Vladimir Yaglych: biography, personal life, photo

Vladimir Yaglych: biography, personal life, photo
Vladimir Yaglych: biography, personal life, photo

The life of stars that shine brightly on TV screens is not always rosy. Some of them earn popularity over the years, while others have successful life collisions, thanks to which their path to fame is short. The same thing happened with the famous actor Vladimir Yaglych, whose biography many directors became interested in, when he began acting in films almost immediately after the theater.

Vladimir Yaglych biography
Vladimir Yaglych biography


Vladimir was born on January 14, 1983, is a native Muscovite. As a child, he had a modest and calm character, so he did not even think about the profession of an actor. He was more interested in flying, but life turned in a completely different direction.

Growing up a little, Volodya became interested in watching various films, and this activity fascinated him, and subsequently influenced the choice of his future profession. After graduating from school, he still decidesdevote his life to cinema and enters the Pike, where he receives an acting education. Even then, many teachers were interested in the biography of Vladimir Yaglych, since he was considered one of the best students on the course. In 2004, Vladimir graduated from college with honors, which gave him a successful start in his future career.

Road to Fame

The filmography of Vladimir Yaglych began with the project "At the nameless height", where he played a young lieutenant. This role brought popularity and demand to the former student of the theater school. Vladimir got used to the image so professionally that in the future they began to offer him to play such heroes.

The movie theater is not the only place where Vladimir worked. Immediately after receiving his diploma, he was accepted into the troupe of the Moscow Academic Theater, where he played many interesting roles.

Vladimir Yaglych biography personal life
Vladimir Yaglych biography personal life

Now, unfortunately, Vladimir does not work in the theater and devoted his life entirely to cinema. Of course, this is understandable. After all, the salary of an artist in the theater is quite small compared to the fees for filming.

The biography of Vladimir Yaglych has many films with his participation. But the main roles are catastrophically few. "Two Fates", "Don't Be Born Beautiful", "Soldiers", "We are from the Future" - roles in these films helped Vladimir to gain a foothold in the profession and earn a name for himself from directors for future high-profile projects.

Private life

In the personal life of famous people there are always various moments, forwhich are closely watched by both journalists and fans. This also affected the actor.

Watching the biography and personal life of Vladimir Yaglych, you can find out that at the beginning of his film career, he had quite a few girlfriends. Whether the actor had a long-term relationship with anyone is not known for certain. The fans learned about the seriousness of Vladimir's intentions in 2005, when he announced his wedding with Svetlana Khodchenkova, an actress and friend from the student bench. For several years, one could see their happy faces on the pages of famous magazines and on TV screens. It was evident that the couple was really happy, and everyone thought that the marriage would last for a long time.

Vladimir Yaglych biography personal life photo
Vladimir Yaglych biography personal life photo

But, unfortunately, creative people are very complex. Especially if the husband and wife work in the same field. A large percentage of such marriages break up sooner or later. Vladimir Yaglych and Svetlana Khodchenkova were no exception and broke up five years later. After the divorce, they said that the reason was a difficult work schedule and long separations from each other.

Photos of Vladimir Yaglych, biography and personal life after a divorce from Svetlana became even more interesting to fans. Everyone was incredibly interested when and, most importantly, with whom Vladimir would again connect himself with warm relations. And the actor did not keep his fans waiting long. Shortly after the divorce, he announced a relationship with figure skater Oksana Domnina.

Also, Vladimir was often seen in the company of Antonina Papernaya, the daughter of the famous Ukrainian actress OlgaSumy. Fans and the press have long suspected about the relationship of young people. The couple denied for a long time, but soon confirmed the correctness of the rumors.

Recently, Vladimir Yaglych has been noticed in the company of Anna Starshenbaum, with whom the actor had an affair a few years ago.

As you can see, after the divorce, Vladimir Yaglych leads a rather hectic personal life, and fans can only hope that he will marry again and maybe have children.

Interesting facts

  1. Vladimir Yaglych is left-handed.
  2. He is attracted to a variety of sports, such as yoga and martial arts.
  3. New York is Vladimir's favorite city, he likes to go there on vacation. But, according to his statement, he still likes Moscow more, and he will never exchange it for any city.
  4. Always learns the essence of the film first and only then decides whether to accept the offer or refuse to participate in the proposed project.
  5. According to Vladimir, in his life there are only 4 truly beloved women for him - his niece Zhenya, grandmother, mother and sister.
