The economic crisis in a number of countries has an impact on the cities of the Russian Federation. However, for some large metropolitan areas, it turned out to be not so comprehensive. Thus, Muscovites proudly claim that their income level not only does not decrease due to recent events, but, on the contrary, is growing day by day.
General economic situation
Forecasting the average income is becoming more and more popular. In Moscow, the income plan was approved until 2016 inclusive. The average salary in Moscow is constantly increasing. The same can be said about the birth rate. The demographic crisis for the capital has long been history. The life expectancy of Muscovites is equal to the European one. This means that now Moscow has become not only one of the main centers of the economy, but also a city with decent prosperity.
Average salary in Moscow, 2014

If we consider the level of wages in the capital as a whole, it will be higher than the earnings of residents of other Russian cities by about 80-85%. Such a difference between the periphery and the center indicates that the provinces are so different in prosperity, as if they were in a completely different country. Budget plans do not yet provide for at least some equalization in this area of the economy, since Moscow is indeed much larger in terms of the number of residents and promising jobs. Peripheral cities are not yet able to provide their residents with such opportunities. In 2013, the average salary in Moscow was about 50 thousand rubles. In 2014, that figure jumped to 60,000. According to the two-year plan, the indicators should increase even more.
2014 percentages

Change in the main income part of Muscovites is rapidly continuing for the better. This trend should continue in 2014 as well. Salaries in Moscow are planned to be raised by an average of 5.5% compared to the previous year. In this state of affairs, inflation will also increase in the corresponding percentages. When experts calculated these predicted figures, they did not take into account an important fact: many visitors, and even the native residents of Moscow themselves, do not work officially. Therefore, any calculation of the capital's income will be biased, if only for this reason. In addition, a significant part of Muscovites works for themselves. Freelancing is becoming a popular type of work. In the future, they also want to regulate it with taxes, but these are only far-reaching plans. So far, earnings through the Internet, etc. remain unofficial and tax-free. The real average salary in Moscow is difficult to calculate.
Growth for 2013
If we consider the dynamics of incomes of Muscovites in general, it is necessary to study moreearly scores. For example, comparing the first quarter of 2012 with the first quarter of 2013, it can be found that wages in various areas of human activity have increased by approximately 6%. If in 2013 the average salary in Moscow was 49-50 thousand rubles, then according to current forecasts, by the end of 2014 it will reach a new level, having increased by another 10 thousand. Thus, the prosperity of the citizens will increase markedly, allowing them to increase the range of their needs.
Amounts and professions

Speaking of quantitative indicators, it is impossible not to mention specific examples. To find out what the average salary in Moscow is, you need to consider individual professions. For example, it is known that the average salary of a financial director in Moscow is approximately 110 thousand rubles or more. Note that these are only official data on “white” wages, and nothing is known about other sources of income in the financial sector. Programmers currently receive from 70 thousand rubles. The incomes of state employees, such as teachers and doctors, range from 65 to 70 thousand. In the labor and construction sectors, wages range from 40 to 65 thousand. It is known that a Moscow lawyer receives almost the same salary as a milling operator or a fitter, equal to approximately 50-52 thousand rubles. Salespeople, pharmacists and nurses, despite their different fields of activity, also receive approximately the same income of 45-50 thousand rubles. Often, paradoxically, a security guard can earn more money than an economist: 36 and 34 thousand rubles, respectively. Psychologists, secretaries andcashiers, being in the same row, earn about 32 thousand rubles a month. Janitors, cleaners and dishwashers are at the very bottom of this list, earning between 25,000 and 30,000 rubles in income.
Gender differences

Speaking of the gender difference, one can immediately make a superficial analysis, from which one can conclude that men traditionally continue to earn more than women. So, men are more likely to get leadership positions, in which wages are much higher.
Thus, in 2014 the level of wages in Moscow will increase significantly. The average income of a Muscovite will be equal to 60 thousand rubles, significantly different from the earnings of provincial neighbors.