Patriotic democracy and pluralism of the political apparatus have attracted attention since the formation of the new state system. After the collapse of the USSR, the number of public organizations and parties began to grow exponentially in the post-Soviet space. Formations with extraordinary names became especially noticeable. One of these was the Great Potter 55 party. Alexei Nikolaevich Zhuravlev is its former leader, positioning himself as a "collector of Russian lands."
Failed party "Great Potter 55"
The personality, political credo and attitudes of this figure cause the most ambiguous reactions. The appearance of Zhuravlev in the political arena provoked a flurry of sarcastic smirks. The leader of the newly formed party, an honorary metallurgist who promotes the ideas of the “Great Russian Empire, at the head of which should be a monarch - the Orthodox Tsar,” quickly became famous for his boundless faith and love for the Almighty. The activity of the social activist clearly stood out against the background of his comrades-in-arms. But this organization apparently has no future: in May 2014year, the Ministry of Justice denied registration to the formation.

Zhuravlev set himself the goal of uniting the Slavic peoples, instilling in the population a sense of patriotism and conveying to everyone his faith in God. In his opinion, it is the Orthodox Church that is a tool for rallying Russians and developing a powerful state, focused primarily on social reforms and improving the quality of life.
Childhood and youth of the future politician, joining the ranks of the CPSU
Zhuravlev Alexey Nikolaevich was born in 1964 in the Moscow region, in the village of Belaya, Noginsk district. It is also noteworthy that the politician and leader of the Great Potter 55 party is a native of the Moscow region. The history of the Zhuravlev family leads to the Moscow region from the Vladimir and Ryazan provinces, and it can be traced in several generations up to 250 years.

Being the youngest child in a simple family of workers, he received a secondary education and graduated from a vocational school as a car mechanic and driver of the 3rd category. However, he did not want to stop there and entered the Russian State Agrarian University for correspondence courses after two years of military service. Zhuravlev made his first steps into the world of politics while in the service. An excellent student of the border troops (the future politician repaid his debt to his homeland on the border with Finland) joined the ranks of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union.
Graduation andrapid career growth of a manager
Aleksei Nikolaevich Zhuravlev received higher education without interruption from work. In addition, the chosen specialization "Economics and production management in the agricultural sector" contributed to his career growth. He started with farming in 1989, but after 7 years Zhuravlev received the post of head of the village administration. Previously, from 1993 to 1996, Alexei Nikolayevich worked as Deputy General Director for Construction Works at the Progress Production Center. In 1999, the novice politician worked as the head of two village administrations.
Honorary Metallurgist of Russia and CEO of a large enterprise
At the same time, Zhuravlev planned to be nominated to the Noginsk Council, and already in 2000 he submitted his candidacy for the post of head of the district, but to no avail. Failure did not affect his plans in the least. Thanks to his determination, after a couple of years, the biography of Aleksey Nikolaevich Zhuravlev was replenished with another significant fact - the election to the post of general director of Vtormetinvest.

By the way, just a couple of years later, this enterprise specializing in metal processing joined the terms of the government program to develop a network of organizations for the reception, collection, disposal and processing of scrap metal, large equipment, old cars in the Moscow region. Zhuravlev's firm in the shortest possible time announced its production success. The staff of the enterprise was awarded with ministerial diplomas, and the head was awarded the title of Honorary Metallurgist of Russia.
Deputy activity of Zhuravlev
Without laying down his powers as a deputy, the politician confidently moved forward, and in 2005 a public figure launched a local election campaign in the city of Elektrostal, running for mayor. For 17 years, until the formation of the Great Potter 55 party in 2012, Aleksey Nikolayevich Zhuravlev actively worked with the electorate in organizing the campaign for presidential and parliamentary elections.
Among the interesting biographical events in the life of Alexei Nikolaevich Zhuravlev, the story of his birth deserves special attention. A politician was born in a field strewn with rye. Antonina Ivanovna, Zhuravlev's mother, confirmed the reality of this fact, and in a conversation with reporters she mentioned another episode related to the birth of a "man from God", her youngest son Alexei.
The story that happened to Zhuravlev's mother
Being married to Zakhary Zakharovich Pronin and raising two sons, Antonina Ivanovna could not even imagine what radical changes fate had in store for her. One day in 1961, a gypsy woman entered the train in which the woman was traveling, who began to importunately persuade her to fortune-telling by hand. Trusting Antonina Ivanovna agreed, but what she heard from the "seer" shocked her. The gypsy said that she would have a long life, and, according to the lines on her hand, she would have another marriage and the birth of a third baby. Antonina's indignationIvanovna knew no bounds.

And if the thought of replenishing the family was quite acceptable, then she categorically did not want to agree with the version of the second husband. Antonina Ivanovna was a faithful and loving wife, but the gypsy only shrugged her shoulders and confidently confirmed what had been said, adding that “the third son is from God!”.
The fortune-teller's prediction came true and the birth of a "son from God"
A year later, the prediction came true. For a fight in an electric train carriage, Pronin was taken to the police station, where he was beaten to death. The KGB officers began to intimidate the widow of Zakhary Zakharovich, strictly forbidding her to seek the truth and write complaints to higher authorities. In exchange for the silence left alone with two children, without any financial support, Antonina Ivanovna was promised to assist in obtaining state benefits for children. The heartbroken widow had nowhere to go, and how, with two kids, to look for the truth and go against the KGB system of the USSR?

Children needed a father, and a single woman needed a master in the house, a helper. Zhuravlev Alexey Nikolaevich was born a year after his mother married Nikolai Alekseevich. So the prophetic words of the gypsy came true, and three children became in the Zhuravlev family. Whether Zhuravlev is really a man from God remains to be seen. It is not difficult to declare a super-important mission, however, to a greater extent, one can prove one's significance only by actions and honest deeds. Today Zhuravlev continues to carry the WordChrist to the masses and call the people to repentance of sins. Who knows, maybe he is a Follower of God?
Persecution of Zhuravlev under the law: dishonest political struggle
Another curious fact from the biography of the politician Alexei Nikolaevich Zhuravlev can be called an event that happened to him on the eve of the election of the head of the Noginsk region. At the end of August 2005, the district deputy was charged under three articles of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation. In total, Alexei Nikolayevich was threatened with 9 to 15 years in prison.

According to Zhuravlev, the reason for the accusations was the dishonest intrigues of political rivals. Despite the persecution and repeated court decisions to arrest, the politician remained at large.
Raider takeover of the enterprise
According to Alexey Nikolaevich himself, God helped him to stay free. In the spring of 2008, all criminal cases against Zhuravlev were closed, but by autumn he again had problems with the law, or rather, with the newly elected authorities of Noginsk in a group with bank raiders from Moscow. Aleksey Nikolaevich Zhuravlev was searched, arrested, released and persecuted again. This continued until the end of 2009. The result of these events was the capture by the raiders of the metallurgical plant of JSC Vtormetinvest.
Where did the idea of creating a political party come from?
The enterprise that had reached production heights with Zhuravlev was invaded by new management. Over the next few years, the politician tried to get the truth andto protect themselves from the lawlessness of local authorities by founding a people's party. Alexey Nikolaevich Zhuravlev created the public organization "Great Potter 55. Collector of Russian Lands" in the fall of 2012. The leader of the party, being a deeply religious person and living according to the Commandments of Jesus Christ, is sure that after the regime of V. V. Putin and the supremacy of the ruling parties, Russia will again become the greatest empire, which should be headed by an Orthodox tsar.

Zhuravlev tried to unite citizens of patriotic and religious beliefs, restore historical justice, traditions and principles of moral government. In order to achieve this goal, in his opinion, it is important to return the status of an “empire” to Russia, to help her find a true historical face.
Private life, copyrighted books politics
Aleksey Nikolaevich Zhuravlev is married and has five children and grandchildren. The politician and metallurgist is fond of history, foreign languages, adheres to a he althy lifestyle and goes in for sports. Zhuravlev has published more than one book in which he talks about the socio-economic and political aspects of life in the capital region and other regions of Russia. The first work that saw the light was the book "Native Side", written in 2003.
After her, Zhuravlev published several more scientific publications: brochures "Fire, water and reliable pipes", "The city will celebrate housewarming". In the first, the author spoke about the nuances of the housing and communal services of the Noginsk region, paid attention to the analysis of this area in the country as a whole. AlexeiNikolayevich repeatedly suggested ways of solving the most acute, sore problems. In the second brochure, you can get acquainted with the program for the development of residential complexes in the Noginsk district. The next book, "We are indebted to the Motherland," was published by Alexei Nikolaevich Zhuravlev in 2005.