Subculture "bikers": history of occurrence. Who are bikers?

Subculture "bikers": history of occurrence. Who are bikers?
Subculture "bikers": history of occurrence. Who are bikers?

The subculture "bikers" can only be fully understood by ordinary people who have nothing to do with the corresponding people and motorcycles, only if you plunge deep into its history. It all started in 1868, when the era of motorized bicycles had just begun. Since a person has always been drawn to something new and unknown, it is logical to assume that very many people immediately became interested in motorcycles. Someone used them exclusively as a means of transportation, and someone - to maintain the image.

But another, separate group of people appeared, which literally lived on their bikes, not imagining their own existence without speed and adrenaline. Gradually, the current formed into a separate subculture, which today is common not only among young people. Adults and respectable people will also not refuse once again to rush along the track at high speed.

Subculture "bikers": the history of occurrence

So, the first motorcycle prototype was invented in 1868. After more than half a century, the subculture "bikers" appeared. The history of its origin is based on the spread of two-wheeled motor vehicles. And it happened in the 30s. 20th century. At this time motorcyclesgradually move from the category of rarity and exotic to a number of publicly available means of transportation. Now every person who earns at least a little can afford an inexpensive device. Expensive products become the prerogative of only we althy people.

subculture bikers
subculture bikers

It must be said that motorcycles, for which you need to "roll off" a crazy amount of money, are not at all interested in real bikers. After all, this subculture is based not only on the principle that each of its representatives has a two-wheeled horse. The biker must literally live it, admire it, become a friend. And for this to happen, you need to understand the appropriate technique.

That's why most bikers bought cheap motorcycles at first. Subsequently, they independently modernized and improved them. And as a result, bikes were obtained that the leading manufacturers of these two-wheeled vehicles would envy.

Elements and paraphernalia of the subculture

In fact, bikers don't have to wear leather goods or chains. It is enough to have an aggressive and rebellious character. This will be all the attributes. After all, a biker can wear a formal suit, but you can always recognize a representative of this subculture in him.

bikers it
bikers it

But the subculture "bikers" is not complete without some important elements, no matter how pretentiously its representative behaves. First, it is, of course, a motorcycle. It is desirable that it be modified by its owner, and not look standard. Secondly, these are massive accessories. For example,these may be chains or watches. They emphasize the rebellious attitude to life, immunity to trifles.

Biker and motorcyclist: is there a difference?

The word "motorcycle" comes from the Latin language and consists of two parts, which can be translated as follows: "wheel" and "to be in motion." As for the bike, its literal translation will sound like “two-wheeled”. That is, initially, even with their names, motorcyclists and bikers differ from each other. The first just drive the transport, while the second try to emphasize that they have a passion only for the two-wheeled unit.

subculture bikers history
subculture bikers history

All people can become motorcyclists. To do this, you just need to buy the appropriate vehicle, and you can not drive it every day. Often such people simply have a motorcycle in the garage, they brag about it to friends and relatives.

As for bikers, it's a completely different story. Such people devote their whole lives to their motorcycles, not imagining their existence without them. This is what distinguishes the subculture "bikers". Photos of dashing riders, videos from numerous shows always convey a special atmosphere. The biker even looks at his motorcycle differently: love and devotion are felt in his eyes.

Fraternity shows and entertainment

The "bikers" subculture can't do without two main events of the year. This is the opening and closing of the season. For several days, all representatives of this subculture, as well as those who are interested in bikes, celebrate andbrag to each other about their units. Of course, such shows are not complete without an abundance of beer, cigarettes and girls.

subculture bikers history of occurrence
subculture bikers history of occurrence

As for contests, they are all pretty much the same. One of them is called "sausages". The biker puts the girl behind him. She should bite a sausage hanging on a rope directly during the movement. It is difficult to make, but the spectacle is funny and fun.

Another contest is called "barrels". The biker who rolls the metal container the farthest in a straight line wins. Naturally, he must do this only through his motorcycle.

What does it take to call yourself a biker?

You can't become a member of a fraternity just by buying yourself a motorcycle. Bikers are people who follow two simple rules. So, they must have a genuine love for their "iron horse" and rock and roll.

subculture bikers in russia
subculture bikers in russia

Two-wheelers always have a special place in the life of a biker. Love for him is manifested in maintaining cleanliness, constant modernization, updating, tuning. Moreover, if the biker does not have enough funds, then you can only change the stickers on the wings. Brotherhood friends will definitely appreciate it.

The subculture "bikers" immediately after its appearance was perceived as eye-catching, flashy. That is why rock and roll music is perfect for her. And the representatives of the subculture themselves are not averse to relaxing in the bar to the appropriate compositions.


Independent rebel and aggressive person. It is these associations that arise in a person when he hears about a biker. And there are moments in history that fully confirm this. So, as an example, let's take a story that happened in California. Several motorcyclists pretty much drank and went to ride through the streets of the night city. Soon other guys joined them, naturally, also not sober. Then the first biker violence was recorded. But once is enough to form a certain image.

subculture bikers photo
subculture bikers photo

I must say that the "bikers" subculture in Russia is perceived negatively by many ordinary people today. Moreover, its representatives do not try to do anything to change people's opinions. They don't need it. They represent a separate brotherhood, whose members, if they value someone's opinion, then only their friends in the "iron horses".

As another feature of the biker, one can single out the fact that he will fight to the death for his "brother" in the subculture. Therefore, if one person is accepted into the appropriate group, then he can fully rely on its other members. Naturally, the same is expected of him.


Thus, we found out that bikers are not at all drunk and angry men who are aggressive towards drivers of four-wheeled vehicles and, moreover, pedestrians. They are people just like everyone else. The only difference is that their favoritethe occupation is riding your bike and communicating with like-minded people. It's just a hobby that affects the lifestyle.
