Types of exhibitions. Organization and holding of exhibitions

Types of exhibitions. Organization and holding of exhibitions
Types of exhibitions. Organization and holding of exhibitions

Fairs and exhibitions are one of the most popular cultural programs in many countries of the world, which are held both within the state and at the international level. The demand for such events is steadily growing, and only in the global catalog there are more than 3.5 thousand exhibitions that take place on an annual basis. And what can we say about local fairs and exhibitions, which are of a regional nature and are recorded only in local authorities. It is virtually impossible to calculate the exact number of events held around the world, but it is absolutely certain that there are a huge number of them. Exhibitions and fairs in Russia and CIS countries are especially popular.

Why do we need fairs?

The main task of such events is to enable manufacturers on the one hand and consumers on the other to enter into commercial relations through which supply and demand are regulated. The activities of the fairs are based on the study of the commodity market, on the analysis of the needs of potential buyers, the determination of the optimal price of the goods, in accordance with the demand for it, the regulationturnover.

holding an exhibition
holding an exhibition

Participation in the fair can be absentee, collective and accreditation.

  • External participation is based on the placement of promotional products with profitable offers, as well as the demonstration of video and audio recordings in the commercial information center of the fair.
  • Collective participation involves connecting firms that are linked by one specialized type of work.
  • Accreditation is the participation in all events, the conclusion of transactions, but without the right to provide their own products. These are potential buyers.

Each type, in any case, involves the payment of a registration fee, and potential participants of the fair must notify the organizers of this through an application, which must be sent no later than two weeks before the opening of the fair. The standard duration of the fairs is 4 days, with a frequency of every 6 months. Often it is summer and autumn.

What are exhibitions?

The world knows a huge variety of types of exhibitions, which are divided by function, purpose, audience and opportunities. The possibilities and functions of the exhibition depend on its typology, purpose and orientation. An important role is played not only by the name, but also by its type. In order for the event to be successful, you should study all the nuances of organizing and holding exhibitions.

business conference
business conference

Typologies of exhibitions

The type of event is divided according to the following criteria: industry affiliation of the exhibition,territorial scope and purpose. Each of them should be analyzed in more detail, because the correct definition of the type of exhibition plays an important role in its success.

By Industry

According to this principle, exhibitions can be sectoral and inter-sectoral. The first option involves holding an event related to only one area and a strictly defined specialization. Participants of such exhibitions are specialists of the same profile. Intersectoral are activities that involve many different and unrelated areas. This type of exhibition is the most popular and attracts more visitors.

enterprise exhibition
enterprise exhibition

Territorial coverage

This category is very important in determining the target audience of the exhibition. On this basis, events are regional, international and national:

  • Regional exhibitions are held on the territory of one specific country, different regions may be involved, but within the same state.
  • International exhibitions involve a huge number of participants from countries, and the list of exhibits tends to infinity. These range from consumer products to the latest technology.
  • National exhibitions are usually dedicated to certain activities of one specific country. It could be, for example, the economy.

Territorial orientation often redefines the further typology of events. After all, the interests of the audience depend on the location. Internationalexhibitions are usually very large and gather a huge number of interested people from all over the world.

clothing exhibition
clothing exhibition


This criterion reflects the purpose of the exhibition. The goals are as follows: maintaining the existing image and trial events. The first option is aimed mainly at existing customers or the target audience. Corporate style and how it all looks in the eyes of the consumer is important here.

Trial exhibitions are aimed at potential consumers in order to make themselves known. This type is especially popular with companies whose image is at the stage of formation. An exhibition is a great opportunity to consolidate and present to the public a company or a person and his work.

exhibition of paintings
exhibition of paintings

Secondary signs

The listed categories are far from a complete list of features that affect the typology of exhibitions. There are a number of secondary exhibitions.

  • By purpose, such events can be divided into sales exhibitions, in other words, trade exhibitions, and demonstrations, the task of which is to inform potential buyers.
  • Regular and one-time events can be distinguished by time.
  • According to the availability of visits - on a paid basis and free of charge. For example, a jewelry exhibition requires a corresponding category of visitors and therefore the entrance to such events is paid.

And this is not a complete list of secondary features.

Varieties of exhibitions by thematic affiliation

The most important category that determines virtually all other features is the theme of the event. So, according to this principle, the following types can be distinguished: creative, artistic, technical, advertising, scientific, industrial, trade, educational. Each of the types has its own technologies for conducting and communicating with the audience. For example, a book fair is a great opportunity for young authors to get to know their readers.

samsung exhibition
samsung exhibition

Forms of exhibitions

When all of the above categories are set, it remains only to choose the form of the event. Often the restrictions are only in the heads of the organizers and it all depends on their imagination, because there are a huge number of such forms. The most popular types of exhibitions are the following: display, report, demonstration, quiz, interactive and live exhibition, and much more.

The right balance of topics and form of holding is the key to the success of a good exhibition. The organization of such events helps its visitors to get all the necessary information about a product or service actually firsthand.

Recently, the interactive form of holding such events has become very popular, as it is an opportunity for visitors to get answers to all their questions, state their proposals and consult with experts. Such a view as an exhibition-sale is gaining great popularity.


Which shows are the most popular?

Despite the fact that it is impossible to calculate the exact number of exhibitions held annually in each region, the researchers managed to find out what themes of events are most often held in the world:

  • In the first place - a book exhibition. This type of event takes place most often around the world. This is an opportunity for literature lovers not only to get acquainted with new authors, but also to buy a couple of books at a price cheaper than the market.
  • Second place - exhibitions of paintings and photographs. Art galleries are very popular among art lovers.
  • Third place - jewelry exhibition. A place where you can meet the richest people of a particular city or country.
  • Fourth place - dog show. We all love animals, and watching smart and beautiful dogs do incredible things for dogs is quite an interesting sight.
  • Fifth place - exhibition-achievements. At such events, countries and regions share their successes in various areas. The most popular area is innovation and modern technology.

And despite the development of technological progress, such an event as an exhibition does not lose its relevance to this day.
