Folk omens for April by day. Folk calendar for April: signs

Folk omens for April by day. Folk calendar for April: signs
Folk omens for April by day. Folk calendar for April: signs

Since ancient times, people have paid attention to natural phenomena that could help them predict whether summers will be hot this year and winters will be frosty, what harvest to expect and whether fish will appear in rivers and lakes - bird. For many centuries, our ancestors have collected folk omens for April, which can tell a lot about the upcoming summer and the coming autumn.

What does thunder, fog and rain portend?

Clear sunny and warm weather during the day promises morning fog in April, especially if it is low and spreads over the water. Large cumulus clouds obscuring the horizon predict rain throughout the next day.

thunder in april folk omen
thunder in april folk omen

Did you hear the thunder in April? A popular sign says that you should not be afraid: cloudy weather will not last long, the clouds will bestow large drops on the earth and quickly disappear.

What does nature say about the weather?

If the wind blows from the southwest, you should prepare for a long bad weather, and if from the northeast, summer will have to wait longer than usual. A clear April night will bring frosts, but if the stars are hidden by clouds, it will be warm. But if they are blue, a warm day will be spoiled by rain. Hot evening coupled with a cold nightwill give good weather soon.

Cirrus clouds in early April morning - to a strong cold snap, and at sunset - to a windy night.

Birds and animals prompt

According to the behavior of different animals and birds, folk signs were often made up. There are many recommendations for April depending on how the animals behave. For example, the loud cry of a lapwing in the evening in April calls for clear weather, and if wolves come out of the forest and attack goats and sheep close to houses, this means long cold weather. To meet a white hare - to an unexpected snowfall, a red one - to a warm summer.

folk omens for april
folk omens for april

Did you see a wagtail in the yard? The April flood is coming soon. Folk signs about the weather for April are closely related to the behavior of animals and birds. For example, high-flying cranes will bring bad weather, and falcons often diving down will tell you whether it is worth waiting for frosts. If the birds arrive in the second half of April, then there will be no more cold weather. Singing larks are enjoying the warm days for the coming week, but if they fall silent, it's a sure sign that rain is coming.

The frog choir praises the hot weather that will soon set in. Cats in the house lie down in the corner that is closer to tomorrow's warm wind, especially if they are stretched to their full height, and not curled up in a ball of fur. If dogs bark for no reason, there will be a thunderstorm soon. In April, people's signs about animals can tell a lot, but it's no less interesting to listen to what herbs and trees will tell about.

Know how to hear the whisper of the leaves

Sometimes Aprilcalled "bloom", because in this month the first flowers begin to bloom. Another name - "berezozol" - April received because this month birch sap was harvested, sometimes leaving deep furrows and notches on birch trees.

folk calendar for april omens
folk calendar for april omens

Birch is better to regret. They can tell a lot: they release buds later than usual - the summer will be cold, the leaves rustle closer to the night - expect thunder in April. True, a popular sign separates thunder and thunder: if it rumbles, but lightning is not visible, it means rain, and sparkling lightning without thunder may not call for bad weather.

Aspen will tell about a good future harvest of oats by putting on earrings, and when it begins to blossom, it is best not to waste time and plant carrots and early beets. On an April night, the trees crackle in the forest for a warm and humid week. Grass grows wildly - for hot summer days and an excellent harvest in autumn.

Harbingers of harvest

The question of the future harvest is perhaps the most important of those to which folk omens for April are devoted. When people were sowing and planting in the spring, it was vital for them to know whether they could count on a good harvest, or whether it was worth saving stocks in case nature failed them. What will be autumn, you can find out by different signs.

When it rains all April, rye and oats will give good seedlings in May, and in the summer you can pick a lot of mushrooms and nuts in the forest.

thunderstorm in april folk omens
thunderstorm in april folk omens

Tadpoles bred in puddles and large clouds promise a fruitful autumnmosquitoes in swamps. Starry sky and warm nights in April - to a lot of vegetables and potatoes. A windy month is said to "blow off the harvest", but most often folk signs about the weather for April still indicate that the harvest will be good: sunny days, warm nights and frequent rains in April will bring a rich autumn.

Great-grandfathers will give advice

Folk omens of April by day - the unique wisdom of our ancestors, which combined pagan views on the world around us and an attentive attitude to Christian holidays, among which one of the most important - the Annunciation - is celebrated on April 7th. It is believed that on this day winter finally leaves until next year, and spring comes into full rights. On the Annunciation you can’t take on work: it was said that because of this you could expose a loved one to the risk of being killed by lightning, and on this day, according to legend, even birds do not make nests.

folk omens for april
folk omens for april

If you look at the folk calendar for April, the signs in it will help you understand what summer and autumn will be like.

Signs by calendar days

  • April 1, the starless sky promises sunny and warm days, but in general the weather on this day will coincide with the weather on October 1.
  • April 3, mosquitoes appeared and coltsfoot began to bloom - by warm weather, and if the ice has not melted by this day, you can not expect a good catch in the spring.
  • April 7 speaks for the next 7 days: a warm night will bring a warm week, and a cold day will delay the frosts.
  • April 8 the rivers opened - the summer will be warm.
  • April 9birds sing for clear weather, a bell blooms - for the summer heat.
  • April 14 ice drift - warm for the next two or three weeks, and then it could get colder.
  • April 15, the flood began - to a fruitful autumn and early mowing.
  • April 21, the sun in the afternoon to a hot summer, a bad day - rains for the whole summer.
  • April 22 changeable weather to drought, warm night - to cooling in May.
  • April 23 rain predicts a dry summer, and if the clouds gathered, but the rain did not come - to strong winds.
  • April 25, the willow began to bloom - by the cold May.
  • April 26, you need to look at the oak: if it has acorns, this is by early autumn.
  • April 28, a warm wind blows - for rain, and a clear sky at sunset - for a good harvest.
folk signs of April by day
folk signs of April by day

Beware: April 1st

On this day, it is customary to play jokes on friends and acquaintances, and although sometimes jokes are not always liked by those who are directed at, folk signs for April explain that this is the key to a further happy month. The fact is that, according to legend, on this day, brownies wake up from hibernation, which must be “confusing” so that they do not disturb the owners.

Initially, they joked about the brownies: they “sweeped” the floor with a poker, and tried to get pots out of the oven with a broom, put on bast shoes backwards so that the brownie would not follow the owners on the heels, “drowned” the stove with stones. When awake, the brownies got confused and could not really do a dirty trick, and sometimes out of resentment they went to sleep for another month, which ensured a calm April. Also, ifseveral houses stood next to each other, the brownie might think that the neighbor's spirit was playing pranks, and he went to swear with him, and he, in turn, went to sort things out with the first one, which also made it possible for a while to take a break from their tricks.

Today, brownies are left only in individual houses, but the tradition has been preserved, so April 1 should be doubly careful. However, maybe it was the brownie who hid the passport in the freezer?
