In autumn, at the height of the mushroom season, many mushroom pickers go on the trail of "silent hunting". However, not all mushrooms are equally useful, despite the fact that some of them are very attractive to look at. What does poisonous entoloma look like, and why shouldn't it be eaten?
Description of the mushroom
Poisonous Entoloma, or poisonous Rosovoplastinnik is a toxic fungus of the genus Entoloma. It has the following characteristics:
- The hat is rounded, sometimes conical in shape, ranging in size from 5 to 17 cm in diameter, dirty pink with a grayish tinge. Sometimes it has folds in the center of the cap. In rainy weather, it becomes slippery and sticky.
- The flesh of the mushroom is white. Does not change color when broken.

- The leg has a height of 4-14 cm, up to 2 cm thick. It is curved, cylindrical in shape, sometimes the description of poisonous entoloma characterizes it as thickening towards the bottom, compressed. The surface of the leg is white-gray with a powdery coating closer to the cap.
- The taste is described as slurred or unpleasant, bitter.
- A young mushroom emits the smell of freshly ground flour, with aging it becomesrancid.
You should remember exactly the appearance of the poisonous mushroom in order not to accidentally place it in the edible basket. To do this, you should carefully study the photo of poisonous entoloma.
Poisonous entoloma mushroom is thermophilic, so it can often be found in the European part of Russia, southern Siberia, the North Caucasus, Ukraine, Belarus. Occasionally found in France, Austria. The harvest of the pink-leaf can not be called plentiful, but still in some places you can find whole mushroom meadows.
The mushroom grows from early May to mid-October in deciduous or mixed forests, plantings. Often found next to trees such as oak, birch, beech, hornbeam, willow. Entoloma poisonous prefers heavy soils with a high lime content. It grows more often singly, it is rare to find large clusters. Like all mushrooms, it likes places with high humidity. For example, under bushes or on plots of land with a thick layer of fallen leaves.

Signs of poisoning
The first signs of food poisoning with poisonous entoloma will appear already half an hour after eating. At the same time, for severe poisoning, you need to eat only one small piece. Poisoning can be determined by several signs:
- Migraine that won't go away;
- dizziness, loss of coordination;
- nausea and frequent vomiting;
- diarrhea and flatulence;
- weakness in the body.
At the first sign, it is important to seekmedical attention, as in some cases death is possible. With first aid and taking drugs to remove toxins, recovery occurs within 3-4 days.
Treatment for poisoning
When poisoned by a poisonous mushroom, the first thing to do is call an ambulance. In this case, the patient is taken to the hospital for further hospitalization, and the remains of the mushrooms are taken for examination to the laboratory to determine toxicity.

The hospital provides the following poisoning care:
- Flushing the stomach with plenty of warm, lightly s alted water in order to remove the remnants of toxins from the body that have not yet been absorbed into the bloodstream or passed from the stomach to the intestines. To do this, a large amount of water is drunk, and then vomiting is artificially induced, the procedure is repeated several times.
- The intestines are washed with an enema with rehydron or a small amount of table s alt. The procedure is also repeated several times.
- Absorbents are given that neutralize the action of fungal toxins.
- If the diarrhea has not started yet, then the patient is given a laxative.
- When eating a large number of poisonous mushrooms, inflammation of the gastric mucosa can begin. In this case, a mixture of glucose and saline is administered intravenously to the patient.
- Sometimes a blood transfusion may be needed.
It is important to ensure a drinking regime with the use of plenty of mineral water to remove toxins in a natural way. In addition, after all the manipulations, the person will feel intense thirst. In case of poisoning with poisonous entoloma, hospitalization is indicated for 2-4 days, depending on the severity of the condition.
First Aid
Despite the fact that entoloma poisoning is considered not the most life-threatening, an ambulance should be called. However, this is not always possible, as there are often no medical service vehicles in rural areas. In this case, the person should be taken to the nearest hospital on their own, but first you need to provide first aid. It consists in the following actions:
- You can naturally speed up the release of toxins with the help of vaseline or vegetable oil, which provokes diarrhea. This is true if the first signs of poisoning pass without diarrhea.
- Rinse the stomach with plenty of warm water.
- Give the patient activated charcoal.
- If there is a chill, place the poisoned person in a warm place, wrap him in a blanket or blanket.

In addition to plain water, black tea without sugar is allowed. Milk and juices are strictly prohibited
In any case, after first aid, the patient should be taken to the toxicology department of the hospital in order to avoid worsening the situation.
Possible consequences
Even after prompt medical attention and recovery, some symptoms may persist for some time:
- migraine;
- indigestion;
- irritability;
- strong feeling of thirst.
Most often they occur in children, as they have a small body weight, due to which the absorption of toxic substances is faster.
Twin Mushrooms
Poisonous Entoloma, whose place is in the forest, and not on the dining table, may be there by pure chance. The fact is that the mushroom is very similar to some edible species, which is why it can be picked by an inexperienced mushroom picker.

Due to the inattention of mushroom pickers or the purchase of a poisonous mushroom disguised as edible, about 10% of all food poisoning associated with the gifts of the forest is noted.