Common popovnik (common daisy): description, photo, where it grows

Common popovnik (common daisy): description, photo, where it grows
Common popovnik (common daisy): description, photo, where it grows

Popovnik, or common daisy, is a perennial herbaceous plant from the Asteraceae family, the largest of all families of dicotyledonous plants, including about 33 thousand species distributed throughout the planet. In the article we will tell in detail about wild flowers that look like chamomile.

Etymology of the name. Synonyms

The Latin name of the flower is Leucanthemum vulgare. Derived from two Greek words:

  • leukos - translated into Russian as "white";
  • anthemon - means "flower".

Thus, the scientific name is closely related to the white daisy-like appearance of the flower.

popovnik ordinary
popovnik ordinary

Nivyanik is the Russian name for the plant. It comes from the word "field", which means a wide treeless space. Considering that leefflower grows in open areas of the earth, it can be assumed that the Russian name of the flower characterizes its distribution.

romance-grass, white flower.

Biological Description

Perennial plant grows up to 30-80 cm in height, has a tap root with well-developed lateral processes. On a straight, strong stem, there is one flower basket with a diameter of 7-10 cm on top. Tubular flowers (the so-called middle) are always yellow, and marginal (petals) are white.

flower petals
flower petals

Depending on the variety, common popovnik may have basal leaves with a crenate edge or elongated stem leaves with a serrated edge.

The fruit of the plant is a cylindrical achene that ripens in September-October after the summer flowering of cornflower.

This species is propagated vegetatively or by seeds. Differs in frost resistance. Favorable growing conditions are good humidity and light.

Chamomile or not?

Amateur gardeners often call daisy daisy. Of course, flowers have a superficial resemblance, but from a botanical point of view, they are only distant relatives, representing different genera.

It is possible to distinguish common popovnik from chamomile by the following characteristic features:

  • leafflower is many times larger than a chamomile flower;
  • leaves of popovnik are mostly whole, while chamomile is pinnatipartite;
  • the stem of the whitehead is even and tall, always with one flower basket, while the stalk of chamomile is branched and low, with several inflorescences.

Where the common popovnik grows

The species is widely distributed in Europe, temperate zones of Asia,found in North America, well established in Australia and New Zealand. It grows in the European part of Russia, in Siberia and the Crimea, as well as in the Caucasus.

daisy daisy
daisy daisy

Common popovnik, which is described in the article, prefers open sunny meadows, wide forest clearings and light forests, gentle slopes and fields. The flower reaches for the sun and does not take root in shaded places.

How to use leefflower

Chamomile-leafflower is a beautiful plant that gardeners are happy to grow in flowerbeds and home gardens. With it, landscape designers create bright spots in flower beds, effectively combining white heads with golden lilies, pink chrysanthemums, blue cornflowers and bluebells, purple petunias.

Artists using leucanthemum make delicate bouquets, they decorate wedding arches, corteges and halls.

nivyanik photo
nivyanik photo

Besides decorativeness, common popovnik has other advantages. It is widely used in folk medicine and cosmetology, as well as in cooking (exotic salads and seasonings from the stems and leaves of the plant have a characteristic sharp taste that gourmets really like).

Planting and care

wild flowers similar to chamomile
wild flowers similar to chamomile

Those who want to grow a whitehead in their garden should know some rules:

  • plant prefers non-acid fertile soil, moist and well-drained;
  • responsive to organic fertilizers, which are recommended to be applied before planting at the rate of 15 kg per 1square meter of area: at the time when the common popovnik blooms, it can be fed with compost or bone meal;
  • does not tolerate shady areas, needs bright sunlight;
  • in a dry summer, you need to water the cornfield abundantly, preferably in the evening.

The flower is propagated by seeds, cuttings or division of the rhizome.

Seeds are sown in early March for seedlings or in September in open ground. The main drawback of the method is the lack of guarantees for the preservation of the varietal properties of the plant.

For successful cuttings, small basal rosettes are used. It has been observed that cuttings taken in August take root best, and the plants from them grow strong, with a large inflorescence.

The flower is dug up in the spring or in the first 2 weeks of autumn. With a sharp knife, the rhizome is divided into parts - delenki. These delenki are buried in shallow pits at intervals of 30-40 cm and watered. Soon we can expect a whole clearing of whiteheads.

Chemical composition and properties

Until now, the composition of the plant has not been fully studied. Scientists have found that popovnik is rich in many biologically active substances: flavonoids, hydroxycinnamic acids, tannins, coumarins, inulin and alkaloids. The stems, leaves and petals of whitehead flowers are rich in carotene and ascorbic acid. Fatty oils found in the seeds.

Use in traditional medicine

Let's continue the story about the nivyanik plant. The photo shows its tenderness and beauty. In addition to decorativeness, the flower has useful properties,which healers have long used to prepare medicinal potions.

Popovnik ordinary has antispasmodic, anti-inflammatory, wound healing, antioxidant, diuretic and antihelminthic effects on the body. Normalizes blood circulation and metabolism. Cleanses the body of toxins, promotes the removal of "bad" cholesterol.

common popovnik description
common popovnik description

Infusion of nivyanik flowers is used for bronchitis as an expectorant, it is also recommended for douching in gynecological problems such as thrush, irregular menstruation and infertility. Nivyanik ointments do an excellent job with eczema of various etiologies. Sitz baths of a decoction of whitehead leaves and stems help get rid of hemorrhoids.

Interestingly, a harmless flower has no contraindications, although doctors still advise caution in using it for pregnant and lactating women, children under three years old. It must be remembered that nivyanik has a mild laxative effect, so you should not drink it on the road or at work.

How to make medicine from popovnik

Preparing the potion is easy:

  • Infusion for drinking - 2 large spoons of dried herbs with flowers pour a liter of boiling water, boil for 3-5 minutes over low heat, cool. Then strain through a double layer of gauze. Drink 20 g 3 times a day.
  • For douching - 2.5 tablespoons pour two cups of boiling water, boil for no more than 5 minutes, cool. Strain very carefully. Use warm at night.
  • Forlotions - a strong decoction is prepared at the rate of 1 tablespoon (without top) of dry raw materials in half a glass of boiling water.
where does common popovnik grow
where does common popovnik grow
  • Alcohol medicinal tincture - take fresh leaves of cornflower and nettle in equal parts, wash, dry. Grind in a blender or through a meat grinder. Pour the green mass with an equal volume of medical alcohol. Insist 15 days in a dark place. Strain the finished tincture. Take 20 drops twice daily.
  • Ointment - 2-2, 5 tablespoons of dry grass and meadow chamomile flowers pour into a saucepan, squeeze a small tube (50 ml) of baby cream into the same place. Put in a water bath for 30-40 minutes, while the drug must be constantly mixed with a wooden spatula. After cooling, apply a thin layer on the affected areas three times a day. Store the ointment in the refrigerator.

Medicinal plant harvesting

Traditional medicine for medicinal purposes uses the ground parts of the plant: stems, leaves and flowers. Raw materials are harvested from June to the end of August.

popovnik ordinary
popovnik ordinary

Garden scissors cut the stem at a distance of 10-12 cm from the ground. Greens are first crushed, and then dried in the open air under a canopy to protect the raw materials from direct sunlight. Store in glass containers or paper bags for up to two years.


More than 20 species include the genus Nivyanik. The most famous of them is the common priest (L. vulgare Lam). Slightly less than it, common marsh cornflower (L. paludosum), cornflowerlarge (L. Maximum), Kuril grasshopper (L. kurilense).

when popovnik ordinary blooms
when popovnik ordinary blooms

Nivyanik (a photo of the flower is in the article) is distinguished by a variety of varieties. Hybrids have different height, diameter and inflorescence design.

May Queen is the most common variety. A large flower with a diameter of at least 10 cm and two rows of snow-white petals flaunts on a stem 50-60 cm high from late spring until autumn.

Lacrosse is one of the most interesting hybrids. On a low stem (30-40 cm) there is a compact inflorescence, decorated with petals twisted into a tube with dissected tips.

Snegurka, Aglaya and others are terry varieties. They have a small flower basket with very short petals.

Short variety Snow Cap is used for borders.

Old Kurt variety is especially decorative: the yellow center of the inflorescence is surrounded by a double row of narrow curly petals.

Original variety Banana Cream pleases the eye with yellow reed flowers. Gardeners love it for its compact bushes and abundant flowering.

Crazy Daisy hybrid is also popular. A large flower basket proudly sits on a high stem (1.0-1.2 meters). In the flower garden, it goes well with ornamental shrubs.
