The first thing that suffers during pregnancy and childbirth is the stomach. The muscles are stretched and the skin becomes loose. However, do not despair, the main thing is to pull yourself together and start taking active steps to get in shape. A hula hoop will be an excellent assistant in this difficult matter. But how and when after childbirth you can twist the hoop at the waist, you will learn by reading this article.
Can I spin the hula hoop after giving birth?
You can. But there are a number of warnings and contraindications for this type of training. If they are not observed, there is a possibility of causing irreparable harm to the body, the correction of which will take much longer.

You can start training only after your he alth has been restored and permission has been received from a gynecologist who will tell you when you can start spinning the hoop after childbirth.
After what time to start classes
When can I spin the hoop after giving birth? In most casesYou can start exercising 4 months after giving birth. This applies to those women who gave birth naturally and without complications. During this time, the internal organs will recover and return to their original shape. The muscles of the peritoneum will get stronger and will be able to hold them in the desired position. If you start classes earlier, you can provoke the prolapse of internal organs, up to prolapse. This disease is treated in most cases surgically. Therefore, do not rush and take risks in pursuit of a beautiful figure.
Before you start training with the hula hoop, you need to further strengthen the abs and muscle corset. This will help special postpartum gymnastics. You can start exercising in 1.5-2 months, after consulting with the doctor.
After childbirth, you can twist the hoop when the muscles are strong enough.
Postpartum gymnastics

The first thing that suffers during pregnancy and childbirth is the abdominal muscles. They stretch, become flabby. And this is not only a cosmetic defect, but also a factor that adversely affects he alth. After all, stretched muscles cannot fully provide proper support to internal organs.
Below is a set of exercises aimed at strengthening the muscles of the side and the press. The exercises are simple but effective. You can start exercising 1.5-2 months after giving birth, when the pain and discharge stop. It also doesn't hurt to consult a specialist. Exercises:
- Get on all fours, handsbend and rest your elbows on the floor. Slowly pull your stomach in until it stops for a count of 8. Then gradually relax your muscles.
- Pumping the press. Lie down, bend your knees, hands behind your head. Slowly lift yourself up, lifting your shoulder blades off the floor.
- Lie down and lift your legs up, crossing them. The arms are spread out to the sides. It is necessary to pull the legs to the chest so that the buttocks come off the floor. Legs can be bent at the knees.
- Starting position, as in the previous exercise. But one hand is wound behind the head, and the second is extended along the body. The second hand must reach for the feet. Change the position of the hands after a minute.
All exercises should be done 4-6 times, as the condition of the body allows. Gradually, the number of repetitions can be increased.
How to choose a hoop

Coming to the store for this simple device, you can get confused by the variety of models and types presented. There are hula hoops:
- smooth and embossed;
- plastic and metal;
- different in weight, diameter and color;
- equipped with all sorts of sensors and counters for calories, revolutions and the like.
The price they also differ, and significantly. Sales consultants will most likely offer you the most expensive options that have a complex shape and are equipped with all sorts of gadgets. And they will assure that only such hoops will help to cope with the problem.
What to look for when choosing a hoop? These are shape, weight and diameter. Here are three mainparameters that determine how comfortable you will be doing and what result you can achieve.

It is believed that the protrusions on the inner surface of the hoop contribute to better burning of body fat. Allegedly, they break down fat due to the additional massage of the back and abdomen. But is it possible to twist a hoop with pimples after childbirth is a moot point. After all, muscles weakened by pregnancy will not be able to fully protect the internal organs from possible injuries.
Therefore, it is advisable to choose smooth tools.
It is difficult to twist a light hoop, as it requires additional efforts and a greater range of motion. A heavy projectile is difficult to disperse, and then it will rotate by itself, due to inertia.
Weighted hoops are contraindicated for novice athletes, as well as women in the postpartum period. Their abdominal muscles are weak, and a heavy projectile puts a considerable load on the internal organs and spine. Careless handling of such a hoop can injure them.
There is a misconception that the larger the diameter of the hoop, the more effective the training will be. In fact, the best option is 95-100 cm. You can use the formula to calculate which hoop is better to buy. To do this, put the projectile on the edge. Its upper point should be between the navel and the sternum.
Organization of classes

So, when the answer to the question is received, after how much you can twist the hoopafter childbirth, it is allowed to start training. But, before starting hula hoop classes, you need to carefully prepare:
- The place for training should be comfortable and have enough space. Check if the projectile hits surrounding objects or walls. You also need to consider the possibility that an older toddler or pet may get too close and get injured.
- It is desirable to establish a daily routine. Workouts are best done at the same time on an empty stomach. You can eat at least an hour and a half before class.
- To make the training more fun, your favorite music will help. Choose dynamic tracks with 120 beats per minute.
- If you use a heavy hula hoop, it is worth considering that it is not easy to keep it at the waist, especially at first. He will fall and may leave bruises on his legs. To protect yourself and reduce noise, you must wear appropriate clothing and cover the floor with a soft rug.
- Be sure to train yourself to twist the hoop in different directions during the workout. This will achieve an even distribution of the load on all muscles and avoid asymmetry.
- Start with a few minutes. If you are a beginner, practice this first. Ideally, classes should last no more than 30 minutes. Don't beat yourself up.
- Rotation of the hoop helps to burn fat throughout the body. Hula hoop classes are one of the types of cardio, so, coupled with proper nutrition, they will not only help you lose weight, but also strengthen your abdominal muscles,improve blood circulation, increase body tone.
Following these recommendations will increase the effectiveness of your workout and help you achieve a positive result faster:
- Twist the hoop on an empty stomach. Before this, it is advisable to do breathing exercises (abdominal vacuum).
- Increase the load gradually. You can start with a few minutes, bringing the total time to 30 minutes.
- Movements should be calm and rhythmic. You need to watch your breath. The wider the legs are, the easier it is to twist the projectile. Some girls find it more comfortable to practice with one leg slightly forward.
- The direction of rotation of the hoop must be changed so that the centimeters go evenly and symmetrically.

There are factors, the presence of which puts classes with a hoop under the ban. These include:
- pregnancy;
- gynecological diseases;
- damage to the skin in the waist;
- exacerbation of diseases of the gastrointestinal tract;
- problems with the spine, including intervertebral hernia;
- complications after childbirth.
If there was a caesarean section
Caesarean section is an operation that takes much longer to recover. In this case, you can twist the hoop no earlier than after 6 months. You must first consult with the doctor, who must prescribe an ultrasound examination and, on its basis, issueconclusion.
If recovery is going well and there are no pathological changes in the pelvic organs, the doctor will most likely allow you to start training and explain when you can twist the hoop and pump the press after childbirth.