The modern world is very large and diverse. If you look at the political map of our planet, you can count 230 countries that are very different from each other. Some of them have a very large territory and occupy, if not the whole, then half of the continent, others may be smaller in area than the largest cities in the world. In some countries the population is multinational, in others all people have local roots. Some territories are rich in minerals, others have to do without natural resources. Each of them is unique and has its own characteristics, but scientists still managed to identify common features that could unite states into groups. This is how the typology of the countries of the modern world was created.
The concept of types
As you know, development is a very ambiguous process that can proceed in completely different ways, depending on the conditions affecting it. This is the reason for the typology of the countries of the world. Each of them experienced certain historical events that directly influenced its evolution. But at the same time, there is a group of indicators that can often be found in approximatelythe same set of other territorial associations. Based on such similarities, a typology of the countries of the modern world is built.

But such a classification cannot be based on just one or two criteria, so scientists are doing a lot of work collecting data. Based on this analysis, a group of similarities is identified that connect countries that are similar to each other.
Variety of typologies
Indicators found by researchers cannot be combined into just one group, as they relate to different areas of life. Therefore, the typology of the countries of the world is based on different criteria, which has led to the emergence of many classifications that depend on the chosen factor. Some of them evaluate economic development, others - political and historical aspects. There are those that are built on the standard of living of citizens or on the geographical location of the territory. Time can also make adjustments, and the main typologies of the countries of the world can change. Some of them are becoming obsolete, others are just emerging.
For example, for a whole century, the division of the economic structure of the world into capitalist (market relations) and socialist (planned economy) countries has been quite relevant. At the same time, the former colonies that gained independence and stood at the beginning of the development path acted as a separate group. But over the past few decades, events have occurred that have shown that the socialist economy has outlived its usefulness, although it still remains the main one in several countries. Therefore, this typology was relegated tosecond plan.
The value of the division of states from the point of view of science is quite understandable. Since this gives scientists the opportunity to build their research, which could indicate errors in development and ways to avoid them by others. But the typology of the countries of the world also has great practical value. For example, the UN, one of the most famous organizations in Europe and around the world, is developing a strategy for financial support of the weakest and most vulnerable states based on the classification.

Also, the division is made in order to calculate the risks that may affect the development of the economy as a whole. This helps to more accurately determine the financial growth and the interaction of all parties in the market. Therefore, this is not only a theoretically important, but also an applied task, which is taken very seriously at the world level.
Typology of the countries of the world according to the level of economic development. Type І
The most common and frequently used is the classification of states according to the socio-economic level of development. Based on this criterion, two types are distinguished. The first one is developed countries. These are 60 separate territories that are distinguished by a high standard of living for citizens, great financial opportunities and considerable influence throughout the civilized world. But this type is very heterogeneous and is also divided into several subgroups:
- The so-called "Big Seven" (France, USA, Japan, UK, Canada, Italy and Germany). The leadership of these countries is undeniable. They are giants in the global economy, have the largestgross domestic product per capita (10-20 thousand dollars). The development of technology and science in these states occupies a high place. History shows that the past of the G7 countries is inextricably linked with the colonies, which brought them huge financial injections. Another common feature is the monopoly of corporations in the transnational market.
- Small countries that are not as powerful as those listed above, but their role in the international arena is undeniable and is growing every year. GDP (gross domestic product) per capita does not differ from those indicators given above. Almost all countries of Western Europe, which were not named before, can be attributed here. They often bind the G7 and shape their relationships.
- States of “settlement capitalism”, that is, those that survived the colonial occupation of the British (Australia, South Africa, New Zealand). These dominions practically did not encounter feudalism, so their political and economic system is quite peculiar. Often Israel is also included here. The level of development here is quite high.
- The CIS countries are a special group formed after the collapse of the Soviet Union in 1991. But most other Eastern European states also fall here.

Thus, the typology of the countries of the world according to the level of development has such a first group. The rest of the world looks up to these leaders, and they determine all processes in the international arena.
Second type
But the typology of the countries of the world by leveleconomic development has a second subgroup - these are developing countries. Most of the land on our planet is occupied by just such territorial associations, and at least half of the population lives here. Such countries are also divided into several types:
- Key states (Mexico, Argentina, India, Brazil). The sectoral industry here is developed at a fairly high level, export also occupies not the last place. Market relations have a considerable degree of maturity. But the GDP here is relatively low, which prevents the country from moving to another type.
- New industrial states (South Korea, Singapore, Taiwan and others). The history of these countries shows that until the 1980s, their economy was weak, the majority of the population was engaged in agriculture or the mining industry. This led to an undeveloped system of market relations and problems with the currency. But the last decades show that these states have begun to become leaders in the international arena, the level of GDP has increased significantly, and foreign trade has shifted to the marketing of manufactured products.
- Countries exporting oil (Saudi Arabia, UAE, Qatar, Kuwait and others). Many such states have united in the international organization OPEC. The gross domestic product per capita is very high here, but at the same time the level of social relations has remained at a rather low level. The economy is developing due to the export of oil and products derived from it.
- States with a backlog in development. Toit includes most of the developing countries.
- The least developed countries are Asia (Bangladesh, Afghanistan, Nepal, Yemen), Africa (Somalia, Niger, Mali, Chad), Latin America (Haiti). In total, this includes 42 states.

The second type is characterized by poverty, colonial past, frequent political conflicts, poor development of science, medicine and industry.
The socio-economic typology of the countries of the world shows how different the living conditions of people who live in a particular territory. One of the decisive factors in the development was historical events, as some were able to cash in on the colonies, while others at that time gave all their resources to the conquerors. The mentality of the people themselves is also important, because in some countries those who come to power strive to improve their state, in others they only care about their well-being.
Classified by population
Another of the most striking examples of division is the typology of the countries of the world by population. This criterion is very important, since it is people who are considered the most important resource that a country can have. After all, if the population decreases from year to year, then this can lead to the extinction of the nation. Therefore, the typology of the countries of the world by number is also very popular. The rating for this feature is as follows:
- The first place belongs to the undisputed leader - the People's Republic of China with 1.357 billion people. From 1960 to 2015, the number of Chinese increased by almost a billion, whichled to a strict national policy on having children. If in many countries having many children is not only welcomed, but also supported financially, then in China it is not allowed to have more than one child in a family. In 2014 alone, more than 16 million babies were born here. Therefore, in the coming decades, China will definitely not lose its primacy.
- India ranks second (1.301 billion people). From 1960 to 2015, the population of this country also increased by almost a billion. Last year, 26.6 million babies were born here, so the birth rate in this state is also very good.
- The United States has an honorable third place, but the difference in population between the first two countries and this one is very large - today 325 million people live in the United States, who are replenished not only due to high birth rates (for 2014 - 4.4 million), but also with the help of migration processes (1.4 million came here in the same year).
- Indonesia doesn't have to worry about its gene pool either, with 257 million people living here. Natural population growth is high - 2.9 million (2014), but many are trying to leave their homeland in search of a better life (254.7 thousand people left in 2014).
- Brazil closes the top five. The population is 207.4 million people. Natural increase - 2.3 million.

In this list, Russia is in 9th place with a population of 146.3 million. Natural population growth in the Russian Federation in2014 amounted to 25 thousand people. The smallest number of people live in the Vatican - 836, and this is easily explained by territorial conditions.
Classification by area
Typology of the countries of the world by area is also quite interesting. She divides states into 7 groups:
- Giants whose area exceeds 3 million square kilometers. These are Canada, China, USA, Brazil, Australia, India and Russia, which is the largest in terms of territory with a total area of 17.1 million km2.
- Large - from one to three million km2. These are 21 countries, including Mexico, South Africa, Chad, Iran, Ethiopia, Argentina and others.
- Significant - from 500 thousand to 1 million km2. It is also 21 states: Pakistan, Chile, Turkey, Yemen, Egypt, Afghanistan, Mozambique, Ukraine and others.
- Medium - from 100 to 500 thousand km2. These are 56 states: Belarus, Morocco, Japan, New Zealand, Paraguay, Cameroon, Great Britain, Spain, Uruguay and others.
- Small - from 10 to 100 thousand km2. These are 56 countries: South Korea, Czech Republic, Serbia, Georgia, Netherlands, Costa Rica, Latvia, Togo, Qatar, Azerbaijan and others.
- Small - from 1 to 10 thousand km2. These are 8 countries: Trinidad and Tobago, Western Samoa, Cyprus, Brunei, Luxembourg, Comoros, Mauritius and Cape Verde.
- Microstates – up to 1,000 km2. These are 24 states: Singapore, Liechtenstein, M alta, Nauru, Tonga, Barbados, Andorra, Kiribati, Dominica and others. This also includes the smallest country in the world - the Vatican. It covers an area of only 44hectares located in the capital of Italy - Rome.

Thus, the basis of the typology of the countries of the world by size is the area, which can vary from 17 million square kilometers (Russia) to 44 hectares (Vatican). These indicators may change due to military conflicts or the voluntary desire of part of the country to secede and create their own state. Therefore, these ratings are constantly updated.
Classified by geographic location
Much in the development of the state decides its location. If it is located at the crossroads of sea routes, then the level of the economy is significantly raised due to the cash flows around water transportation. If there is no access to the sea, then this territory will not see such profit. Therefore, by geographical location, countries are divided into:
- Archipelagos are states that are located on a group of islands located at a short distance from each other (Bahamas, Japan, Tonga, Palau, Philippines and others).
- Island - located within the boundaries of one or more islands that are in no way connected with the mainland (Indonesia, Sri Lanka, Madagascar, Fiji, Great Britain and others).
- Peninsular - those that are located on the peninsulas (Italy, Norway, India, Laos, Turkey, UAE, Oman and others).
- Primorskie - those countries that have access to the sea (Ukraine, USA, Brazil, Germany, China, Russia, Egypt and others).
- Inland - landlocked (Armenia, Nepal, Zambia, Austria, Moldova, Czech Republic, Paraguay and others).
Typology of the countries of the world on a geographical basis is also quite interesting and diverse. But it has an exception, which is Australia, since it is the only state in the world that occupies the territory of the entire continent. Therefore, it combines several types.
GDP classification
Gross domestic product is all the benefits that one state could produce in a year on its territory. This criterion has already been used above, but it should be noted separately, as scientists say that the economic typology of the countries of the world in terms of GDP has a place to be separate. As you know, June 1 of each year is the day when the World Bank updates the lists of countries by the estimated level of GDP. Categories of income are divided into 4 types:
- low income growth (up to $1,035 per capita);
- lower middle income (up to $4,085 per person);
- higher-middle income (up to $12,615);
- high (from $12,616).

In 2013, the Russian Federation, together with Chile, Uruguay and Lithuania, was transferred to the group of countries that have a high level of income. But, unfortunately, there is also a reverse trend for some countries, such as Hungary. She again returned to the third step of the classification. Therefore, it should be noted that the economic typology of countries by GDP is very unstable and is updated every year.
Division by level of urbanization
There are fewer and fewer territories on our planet that wouldwere not occupied by the city. This process of developing untouched virgin lands is called urbanization. The UN conducted research in this area, as a result of which a classification and typology of the countries of the world was compiled according to the proportion of urban residents in the total population of a particular state. The modern world is arranged in such a way that cities have become places of the greatest concentrations of people. Despite the rapid growth of these settlements, urbanization in different countries has a different level. For example, Latin America and Europe are very densely dotted with these settlements, but South and East Asia have more rural populations. This indicator is updated every 3 years. In 2013, the most up-to-date rating was published:
- Countries with 100% urbanization - Hong Kong, Nauru, Singapore and Monaco.
- States that have over 90% are San Marino, Uruguay, Venezuela, Iceland, Argentina, M alta, Qatar, Belgium and Kuwait.
- Over 50% have 107 states (Japan, Greece, Syria, Gambia, Poland, Ireland, Morocco and others).
- From 18 to 50% of urbanization is observed in 65 countries (Bangladesh, India, Kenya, Mozambique, Tanzania, Afghanistan, Tonga and others).
- Below 18% in 10 countries - Ethiopia, Trinidad and Tobago, Malawi, Nepal, Uganda, Liechtenstein, Papua New Guinea, Sri Lanka, St. Lucia and Burundi, which has 11.5% urbanization.
The Russian Federation ranks 51st in this list with 74.2% of urbanization. This indicator is very important, because it is a component of the country's economic development. Most of the production is concentrated in the cities. If the majority of the population is engaged in agriculture, then this indicates a low level of prosperity of citizens. If you look at the statistics, you can easily see that the richest countries have a very large share of urbanization, but they are also industrialized.
Thus, our world is filled with a variety of countries. There are a huge number of them, and they are not all alike. Each has its own culture and traditions, its own language and mentality. But there are factors that unite many states. Therefore, for greater convenience, they are grouped. The criteria for the typology of the countries of the world can be very different (economic development, GDP growth, quality of life, area, population, geographical location, urbanization). But all of them unite states, making them closer and more understandable to each other.