In any of the major cities there is a problem of depreciation of morally and physically obsolete housing stock with the simultaneous commissioning of modern new buildings. The capital of our country in this regard is not an exception. By demolishing five-story buildings in Moscow, which have fallen into disrepair, the authorities are trying to solve the problem of housing depreciation.
"Khrushchev" outdated?
Painfully familiar five-story "Khrushchev" for many decades adorned the cityscapes of the capital. Their construction took place in the middle of the last century and captured huge territories.
A distinctive feature of such housing is small-sized rooms, thin walls without proper sound insulation and combined bathrooms. These parameters are no longer quoted today. Moreover, they are officially recognized as unfit for life, which implies a minimum level of comfort.

It is for this reason that the problem of the demolition of five-story buildings in Moscow has matured. This epic began in 1998, and the final stage is expected to be completed in the next two years.year.
What is the Housing Program?
This is the name of the municipal Moscow program adopted at the end of the last century, the task of which is to demolish obsolete houses and provide the former owners with new modern living space. This program started in 2011.
Due to the huge number of Khrushchevs at that moment, we had to plan the work for a fairly long period. In the official list of demolition of five-story buildings in Moscow, concerning emergency and dilapidated housing, there were initially 1,722 houses. The dates of construction of each of them are between 1955 and 1969.
Last step of the program
Currently, less than a tenth of the mentioned number is "alive". The final stage of the program according to the plan falls on the period 2017-2018. During this time, it remains to demolish the last five or six dozen ill-fated "Khrushchev".

The main places where the demolition of five-story buildings in Moscow is planned are ZAO, SAO, SWAD, VAO, SZAO. Most are located on the streets of the northwestern autonomous region. The addresses of the demolition of five-story buildings in Moscow for the next two years are already known. You can get acquainted with them on the official website of the program.
The event is financed mainly by the state, but the participation of private sponsors can also be traced. The number of objects that are planned to be worked on at the last stage of the program (in the next 2 years) includes a number of relatively "fresh"five-story buildings, the years of construction of which are from 1960 to 1975.
Reconstruction is unprofitable
In terms of their design, they do not have any differences with those mentioned above, but due to the later commissioning time, the status of emergency data houses is not yet in danger. More recently, the authorities planned to continue to operate such buildings.
Moreover, a rather exotic project of adding additional upper floors to such houses was seriously discussed. But in reality, plans had to be adjusted. The project did not find support among the residents and showed its complete financial and logistical failure.
The cost of such a major reconstruction, according to experts, turned out to be approximately the same as the cost of demolishing obsolete housing and building a new house. The demolition of the "unbearable" five-story buildings in Moscow was nevertheless approved. In addition to "Khrushchev", the list of houses subject to it until the end of 2018 included residential buildings with a height of 1-4 floors, which also received the status of emergency.

About wave development
The plan for the demolition of five-story buildings in Moscow provides that the bulk of the work to complete the last period (2017-2018) will be in the current 2017. In the next year, all additional work on the implementation of the program will be completed.
Direct demolition procedures are only part of the program mentioned above. The main task, much more costly and serious in its content, is the resettlementformer residents from dilapidated and dilapidated buildings into new comfortable apartments. In this regard, mention should be made of the concept of the so-called wave development - the method by which the implementation of the costly and laborious resettlement procedure is planned.
Plan for the demolition of five-story buildings in Moscow - stages of the procedure
This option is recognized as optimal as a solution to the problem of moving. It consists of a number of stages, which are as follows:
- A new house is being built first.
- Then, the residents of the five-story buildings planned for demolition move in.
- The next stage is the empty emergency (dilapidated) housing being demolished.
- A new building is being built on the resulting territory.

When building new residential areas, it is necessary to provide for all the required infrastructure. We are talking, first of all, about children's institutions (schools in kindergartens), then - about medical and other important infrastructure facilities. Parking spaces should be provided around the houses under construction, as well as all necessary communications should be provided.
People's opinion
Practice shows that the method of wave development has proved to be the best. Its application is in the interests of both construction companies and those people who are to be relocated. At the same time, cases of dissatisfaction with the ongoing reforms due to a number of reasons cannot be ruled out.
In this case, a public discussion is provided with the possibility of citizensexpress accumulated claims and resolve urgent conflicts. The actively expressed arguments of the dissatisfied, supported by reasonable arguments, in some cases led to quite serious changes in the original draft.

Demolish or renovate?
And yet what was the basis of the decision taken by the authorities to launch the program? The plan for the demolition of five-story buildings in Moscow was developed on the basis of data provided by economists regarding the feasibility of a major overhaul of such housing. According to the conclusions of experts, this process is seen as unprofitable. Estimated costs for the repair of obsolete morally and physically five-story buildings will not give the expected result.
The very layout of such housing, coupled with material and design features, does not allow us to talk about the possibility of establishing a fundamentally new level of comfort within their walls for those living in them. Specialists pointed out that one of the reasons for the inexpediency of major repairs is their layout, in which communications are carried out inside the walls and practically cannot be replaced. That is, having decided on a major overhaul, the authorities one way or another would have to take care of the issue of resettlement of residents, at least for a while.
Soon everyone will be resettled
At the same time, the absolute majority of the objects of this housing stock turned out to be practically unsuitable for any repair and restoration measures. Built over 60 years ago, they were designed to last no more than 25 or 30 years.

About 1.6 million people still live in houses that have been sold. The mayor of the capital, Sergei Sobyanin, announced the decision to complete the last stage of the program within the next two years. Most of the houses have been successfully liquidated, residents have received new comfortable housing.
Who pays?
The main problem that the developers of the program had to solve was the budgetary side of the matter. Will the city authorities pull this considerable financial burden? Is it possible to attract serious investors to the issue?
In the early stages, the program was implemented mainly thanks to the raised funds. Now the lion's share of the cost of demolishing five-story buildings in Moscow fell on the shoulders of the state. Over 1000 houses out of the total number (and there are more than 1700 of them) were settled at the expense of the treasury. The mayor of the city said that about 160 thousand Moscow families have found the opportunity to change physically and morally obsolete housing for comfortable new apartments.