Perhaps one of the most important parts of a modern car engine is the alternator. Priora from AvtoVAZ is no exception. There are so many consumers of electricity in the car today that a lot depends on the power of the generator. But what if he suddenly “decided” to break down? First, it should be removed.
How is the generator removed on the Priore?

Dismantling it may be required in many cases. Surely, many "priorovods" were faced with the need to replace the alternator belt on the "Prior". Sometimes you have to change this detail, sometimes - somehow modify it. How long will it take to completely remove the generator? "Priora" - the car is quite simple, and therefore it will take relatively little time. More precisely, 40 minutes, but sometimes you have to “pick around” a little longer.
What do you need for this? Just the keys to "10" and "13". Be sure to remove from the battery"negative" terminal. After that, we dismantle the motor mudguard.
- We are looking for the output "D" of the generator, after which we remove the wire block from there.
- We are looking for where the protective rubber cap "B +" is located, after which we unscrew the fastening nut that is under it (for this, use the key on "10").
- Using the key on “13”, we loosen the tightening of the tension bar.
- Turning the adjusting bolt counterclockwise reduces the alternator belt tension.
Further work sequence

After that, you should carefully move the generator in the direction of the engine cylinders, after which we release the Priora generator roller from the belt. Then you need to carefully tighten and finally remove the adjusting bolt. The further sequence of actions will be as follows:
- Need to completely remove the clamp bar.
- Unscrew the bottom mount, remove the spacer. After that, carefully holding the generator (“Priora” is not very convenient in this regard), in cramped conditions, completely remove the mounting bolt.
- It remains only to remove the clamping bar and completely remove the generator.
Accordingly, the installation of this part should be carried out in reverse order. If your goal is to replace the alternator belt with the Prior, you can proceed. After removing the old part, a new belt is pulled onto the pulleys. If the generator is removed, it is not difficult to do this.
After that, in no case forget about the adjustment alternator drive belt tension.
Can a burned-out generator be repaired?
We will immediately warn you that theoretically this can be done, only there will be so much work that it will be much cheaper and easier to immediately buy a new part. But if you really want to show your abilities, you can try! Although in most cases the generator ("Priora" is no different from other cars in this) is a consumable part. Brushes and a bearing are changed there, and rewinding it is another job.
What do they pay attention to when inspecting a removed and disassembled generator?

The most common problems include: short circuits between turns on the stator winding, rod breaks (in the case of short-circuited rotors), often there are cases of poor soldering in the winding (oh, this is domestic quality), as well as a banal short circuit of all the same collector plates. You can determine them during flaw detection, which includes the following activities:
- Testing the qualities of electrical insulation.
- Determination of the degree of insulation on the winding.
- Assessing the quality of brush fit.
Common causes of generator failure
Judging by the experience of domestic motorists, the most common cause of generator malfunctions is:
- Damage to the anchor lamellas, which very often occurs due to jamming of the brushes, which is even more common with a complete lack of control over the degree of their wear.
- Changing the anchor configuration (includingits mechanical deformation).
- It is very common for an armature shaft to be completely worn out. It is assumed that this phenomenon is a consequence of the low quality of the metal and the operation of the car in the conditions of the North.
- It is not uncommon to see a burnt winding. This, again, happens when the quality of the part is initially low, as well as when the machine is operated in a very dusty area.
- Damage or complete slipping of the anchor bandage.
- Detection of mechanical defects in the gearbox: this happens if some debris gets on the gearbox, or the Priora generator belt roller itself is worn out.
- Mechanical wear of other parts of the generator is possible. It is possible that this happened due to excessive tension on the alternator belt.

This is what a tightened Priora alternator belt can lead to. 16 valves (engine) especially often "sin" with this. However, on such motors, the belt tension should be controlled as often as possible, otherwise the “valve wedding” is just around the corner.
Work sequence
By the way, how do you disassemble the VAZ Priora generator? Note that this will take a little effort. First you need to unscrew the three nuts on the rectifier unit, and then the two mounting sleeves on the plus terminal. If you do this, then removing the bushings will not be difficult.
There are six pins on the static winding that need to be soldered as carefully as possible. The rectifier block is removed from the generator. Using a tester (this is very important), checkrectifier diodes. If they are normal, then the device will show a value of 580-620 ohms. If it shows an infinitely large resistance, then the diodes are probably broken. The entire rectifier unit, alas, is subject to complete replacement. This is how the positive and negative poles are checked.
Further disassembly
Take a picture or mark the relative position of the generator covers. Unscrew the fixing bolts, and then, using a screwdriver, remove the cover. Remove and visually inspect the stator. There should be no signs of touching the anchor on it (we have already talked about this). If wear is noticeable, it does not hurt to change the bearings or the generator cover.
Insert the hex wrench into the shaft hole. Holding the shaft, unscrew it. Remove the pulley and washer from the alternator shaft. With gentle blows of a wooden mallet, pull it out of the mounts. Do this very carefully: if subsequently the part does not normally fall into place, then the alternator belt spinning on the pulley will tear it out. "Priora" - the car is quite reliable, but there is a limit to any strength. So take your time!

If you feel play when the bearing rotates, or crackles are clearly audible, be sure to replace not only this part, but also the generator cover. To change the bearing, you first need to unscrew the four fixing bolts of the washer, pull it out, and then everything else.
Other repair methods
So, back to more serious topics. Is it possible to fix the generator? Lada "Priora" - a car that repeatsthe best domestic traditions. Simply put, it is quite simple, and therefore there are few frankly “disposable” parts in it. So in many cases the generator can be brought back to life, even if something really serious happened to it. This happens especially often if the worn brushes of the generator are not changed in time. At the same time, Priora will drive, but the part will be hopelessly damaged.
When the brushes are completely worn out, the wires completely rest against their holder, as a result of which they first begin to spark, and only then an arc occurs, burning out the lamellae. This “disease” is most susceptible to the generator on the Priora with air conditioning, as it is the most powerful.
How to get the anchor working?
In industrial conditions, damage of this type is corrected by building up copper by galvanic method and then grinding it on a lathe. As you understand, not everyone has such an opportunity at home, and therefore we offer you an easier way to bring the generator into working condition.

First, thoroughly clean the anchor, and then process the collector to remove the remnants of melted copper. Remove all visible short circuits between the lamellas, and then check the anchor for PJ and eliminate any hidden faults. Most often, they do not fade completely, the “dovetail” completely inside the plastic mount remains more or less intact, and therefore does not fall out.
Soldering in the "implant"
It is necessary to thoroughly clean the burnt place whenusing a burr or similar tool. It is necessary to find a small piece of wire of such a diameter that it fits freely into the slot. The second piece should also fit freely into the extension, snug against the other side of the groove. All this construction should be kept in the nest as tightly as possible.
With the help of boron, the last remnants of copper are finally removed, the prepared wires are laid, after which they are properly treated with solder. Do not spare the material: excess solder will still flow out when soldering a new lamella.
How to insert a "seal" correctly?
You need to be especially careful when leveling the remnants of the insulator. A blank of suitable size is cut out from a piece of high-quality copper. No need to strive for phenomenal accuracy: the main thing is that it fits perfectly in width and provides convenience when soldering. She is also tinned, sparing no solder. Excess solder and rosin will squeeze out, and the remnants will firmly fix the blank in the prepared groove.
The seal is carefully placed on the prepared place, after which the tip of the heated soldering iron is placed on it. As soon as the solder melts and flows, the soldering iron must be removed, and the seal should be pressed tightly (with a file, for example). After that, you just need to wait until the solder hardens again.
Excess is removed with a file, and then machined, taking into account the ratio along the axes with the landing spike, while trying to remove as little material as possible. If separate cavities and small deformations are revealed on the lamellas, then there is nothing to worry about.
Of course, thisthe recovery method may cause legitimate bewilderment for those who have not met with it before, but such an anchor will work with honor until the brushes are completely worn out. Considering that a normal copper lamella will not withstand the arc from a completely worn brush, such a repair can be considered more than satisfactory.

We remind you once again that replacing the generator with the Priore will in most cases be the best way out, since in any case you will spend much less time and effort on this operation. If you do not have the appropriate skills and a set of tools, then you should entrust this work to professionals from the service center.