has its own ideas about beauty, traditionally it is intertwined with the spiritual, so flawless skin, a pretty white face and red lips "bow" - this is not the ultimate dream. A real Japanese beauty composes poetry well, writes music, and simultaneously works as a model, singer and actress
Last modified: 2025-01-23 09:01
Recently, scientists sounded the alarm: the rate of melting of the glaciers of Greenland has already broken all records. What can all this lead to and what will it turn into?
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Human activities over the past few millennia have been able to affect the Earth. Because of what is observed: a decrease in soil fertility, desertification and land degradation, the death of flora and fauna; deterioration of air quality, ground and surface waters, extinction of biological species and ecosystems. In addition, there is a negative impact of the environment on human he alth and life expectancy
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There are only a few ways to define social he alth around the world. The decisive or main factor is the interaction of an individual with society and its specific representatives. What is meant? First of all, we are talking about the ability to make friends and maintain good trusting relationships with them
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Social well-being is the positive state of our relationships, social stability and status in society. Our self-esteem, internal state and socio-economic success depend on it. Social well-being is a very important parameter in the study of both the whole society and individuals
Last modified: 2025-01-23 09:01
In modern science about the relief and its main components: appearance, historical origin, gradual development, dynamics in modern conditions and special distribution patterns from the point of view of geography. It is a part of geography as a community and as a complex science that geomorphology can be considered, for which, in fact, the definition mentioned above is characteristic
Last modified: 2025-01-23 09:01
The sun is the largest visible object in the sky. Since ancient times, it has been shrouded in a halo of mysticism. They worshiped him and brought gifts, hoping for his favor. With the advent of the technical era, people learned that this is just a hot gas ball that warms our planet. However, this does not reduce the influence of the Sun on a person and his life
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Representatives of the most independent ethno-social culture in Russia, proudly called Cossacks, have a long and glorious history. For hundreds of years, their special culture, way of life, concepts and rules have evolved
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In the Atlantic Ocean there is an archipelago called Falkland. Who owns the Falkland Islands? Great Britain and Argentina cannot divide them in any way. Inexhaustible oil reserves were discovered here, which, in fact, became the main subject of controversy
Last modified: 2025-01-23 09:01
What is this city - Apsheronsk (Krasnodar Territory)? Reviews of those who have moved and tourists of the village make you think about visiting it. Nature, climate, useful sources, infrastructure and decent wages - all this is periodically discussed in many forums. Those who want to change their place of residence and are looking for a new region of Russia often stop their eyes on the Krasnodar Territory
Last modified: 2025-01-23 09:01
Man is a part of nature, but he has long lost the habit of living in it. But what to do if circumstances force you to adapt to the extreme conditions of the wild? This article will tell about it
Last modified: 2025-01-23 09:01
On the modern geopolitical map of the world, more than 230 states can be counted. Each of them is unique, but they all have characteristic features by which they can be divided into types. There are many such classifications, the main ones are discussed in this article
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Bhopal is considered the largest man-made disaster in terms of the number of victims. She claimed the lives of thousands of people. The main reason for this horror was the banal desire of a rich company to get richer even more
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North America is a continent with a unique nature. She needs to be protected. Therefore, unique reserves and parks have been created on the territory of all countries of North America, six of which are described in this article
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As you know, people become enemies to themselves, destroying the pristine environment around them and causing irreparable harm to the natural resources of the Earth. This is especially true for reservoirs, rivers and lakes
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The Moscow government building under construction is a complex of four skyscrapers on the territory of the Moscow City center. The height of each will be 308 meters with the number of floors equal to 71. Pedestrian bridges will be built to connect them, including on top of buildings
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Toward the middle of the 10th century, the Karakhanid state arose on the territory of Kashgaria as a result of the merger of numerous Turkic tribes. This association was more military than political. Therefore, dynastic wars for territory and power were not alien to him. The name of the state was due to the name of one of its founders - Kara-Khan
Last modified: 2025-01-23 09:01
When they think too much of you, it's unpleasant. People most often try to make a good impression and not let strangers into their private lives. However, even more unpleasant is the invasion of privacy and surveillance of a person. We have collected the most relevant ways to spy on you, as well as ways to deal with such troubles
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Each Russian city has its own fitness clubs for every taste and income. The city of Bryansk is also not far behind in this area and has about 50 fitness clubs and he alth centers
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"Eagle's Nest" (Abkhazia) - a villa with an impressive panoramic view. Resting here, visitors enjoy the purity of the air, the silence of the surroundings, forget about the bustling and noisy city. We will learn a lot of interesting things about this beautiful place further from the article
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Until 1918 Pushkin was called Tsarskoye Selo, after that until 1937 - Detskoye Selo. It is a major center of scientific, tourist, military and industrial life. It is under the protection of UNESCO