Do you know what a woman wants?

Do you know what a woman wants?
Do you know what a woman wants?

Many men say that they know everything about the beautiful half and, well, of course, they understand every request almost perfectly. According to psychologists, such individuals are overly self-confident and, most likely, do not even realize how much they are mistaken about this.

Definitely answering the question of what a woman or a man wants is only possible if you know this person for quite a long period of time, and even then it’s not a fact that you will be 100% right.

Section 1. What a woman wants. Let's talk about the relevance of the issue

what does a woman want
what does a woman want

Entire scientific treatises have already been written about how much male and female behavior differs, but, nevertheless, thousands of psychologists around the world are still trying to find the answer to seemingly simple questions: “What does a woman want?” or “How do you understand your soul mate?”

The thing is that female psychology can be considered a mysterious and practically inexplicable thing from the point of view of representatives of the strong half of humanity. That is why, by the way, jokes about blondes are born, and on the InternetIncidents with the so-called female logic or the behavior of girls behind the wheel are constantly discussed and ridiculed.

Perhaps all of this is true. But, if you figure out, no matter what the ladies are: incomprehensible, strange, inexplicable or wayward, men still cannot do without their company, so they continue to look for answers to these questions all their lives.

Section 2. What a woman wants. Myths debunked

do women want
do women want

Material goods are the main value?

No, no and no again! Do you think that a woman does not know what she wants? Wrong! The most important thing for her is the notorious attention. Of course, everything is clear - a man gets tired at work and, when he comes home, he wants peace and quiet. But women are wired differently. It is important for them to tell about all their incidents during the day, they really want to be listened to, approved and, perhaps, regretted. Spending only a few minutes on your soulmate and being (or at least pretending to be) an interested listener, you can get the title of “the best man in the world” in return.

Do women want to hear beautiful words in an age of total emancipation?

Besides attention, ladies really appreciate gratitude and beautiful words addressed to them. Praise her for a new dish or simply for a deliciously prepared dinner. Rate her new hairstyle or dress. Compliment her appearance. All words must be sincere, coming from the heart. After all, it's not difficult at all - to say something pleasant to your beloved woman? And in response, she will bloom, her eyes will light up, and wings will grow behind her back. But, as you know,a happy woman makes everyone around happy.

Separately, it is worth mentioning the care. Every woman, even the toughest and most impregnable, wants to be weak and defenseless and hide behind a strong, reliable shoulder from all problems and hardships. And it’s so nice when a man takes care of her, meets her on a dark evening after work, doesn’t let her carry heavy bags, or simply covers the sleeping woman with a warm blanket. These seemingly insignificant actions make a woman feel loved and protected.

Section 3. What a woman wants: everything ingenious is simple

woman doesn't know what she wants
woman doesn't know what she wants

Agree, doing everything that is written above does not cost a penny, but any woman will be pleased if their man follows these tips every day. The weaker sex appreciates sincere attention to themselves much more than mink coats and diamond rings. This does not mean at all that a woman does not need to give gifts and pamper her. Just remember that true love and affection cannot be bought for any material goods, a happy woman is one that is appreciated and understood.