First signs of pregnancy before missed period

First signs of pregnancy before missed period
First signs of pregnancy before missed period

Some representatives of the fair sex claim that the first signs of pregnancy before the delay of menstruation were felt almost an hour after intercourse, while others do not at all face such obvious manifestations of an interesting situation as morning sickness, changes in eating habits or differences mood, and their pregnancy was fully realized only after the child began to push in the stomach. Everything is individual here, but individual women can still determine that the conception was successful, according to certain symptoms. Let's take a closer look at the early signs of pregnancy before the delay in menstruation and the feedback from expectant mothers on how they found out about the upcoming replenishment in the family.

Feelings immediately after conception

As mentioned above, especially sensitive women often claim to experience pregnancy immediately after conception or the next morning. Butgynecologists say that this is impossible. At the physiological level, it is simply impossible to feel the fertilization of an egg and the movement of several cells through the fallopian tubes. Tingling sensations in the uterus are also unlikely, they can only occur after the implantation of the embryo, which occurs on the third to seventh day after intercourse, which ended with the fertilization of the egg. True, in addition to physiological sensations, there is also intuition, a subconscious awareness that the pregnancy has begun. Science has yet to accept this almost supernatural knowledge as a sign of pregnancy before a missed period.

first signs of pregnancy
first signs of pregnancy

Discharge as a sign of pregnancy

Some time after the fertilization of the egg by the sperm, the embryo is introduced into the wall of the uterus for its further growth and development. This process in some cases (doctors say that only 20% of women can determine implantation) is palpable. So, on the seventh to tenth day after unprotected sexual contact, the nature of the discharge may change. Often they become denser than usual, a yellowish tint appears, sometimes even a slight admixture of blood can be seen.

At the same time, signs of the onset of SARS may appear: slight malaise, fatigue against the background of normal exercise and drowsiness. If pregnancy is desirable for a woman and carefully planned, then the thought immediately visits that fatigue is the earliest sign of pregnancy before a missed period. In the same case, ifpregnancy is unexpected, these signs are likely to go unnoticed.

Hormonal processes

Signs of pregnancy in the first days of delayed menstruation may already be due to hormonal processes occurring in the body of the expectant mother. Rapid changes in the body generally begin immediately after the introduction of the fetal egg into the uterine cavity. Many women experience sudden mood swings, they can start crying for no reason at all, become irritable, and are also characterized by fatigue and drowsiness. The fair sex, who have not yet planned the birth of a child, may well take these signs for PMS.

signs of pregnancy before delay
signs of pregnancy before delay

Breast soreness

Changes in the mammary glands can occur one to two weeks after fertilization. The breasts may enlarge slightly, become tender or painful, the veins may become more visible, and the nipples and the area around them may darken and become a little rough. All this may indicate that conception has occurred. However, taking into account such very first signs of pregnancy before the delay in menstruation is only for those ladies who did not suffer from breast pain before during PMS. If, however, always a few days before critical days, the chest becomes sensitive and increases slightly, then this (as a sign of an interesting situation) should not be paid attention to.

A sign of pregnancy before a missed period for women who have given birth and are still breastfeeding will probably be justsoreness of the chest. Such changes are most clearly seen during feeding. In addition, in nursing mothers who become pregnant again, the amount of milk decreases, its quality indicators change. It is not uncommon for babies to refuse breastmilk if the mother is pregnant again.

Change in sex drive

Expectant mothers in the early stages may change libido. After the beginning of the restructuring of the body, a woman can both feel an increased sexual desire for a partner, and not want sex at all. Such a sign, however, can hardly be considered reliable in the early stages, because changes in libido can be caused by stress, physical overstrain, a quarrel with a loved one and misunderstanding in a couple. In the same way, positive events in a woman's life can affect the strength of sexual desire.

irritability during pregnancy
irritability during pregnancy

Morning sickness

Early toxicosis is felt between the second and eighth weeks of pregnancy, and the woman's condition improves, as a rule, by 12-16 weeks, that is, by the beginning of the second trimester. Nausea in the morning is considered a clear and quite normal sign of pregnancy in the first week of missed periods and beyond, but in fact the causes of this condition are pathological.

The thing is that early toxicosis occurs, as a rule, in response to a violation of the metabolic mechanisms and reactions of the expectant mother. This is a pathological reaction of the female body to the development of pregnancy. Risk factors for the development of early toxicosis are: alcohol abuse, smoking,malnutrition, lack of sleep, constant overwork (both physical and psychological).

In addition to nausea, a woman usually complains of fatigue and irritability, nervousness, depression, changes in taste preferences, vomiting, weight loss and loss of appetite. Vomiting occurs in 60% of pregnant women before 20 weeks, but only 10% of expectant mothers require treatment.

Frequent urination

Many women claim that for them, the first sign of pregnancy after a missed period was the frequent urge to "small". This can hardly be regarded as a sign of an interesting situation in the first three to four weeks, since the uterus increases and begins to put pressure on the bladder only six to eight weeks after fertilization. At the end of the first trimester, the uterus rises higher, some of the pressure is removed from the bladder.

pregnancy disorder
pregnancy disorder

Other signs of pregnancy

Signs of pregnancy before a delay in menstruation are often caused not by hormonal changes at all, but by psychological reasons, which is why they are so diverse. However, many expectant mothers may experience, for example, cramps, pain in the legs and feet in the early stages. This is due to the fact that the body slightly changes the process of assimilation of calcium.

What are the signs of pregnancy before a missed period? Expectant mothers are characterized by a change in taste preferences and sensitivity to aromas. There may be an aversion to previously loved food or a desire to try something that has never been the fridge. Nausea can be caused by the smell of coffee, meat, cigarettes, or alcohol. In the last two cases, this is the body's natural defense against the woman's unfavorable behavior.

Some expectant mothers complain of indigestion before the delay of menstruation. This can cause both constipation and diarrhea. Signs of pregnancy after a missed period may include increased appetite and weight changes as the body tries to provide itself with nutrients, difficulty falling asleep, headaches, and lower back discomfort.

Decreased immunity

Signs of pregnancy before a missed period may include decreased immunity. Often a pregnant woman feels that she is getting sick, there may be a feeling of fever and chills, a runny nose or cough may appear. Some expectant mothers even have a fever, which is regarded as a symptom of SARS. The disease in this case is caused by a decrease in immunity.

With a decrease in local immunity, a disease such as thrush (or candidal colpitis) may appear. Symptoms of this disease are itching and burning in the genital area, pain during sexual contact and urination, white discharge from the vagina, resembling cottage cheese in consistency. In some cases, even a whitish coating appears on the mucous membrane, an unpleasant odor (of sour milk or rotten fish), and abundant white discharge are characteristic.

Basal temperature chart

Signs of pregnancy before a delay in menstruation, as a rule, do not need to be looked for, carefully analyzing your well-being and behavior by thosewho regularly maintains a BBT schedule. True, with the help of this method it is possible to determine one's position with accuracy only if the woman keeps the schedule for several cycles and in compliance with all the rules.

basal temperature chart during pregnancy
basal temperature chart during pregnancy

In a normal cycle, the temperature before ovulation is 36.4…36.7 degrees Celsius, closer to the middle it drops slightly, and then rises sharply by at least four to six tenths of a degree. Perhaps an increase to 37 degrees or slightly higher. This is the moment of ovulation. The elevated temperature persists for about two weeks, and before menstruation drops to 36.4 … 36.6 degrees Celsius.

If fertilization has occurred, you can see it on the graph even before the implantation delay. This is the name of a sharp decrease in temperature by 0.3 … 0.5 degrees, followed by an increase to normal 37 and above. Otherwise, the entire second phase of the menstrual cycle in case of conception (successful, of course), the temperature should stay above 37 degrees, it does not fall before the expected menstruation.

Delayed period

The most accurate symptom of pregnancy is a delay in critical days. This is a reliable sign, upon the appearance of which an interesting situation can already be determined with a high degree of probability using a home test or in a medical institution. However, the delay can also occur for other reasons, so if the test shows a negative result, and critical days still do not start, you still need to visit a doctor.

LevelHCG hormone

Today, the signs of pregnancy on the first day of a missed period are no longer so important, because an interesting situation can be determined with the help of tests. An hCG test is a more reliable way to determine pregnancy than a home test, in addition, by hCG in the blood, you can determine that the conception took place successfully earlier.

Immediately after fertilization and implantation of the embryo in the uterus, the level of human chorionic gonadotropin begins to rise. Already in the first or second weeks, its amount reaches 23-300 mU / ml, in the third or fourth - 1500-5000 mU / ml, and in the fifth and sixth weeks - 20 thousand - 100 thousand mU / ml. Normally, hCG levels approximately double daily.

To confirm the fact of pregnancy, you need to donate blood in dynamics, that is, every few days. This will allow with a high degree of probability and even before the delay to diagnose pregnancy. However, not all women are ready to visit a medical facility almost daily for testing.

Total absence of signs

Signs of pregnancy on the first day of a missed period may be absent altogether, this is also a variant of the norm. Some women do not feel weakness and nausea, they do not feel sleepy, their eating habits do not change, sometimes even menstruation can last up to two months after conception. Approximately 7% of women experience this phenomenon. Often, the very first signs of pregnancy before a delay in menstruation are mistaken for a slight malaise, and implantation bleeding for critical days. That's whygynecologists recommend regular examinations and from time to time to take tests. This will help not only to diagnose pregnancy in the absence and unexpressed signs of an interesting condition, but also to identify possible gynecological diseases.

Ultrasound during pregnancy

Ultrasound is often performed to determine pregnancy. The study will show an interesting situation on the fifth or seventh day of the delay of menstruation, not earlier. But you need to know that such a diagnostic method in the early stages can be unsafe. Ultrasound is performed using a vaginal sensor, after the procedure, a woman may experience discharge mixed with blood, which may be the cause of a miscarriage. This study should be decided only if there are indications, for example, a suspected ectopic pregnancy.

the very first sign of pregnancy
the very first sign of pregnancy

Home pregnancy test

Home tests show an interesting situation already on the first day of the absence of menstruation. It is better to purchase two tests from different manufacturers. The fact is that not everyone can show pregnancy due to different sensitivity, storage conditions and other factors. The test is best done in the morning or after abstaining from going to the toilet for at least four hours. Otherwise, the results may be unreliable.

Folk omens

The above describes the physiological sensations and emotional changes that a woman can feel during pregnancy, as well as ways to determine an interesting position. But there are many popular beliefs. believe them orno - this, of course, is a woman’s personal matter, but it’s worth knowing that many expectant mothers learned about the upcoming replenishment precisely with the help of such signs. Here are some popular signs of pregnancy before a missed period:

  • dreams about fishing, live fish or sweets;
  • the appearance of veins on the chest and shoulders of a woman (small blood vessels become visible); by the way, modern medicine explains this from a scientific point of view - hyperpigmentation occurs under the influence of hormones;
  • the appearance of a stork over the house where a woman lives, the sign has even more weight if the stork flies very low, sits on the roof or makes a nest;
  • nighttime sneezing and runny nose, which is absent during the day and in the morning;
  • feeling of fullness in the lower abdomen, a feeling of heaviness;
  • Metallic taste in the mouth and excessive salivation.

There are even folk methods for determining an interesting position:

  1. Mix wine and house red wine. If the wine remains clear, the woman is pregnant.
  2. Dip a piece of white cloth (preferably cotton) into the urine, drip one drop of iodine. In case of pregnancy, iodine will turn purple, if conception does not occur, then the spot will be blue.
  3. Fill a metal container with urine, bring to a boil and immediately pour into a glass bottle. If after a certain time white flakes are visible in the urine, then the pregnancy has come. If there is no change in the appearance of body fluid, then the woman is not pregnant.
  4. A longer-term forecast can be made if planted in a pot ortwo young bulbs in another container, on one make a pregnancy within a month, and on the other - its absence. The bulb that sprouts first will give the answer.
signs of pregnancy on the 1st day of delay
signs of pregnancy on the 1st day of delay

Of course, now there is an opportunity to use more reliable methods for determining your interesting state. A home test is much simpler and more informative than diagnosis with iodine or homemade wine. If you want to know about your interesting situation as early as possible, already a few days before the expected menstruation, you can donate blood for the hCG hormone. A study in dynamics will show the development of pregnancy even before the delay.
