Last modified: 2025-01-23 09:01
Description of the Cheryomushkinsky department of the registry office of the city of Moscow. History of the registry office. Advantages and disadvantages. Interior
Last modified: 2025-01-23 09:01
The average salary in Moscow is constantly growing, despite the economic crises around the world. The level of income of Muscovites differs markedly from the salaries of other residents of Russia
Last modified: 2025-01-23 09:01
How to add OKVED? What documents are required for registration? When should the bylaws be amended? What is the responsibility for doing business without an OKVED code? Features of making changes to IP. How to apply and step by step instructions. Requirements for the protocol of founders
Last modified: 2025-01-23 09:01
The fates of children of famous politicians are different. Some of them make full use of their starting opportunities to achieve heights in various fields, others become rock musicians, actors, and still others simply disappear from the field of view of others. Among those who realized themselves in business is Petr Mikhailovich Fradkov, whose biography is the topic of this article
Last modified: 2025-01-23 09:01
After the country gained independence, the government of Uzbekistan chose a course towards the gradual transformation of a command economy into a market one. Progress has been slow, but over time significant achievements of such policies have become visible. Uzbekistan's GDP grew by as much as 7% in 2014, despite the barely ending global economic crisis. However, the country has yet to bridge the gap between the official exchange rate of its currency and the black market
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A developed economy is impossible without a developed financial market, which more than half consists of the foreign exchange market. The Russian foreign exchange market began to acquire the features of a modern one. Trial and error methods helped Russia find common ground with the International currency markets
Last modified: 2025-01-23 09:01
Akzo Nobel is a world-famous manufacturer of paints and varnishes and the first company whose specialists developed the technology for the production of powder coatings. To date, the range of products manufactured by this concern is incredibly wide
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A correctly chosen organizational structure of a bank is the key to its successful operation. History knows many cases when neglect of this issue led to severe crises in the activities of financial institutions
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People who are far from working with the currency exchange do not always understand what a stock quote is and how to read it correctly. To begin with, we are talking about the relative value of the two currencies. That is, the value of a unit of one currency is expressed in a certain number of units of another. After all, it is impossible to estimate the value of the dollar, for example, if you do not compare it with other currencies
Last modified: 2025-01-23 09:01
The monetary system of the world is a form of organization of monetary relations that have developed at this stage of market development. Its origin is associated with the emergence of money and the beginning of their functioning as a means of payment in the international payment turnover
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Economic growth and development are two categories that closely interact with each other. Economic growth, for example, is a booming boom. In the process of the movement of social production, there are periods during which the overall economic growth and development occur quite quickly or, on the contrary, slow down somewhat, and sometimes even a decline is observed
Last modified: 2025-01-23 09:01
SDR is an abbreviation for the English name, which in Russian sounds like "special drawing rights" (SDR). The SDR is considered a synthetic currency and an international reserve asset that is issued by the IMF and used to secure financial relations between its members. Reserves are established in this currency and loans are issued with it. As of March 2016, there are about 204.1 billion SDRs
Last modified: 2025-01-23 09:01
For a normal existence and the implementation of various practical tasks, the state needs money. The country's budget is formed by revenues received by the treasury. Part of the money is spent on various purposes. Due to this, the state of the treasury changes regularly. There is a budget deficit and surplus. Financial flows are carefully regulated by legislative acts. Plans are made annually for the rational use of funds
Last modified: 2025-01-23 09:01
Real capital is physical capital, which in turn consists of working capital and fixed capital. What role does it play in the economy? What are the features of the analysis of real capital in the economy? We will talk about this and much more in our article
Last modified: 2025-01-23 09:01
The world of finance is very large and diverse. But in order to carefully study it, it is necessary to qualitatively deal with the simplest. Namely, to learn the basics of finance. What do they represent? Where and how are they used? What should be included in this concept?
Last modified: 2025-01-23 09:01
What are money market instruments? Common classification. Brief description of tradable, discount, interest-bearing instruments, derivatives. Detailed analysis of individual monetary instruments - deposits, certificates of deposit, repo transactions, treasury bills, bills of exchange, commercial paper, interest rate futures and swaps, future interest rate agreements
Last modified: 2025-01-23 09:01
Definition of the concept of a living wage, the history of the term. Data and figures for 2013 and 2014 for St. Petersburg are given
Last modified: 2025-01-23 09:01
In recent years, many people seek to find out what causes the crisis, and what is a recession. This interest did not arise in a vacuum. The development of information technology and the emergence of the Internet allow interested parties to be constantly aware of the processes taking place in the stock and financial markets
Last modified: 2025-01-23 09:01
From the standpoint of management theory, the smaller the number of objects that have to be regulated, the less resources are required to maintain the management system. And in this context, the question of how many subjects of the federation are in Russia sounds very relevant
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The US economy, as the most dynamic and receptive to innovation, has become a kind of testing ground for finding new forms of management. Holding is a new type of corporation that has replaced trusts and concerns
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Changing the clock hands to seasonal time seems to us an established tradition, although these actions began to be performed for the first time not so long ago. Although there has been a long discussion in some countries about the importance of turning clocks
Last modified: 2025-01-23 09:01
It's hard to survive alone in the modern world, all countries of the world understood this. Sustainable growth requires access to a large common market and participation in the international division of labor. Various forms of regional integration are used to strike a balance between protecting one's own markets and gaining access to the markets of neighbors that no one will open for free
Last modified: 2025-01-23 09:01
Italy… A country of world attractions, fashion industry, great leisure and colorful cuisine. The regions of Italy are unique and diverse. Contemplation of the magnificent beauties of antiquity and the luxury of modernity will be the best food for the soul, hungry for impressions
Last modified: 2025-01-23 09:01
Will there be at least one person who would not go to work at least once? Unlikely. There are many who hired employees. So almost everyone at least once participated in labor relations, one of the most regulated areas aimed at ensuring the labor rights of citizens. And one of the main directions here is the approved norms of working hours
Last modified: 2025-01-23 09:01
In 2015, the population of Tajikistan was 8.5 million people. This figure has quadrupled over the past fifty years. The population of Tajikistan is 0.1 of the global population. Thus, every 1 person out of 999 is a citizen of this state
Last modified: 2025-01-23 09:01
Household is the most important subject of the state economy. What are its main functions? How are households formed?
Last modified: 2025-01-23 09:01
Margin is the difference in the value of goods at exchange trading between the price indicated in the bulletin and the purchase price. In other words, this is the profit that firms and companies receive in the process of bidding for a product of a certain category
Last modified: 2025-01-23 09:01
Small business is the most unprotected type of entrepreneurship, while it plays one of the main roles in the formation of a stable market economy in the country and needs state support. The statistics of the closure of small businesses indicates that in Russia, unfortunately, all the necessary conditions for its existence and development have not yet been created
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Investment plays a crucial role in the country's economy. In an effort to attract the maximum amount of funds, favorable conditions for deposits are created, capital security is ensured, and opportunities for financial growth are favorably presented
Last modified: 2025-01-23 09:01
Poverty is the insufficiency of property values, financial opportunities, goods for a full existence. If you look at a more global scale, then this is the inability to live, to continue the race, to develop. Extremely poor people do not even have the means to buy their own bread, so they go out into the streets to beg
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New York's GDP is the third largest in the United States economy, trailing only Texas and California. The state's economy is so large that it could be the fifteenth largest economy in the world if it were a separate country
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An important step in the analysis of economic activity should be called the assessment of various parameters, including business activity. This article is devoted to the indicators of assessing the business activity of an enterprise
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Regulatory impact assessment is performed to improve the quality of governance. To implement this task, a detailed formalized analysis of the consequences of influencing various social groups and society as a whole is used
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Igor Yurievich Artemiev is a famous Russian statesman. Head of the Federal Antimonopoly Service
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North Sudan is part of a country that previously ranked tenth on the list of the largest in the world. Now he has moved to 15th place. Its area is 1,886,068 km2
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South Africa is the southernmost and most developed country on the African continent. The population of South Africa is represented by the largest number of whites and Asians on the mainland. Many nationalities live on its territory, representatives of some of them are constantly fighting for the right to be called indigenous people
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It is not surprising that in Russia each region is significantly different from the others. Here, climate diversity, population density, and living conditions in general can vary. That is why the financial situation of citizens who live in different parts of our vast Motherland is so different
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What are Russian special economic zones? Why are they created? Why are such places attractive for investors and what benefits do they bring to the state? We will try to answer these and other questions in this article
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The material examines the main causes of income inequality, as well as its consequences for society
Last modified: 2025-01-23 09:01
It is thanks to the "fourth power" that we can learn the news and savor the details of the personal lives of the stars and the powers that be. It is thanks to the work of the media that it does not remain a secret for us who is the richest man in the world