Solikamsk is a city located on the territory of the Perm Territory (Russian Federation). It is the center of the Solikamsk region. Solikamsk was founded in 1430. It used to have other names: S alt Kamskaya, Usolye Kamskoye. City status received in 1573. The area of the city is 166.55 km2. The population of Solikamsk is 94,628 people. The population density is 568 people/km2. The city is considered the s alt capital of Russia.

Geographic features
Solikamsk is located on the edge of the East European Plain, in the Cis-Urals, on the left tributaries of the Kama River. The height of the central part of the city above sea level is 150 meters. The area of the city is 166.5 km2. Distance to Perm by road - 202 km, and by rail - 368 km.
Distance to Yekaterinburg - 530 km, to Chelyabinsk - 740 km, to Ufa - 680 km, up toTyumen – 850 km.

Environmental situation
The presence of dirty industries makes the environment in the city quite unfavorable. The atmospheric air is heavily polluted. Industrial effluents are highly toxic, and their treatment systems do not work well enough. Problems also arise with the disposal of potash s alts, which form entire dumps.
City economy
The economy of Solikamsk is built on the work of industrial enterprises. First of all, this is the extraction of potassium s alts and the production of mineral fertilizers. Other important industries are timber and metallurgy.
Population of the city of Solikamsk
Census has been conducted in this city for a long time. In 2017, the population of the city of Solikamsk was 94 thousand 628 people. According to this indicator, it is in 183rd place among the cities of the Russian Federation.

Until about 1900, the number of inhabitants grew exponentially, increasing from 250 people. in 1600 to 40912 people in 1891. However, then something happened, and at the next census in 1896, the population was only 4,000 people, that is, 10 times less than in 1891. In 1926, there were 3,700 people at all. However, then, in 1929, there were 41,333 people, and in 1931 - 12,700. In 1939, there were 38,000 citizens, and then there was an intensive increase until 1990.

The peak of the population of Solikamsk occurred in 1989, when the number of inhabitants was 110,098 people. Thenthere was a gradual decline, and in 2017 the population was 94 and a half thousand people. This situation is typical for many Russian cities and is associated with the consequences of the transition to a market economy, in which social support for the population has decreased, and the difference in the living standards of the poor and the rich has increased many times over.
The gender structure of the population of Solikamsk is also typical of most cities in modern Russia: 46% of men and 54% of women. The age structure is dominated by the population of working age: 63%. This is followed by children and adolescents (20%), and pensioners account for 17% of the total number of residents of Solikamsk.

Social Security Administration
Social protection of the population of Solikamsk (Perm Territory) is supported by the Center for Social Protection of the Population. Its address: Solikamsk, st. Lesnaya, 38. Working hours: Monday - Thursday - from 9:00 to 17:30, Friday - from 9:00 to 16:00. Break from 13:00 to 13:40.

For ease of contact, the center's official website contains 6 phone numbers: reception, information, social taxi, benefits and compensation department, subsidy department and home service center.
Situation on the labor market
The city has a very low unemployment rate, and the average wage level is higher than in the Perm region as a whole. There are a large number of specialized specialists in manufacturing industries.
As of August 2018, the city is looking for engineering andworkers. In a small number there are vacancies for a manager, a doctor and some others. Salaries, compared to other cities in Russia, are good, mostly from 20 to 40 thousand rubles, sometimes less. The minimum (11,000 - 11,500 rubles) for an agent and a teacher. However, for those who do not have engineering speci alty and work experience, it will probably be quite difficult to find a job in Solikamsk.
Development of communal infrastructure
The city administration pays great attention to the development of urban infrastructure. In the field of power supply, it is planned to act in the following areas:
- formation of a ring power supply system with decoupling from the networks of industrial enterprises, construction and reconstruction work;
- installation of powerful transformers to meet the electricity needs of new complexes under construction in the north of Solikamsk, as well as in Klestovka and Karnalitovo.
The following works are planned in the area of heat supply:
- reconstruction of heating networks and transition to providing heat through the operation of the municipal boiler house in the third microdistrict;
- in the Krestovka area, it is planned to build independent heat supply sources based on renewable energy sources, which are now cheaper than natural gas.
In the area of water supply, it is planned to extend the waterway systems towards the outskirts of the city, where new residential complexes will be built.
In the field of gas supply, it is planned to carry outthe following tasks:
- design and build gas supply networks to supply gas to private sector homes;
- gasify apartment buildings that traditionally use gas rather than electricity for cooking;
- construct new and increase the capacity of existing gas distribution substations as new houses are added to the network;
- work to connect existing gas networks.
Development of transport infrastructure
The total length of roads in Solikamsk is 326.6 km, and with a hard surface - 261.2 km. The highway of regional significance runs through the city, along which intercity buses run. Now motor transport is the main type of intercity transport, which creates a large load on this transport network. Within the city, this was facilitated by the growth in the number of cars and truck transport.

Therefore, an important direction in the development of the transport network is to improve the quality of intra-city roads and carry out their timely repair.
The problem of providing rail transport is also acute. To meet these goals, a project is planned for the construction of the Berezniki bypass section and the Belkomura line.
Greening the city
Solikamsk is an important historical center, so maintaining the proper appearance of the city becomes one of the priorities. Activities include the repair of monuments, building facades, maintenancearchitectural appearance. To improve the environmental situation, it is planned to restore sidewalks and flower beds, improve public places, create green spaces, maintain and protect them, as well as improve the Usolka valley and build bridges for pedestrians there. All this will significantly improve the air quality in the city.