The golden rule of life that everyone should know

The golden rule of life that everyone should know
The golden rule of life that everyone should know

When there is a rush at work, and endless chores at home, you often want to run away to the ends of the world - away from the hustle and bustle. We begin to get nervous, take out anger and aggression on loved ones. As a result, strong relationships are destroyed, scandals, quarrels and complete misunderstandings arise. To avoid an unfavorable scenario, you should develop the golden rules of daily life that will help maintain inner harmony and balance, as well as replenish energy and strength, which will help you cope with troubles both at the domestic and business levels.

Appreciate what you have

The basic laws that will bring happiness and give peace of mind were developed by the famous Bulgarian figure, astrologer, alchemist and occultist Omraam Aivanhov. The golden rules of daily life, in his opinion, begin with the main thing - the ability to cherish what is given by God. Life is the most precious blessing. Throwing it away for nothing, taking risks, not using the existing opportunities and chances is real spinelessness, even blasphemy.

golden rule of life
golden rule of life

BeforeInstead of complaining about problems at home or at work, think about the positive things. Are all loved ones he althy? Are there children running around the house? Is your husband on the couch? It's already good. The main thing is that you have them, and minor pen alties in the form of conflicts can be eliminated. If you strive to achieve peace and quiet family well-being, start with yourself. Become kind, gentle, able to listen and understand. Think about how you love your loved ones. Believe me, this feeling is the key to vital activity. When there is someone to work and try for, then any, even the most difficult, business is argued in the hands.

Harmony of the worlds

Golden rule of life - put things in order in your head. First, evaluate your real capabilities, get from the depths of consciousness those qualities, feelings and skills that you do not use. Enjoy them. After all, the greatest we alth of a person is not material we alth, but that inner world, individual and unique, which makes him truly happy. Live a spiritual life, help others, do not criticize them, do not interfere in someone else's life. Do what brings pleasure - your joy and satisfaction will attract people, make them happy. And they will pay off handsomely.

golden rules of daily life
golden rules of daily life

Second, remember that the outer world is a reflection of the inner state. The rules that will help in life make it clear: do not look for in people what you yourself do not possess. That is, if there is not enough wisdom in others, perhaps you yourself do not shine with your mind, therefore you attract similar personalities. Grow, readvisit theaters - the more beauty, love and intellectual possibilities you discover in yourself, the more you will begin to notice them in others.

Balance between times

Another golden rule of life is to enjoy the present. People often worry about the troubles that the future may bring them. But why beat yourself up? Why poison existence with thoughts of possible illnesses, bankruptcy, death. Many psychologists are sure that a person programs himself for possible events. Therefore, tune in to the future as positively as possible and discard bad thoughts. All problems should be de alt with as they come.

ivankhov golden rules of daily life
ivankhov golden rules of daily life

Appreciate the past and dream about the future. But live in the present. The events that await us are built on the foundation that we are building in these very moments. If it is decrepit and unusable, then it is useless to hope for a brilliant future. So mold the future with your own hands right now.

The golden rule of life is don't worry if every day doesn't turn out the way you want. In case of failure before going to bed, once again analyze the causes and consequences of the mistake. Tomorrow morning is a great time to fix it and create better conditions for existence.

Randy Paul Gage's Opinion

An American self-development expert, a specialist in the field of achieving success, has developed his golden rules in human life. He calls them the laws of existence, the main purpose of which is to increase the well-being of those who follow them:

  • Void. If you need a new coat, throw out the old one. Say goodbye to stereotypes and complexes without regrets.
  • Circulation. To get what you want, let go of what you have.
  • Imagination. Dream of an ideal world, draw it, describe it in words. When things go wrong, revisit your notes.
  • Creativity. The energy of thinking, intuition and fantasy help to achieve prosperity.
  • You for me, I for you. Remember: what you give out comes back to you tenfold. Share blessings, share gifts with others.
  • Tithing. The universe always takes 10% of what you have. But he will give in return: money, recovery, new relationships.
  • Forgiveness. A person cannot be happy while resentment, hatred, envy and other negative feelings live in his soul.

These simple 7 rules will become your reliable assistants in the struggle for the favor of fate and the achievement of inner harmony.

Oriental practice

In India, people solve all problems with the help of meditation. They advise using this golden rule of life for those who cannot gather their courage, do not have the strength to solve pressing problems. According to Hindus, yoga lovers, people are obliged to devote more time to caring for the nervous system, making unloading for it. For example, when the charge of vivacity is almost running out, you need to put aside business and take time to rest. Take a comfortable position, close your eyes, relax your limbs and imagine how a beam of light penetrates the body. It slowly spreads through the veins and veins, filling every cell with energy. After a few minutes of this meditation, you will immediately feel that the body has recovered.

golden rule of life don't worry
golden rule of life don't worry

Besides, yoga makes us self-confident, strong, hardy. It restores peace of mind. As a result, a person, having received a new surge of activity, is ready to move mountains. Therefore, daily oriental practice is the golden rule of life for every person who does not stop there, but wants further development and self-improvement.

Sports and he althy food are our best friends

This is a postulate that should be taught to children from birth. After analyzing the basic 19 golden rules of life, you can see that proper nutrition is not the last on this list. It has been scientifically proven that fatty, smoked, fried and sweet foods cause drowsiness and fatigue. The person feels overwhelmed and empty. In addition, weight increases and there is heaviness in the whole body: I don’t want to work, move, do my favorite hobby.

But a diet rich in greens, fruits and vegetables, dairy and meat products, fish and seafood makes us he althier, more active, adventurous and optimistic.

19 golden rules of life
19 golden rules of life

The same can be said about sports. Swimming and running, aerobics and exercise in the gym will improve physical well-being, shape, positively affect the appearance. Seeing changes in the mirror, a person will also want inner perfection, which will make him work on himself,discipline feelings, control emotions, giving others only positive and pleasing them with openness of soul, genuine honesty, goodwill and love.
