Carrot (plant): description, where it grows, useful properties. common carrot

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Carrot (plant): description, where it grows, useful properties. common carrot
Carrot (plant): description, where it grows, useful properties. common carrot

Video: Carrot (plant): description, where it grows, useful properties. common carrot

Video: Carrot (plant): description, where it grows, useful properties. common carrot
Video: Growing different Color Carrots | Carrot Farming 2024, October

Hearing such a delicious name immediately brings to mind a wonderful cake, but this is not at all the case. Probably, few people have heard of such a plant as a carrot. Therefore, let's find out more about it: where it grows, what it is used for and what properties it has.


The carrot plant belongs to the Umbelliferae family, is a genus of herbaceous plants. It is also characterized by other names - wild carrots, smooth. The root of this word is translated as "kindle", "warm". It has over three thousand species. Carrot grass is a perennial plant. Although sometimes found and annual. He loves warmth and light. The stem is solitary, rarely there are several. At the base it is covered with petioles of dead leaves, naked, powdered, 5 mm in diameter, has a branched top.

carrot plant
carrot plant

The petioles of the leaves are long and rounded. Reaches more than one and a half meters in height. In rare cases - up to two meters. The flowers are collected in umbrellas at the top of the stem, the teeth are ovate, the petals are red, yellow and white, less often blue tones. Leaves triangular doublepinnate. The fruit has pterygoid ribs. Stem leaves are dissected into three parts, with a not swollen sheath. The calyx has almost indistinct teeth. Common carrot through breeding gave rise to sowing carrots (garden).

Its root contains 2-3% essential oil, its main component is geraniol. Used in perfumery and used in cooking. When cooked, it has the aroma of pine needles and spices; when raw, it smells like simple carrots.

Where does it grow?

Let's find out where carrots grow. In Europe, Western and Northern Asia, in North Africa. It can also be seen on the territory of Russia in the southern regions. Likes calcareous soils.

carrot grass
carrot grass

Useful properties. Medical Uses

The carrot plant is very good for he alth. It can be used to prevent the following diseases: urolithiasis, tuberculosis, asthma, arrhythmia, anemia, has an analgesic effect, fights cough and viruses. This herb is very useful for women: it restores hormonal levels, causes the menstrual cycle - in its absence, relieves pain in the abdomen, helps to cope with complications of pregnancy and breastfeeding. It has a beneficial effect on the digestive system, removes pain in the stomach, treats gastritis. Boosts the immune system, useful for people with diseases such as: human papillomavirus (HPV), HIV, AIDS.

Is the prevention of urogenital infections. Gives active resistance to thrush in women. Strengthens the walls of organs, fights bacteria,stops them from multiplying.

Increases the potency of men, increases the desire for sex.

umbrella plants
umbrella plants

The plant has a huge amount of vitamin A. Easily fights worms. From carrot seeds, the drug "Daukarin" was obtained, which had a vasodilating and antispasmodic effect on the body. Good effect on the nervous system.

In cosmetology

Since ancient times, this herb is very much appreciated in the production of cosmetics. It is very useful for dry skin. If you add lemon juice, it will be a bleaching agent against freckles. Rubbing the product into the head, you can accelerate hair growth. It also reduces their loss, gives a he althy shine, nourishing and moisturizing the hair structure. It is well used as an anti-cellulite agent, and due to its stinging effect, it also copes with excess weight.


Umbrella plants, namely the carrot itself, help to cope with ailments.

common carrot
common carrot

Now let's look at a few recipes:

  1. Unripe flowers of the plant (15 grams) must be dried, pour boiling water (250 ml) and let it brew for 40 minutes. It has a bactericidal effect on the body, relieves cough, helps with headaches, is an anesthetic infusion.
  2. Carrot tea. Pour the raw material with a glass of boiling water in a ratio of 3 to 1, wait 15 minutes, drink slowly, in small sips. Suitable for the prevention of cystitis.
  3. Carrot plant (tbsp.) grind fresh, add 4 drops of iodine andone tablespoon of honey. Then mix thoroughly. Used as an ointment to heal wounds on the skin.
  4. Fruit of the plant grind into powder, brew in hot boiled water, strain, add one teaspoon of soda and five drops of iodine. Every day, morning and evening, wash yourself with this solution, without soap. The infusion should always be fresh, you can not use it two days in a row. Use within three to five days. Remember that this method is not able to provide complete resistance to female inflammatory processes, you should consult a doctor.

  5. Decoction to relieve nervous tension. Required: 2 tbsp. spoons of herbs or carrot seeds, 360 ml of water. Boil for 1-2 minutes over low heat, then remove from the stove, leave to infuse for 40 minutes, be sure to strain. Take this infusion during the day three times before meals for 20-25 minutes, for one week. After a while, you can repeat the procedure.
  6. Cope with toothache instantly. To do this, you need to: brew the herb (a couple of pinches in 150 ml of water), let it brew, strain, add 1 teaspoon of soda and s alt, mix thoroughly, rinse your mouth as soon as pain appears.

If after taking the above remedies you begin to experience a headache, burning sensation in the chest, dry throat, nausea, vomiting, weakness, you should immediately stop using them so as not to complicate the situation later. This means that you have an individual intolerance to this product.


Grass carrot has contraindications. We will consider them further. Under no circumstances should an overdose be allowed. This may cause allergies. It is strictly prohibited during exacerbation of ulcers and duodenal ulcers.

carrot description
carrot description


It is important to know that:

  1. The roots of smoothysh are harvested in spring or late autumn. Raw use produces a laxative effect, kills worms.
  2. Umbrella plants should be harvested in early autumn if you need their fruits. To do this, you need to dry them, crush them into powder.

Chemical composition

The roots of red and yellow species contain carotene, riboflavin and ascorbic acid, 16% sugar, calcium s alt, phosphorus, iron. There are also trace elements - copper, iodine, boron. The fruits contain 20% fatty oil and flavone derivatives.

Use in cooking

The carrot plant is used as a spice. The fruit of the herb has a pungent taste, because of this it is a substitute for seasoning in many dishes. It is also used in marinades, in the production of various liqueurs.

where do carrots grow
where do carrots grow

Use as a spice for processing fish and in the canning industry. In Portugal, jam is made from the fruit of the plant. Such a blank is very popular there.


In the article we have compiled a description of the carrot, indicated where it grows and what useful properties it has. We also considered areas of application. We hope thatthis information was useful to you.
