What awaits Ukraine after the Maidan: expectations and reality

What awaits Ukraine after the Maidan: expectations and reality
What awaits Ukraine after the Maidan: expectations and reality

What awaits Ukraine after the Maidan? This question is asked by millions of people. And not only Ukrainians, but also Russians, Belarusians, Poles, residents of Western Europe and even the United States. And this is understandable, because, in addition to the direct participants in the events, there are many people who are related to them by family ties or simply sympathize. And someone is simply interested in financial profit, which can be easily obtained in the "muddy waters" of the revolution, cashing in on the supply of weapons and various low-quality products. And someone invested money in the Maidan and now clutches his head, not knowing how to get it back, waking up in horror at night from shots outside the window, falling into a panic: what if it’s the Russians entering the city on a tank. In this article, we will try to figure out what awaits Ukraine after the Maidan. And how it can end for the revolutionaries and just the inhabitants of this country. Consider various options for the development of events.

what awaits Ukraine after Maidan
what awaits Ukraine after Maidan

First losses

So, the revolution has just begun, and the map of Ukraine has already changed. After the Maidan about myselfthe entire voice was declared by the inhabitants of the Crimea. We all know how it ended: according to the results of the referendum, Crimeans became citizens of the Russian Federation. And let the interim government declare that this is a forceful invasion of Russian troops, but people, leaving the polling stations, staged real folk festivals. And this, you see, says something. And let the candidates for the presidency of Ukraine promise to return the Crimea, all this will remain only words. Well, the first losses are already there, but this is not the end. Let's consider several versions of what awaits Ukraine after the Maidan.

what awaits Ukraine after the Maidan
what awaits Ukraine after the Maidan

Version one is unlikely

Everything will slowly calm down, elections will be held in the country, a new worthy president will appear. He will actively engage not in improving the material condition of his family, but in creating jobs, and not in the shopping and entertainment sector, but will raise production and agriculture from its knees. Of course, Crimea cannot be returned to him, but the people will forgive him. However, this is all a utopia, as practice shows, namely the history of world revolutions over the last, let's say, 500 years. Such coups do not end peacefully, and therefore we move on.

Version two - has the right to exist

For most people who are wondering what awaits Ukraine after the Maidan, this option will be one of the most tragic. Indeed, one of the most promising scenarios for the development of events is the collapse of the country into small principalities, which will subsequently be captured by aggressive neighbors. Alreadynow the east of Ukraine openly declares that it is not on the way with the interim government, which is pushing the country towards integration with the European Union. Residents of Kharkiv, Donetsk, Luhansk demand a referendum and the withdrawal of these regions from Ukraine. And there is already blood being shed. Similar demands are put forward by residents of Odessa and Nikolaev. So collapse is quite possible.

map of ukraine after maidan
map of ukraine after maidan

What about the neighbors?

Politicians of neighboring states are already beginning to show their true colors and are preparing to share this fat pie. So, from Hungary there are statements that the Transcarpathian region has never been part of Ukraine, that these are primordially Hungarian lands. And the Poles suddenly remembered that Lviv is a Polish city. The Romanians are beginning to remember that Iosif Vissarionovich took Bessarabia from them. What then can be said about Russia, because the south-east of modern Ukraine is exclusively Russian cities built under Catherine II by her favorite Potemkin, who previously cleared these territories from the Turks and Crimean Tatars. That's it. It is unlikely that Tyahnybok, Klitschko, Yatsenyuk and other organizers of the revolution thought about how to share Ukraine after the Maidan. Although it is possible that they understood everything perfectly and took this step anyway. Indeed, in a united Ukraine there is only one presidential chair, and in a fragmented one there are many…

after the Maidan, the collapse of Ukraine
after the Maidan, the collapse of Ukraine

Version three: and it could be

The nightmare of all revolutionaries - Viktor Yanukovych is back. Of course, it’s scary, because not only will it punish, and how(everyone remembers the trial of Yulia Tymoshenko), so also the golden loaf will have to be returned, and not only the loaf. And everything has already been exported abroad. How to be? And Viktor Fedorovich can also look at his neighbors in the dacha … After all, not only he had a "hut" in Mezhgorye: most revolutionaries also have real estate there. It might turn out ugly. Perhaps Yanukovych will bring order to the country, but his term of office is coming to an end, and it is unlikely that he will be elected to a new one.

ukraine after maidan
ukraine after maidan

Version four - I would not want to

"What could be worse than the fragmentation of the country?" the reader will ask. There is only one answer: a full-scale civil war. If there is a war, it will be a civil one. The Americans or NATO will not come to fight against the Ukrainians. The people will be pitted against each other, and there will be brother against brother, son against father, etc. After all, politically the country has long since split, in almost every family there are adherents of the idea of European integration and its opponents. And the war is slowly flaring up, now blood is flowing in the east, at any moment it can flare up in the south, and then it will cover the entire Square. It is unlikely that the students of the Heavenly Hundred, who were killed by a sniper's bullet, understood what awaited Ukraine after the Maidan. Most of them were idealists seeking to overthrow the Yanukovych regime. Most likely, they did not think about more.

Ukraine after Maidan 2014
Ukraine after Maidan 2014

Special units for "special assignments"

Such units on the basis of the Ministry of Internal Affairs are planned to be created throughout Ukraine in the near future. The number of this special department will be approximatelyten percent of the total militia staff. Most of all, the current employees are outraged not by the ultra-high salaries of this unit (from 10 thousand hryvnias), but by the fact that they will recruit fighters from a civilian, without a medical examination (narcological and psychological testing). And also, which is probably the most important thing, candidates with “minor” convictions are allowed. Citizens would do well to think about why, in fact, the current government creates such special forces, what kind of "special assignments" they are, for which such high salaries must be paid. Is it not for the fact that these fighters will be engaged in the liquidation of objectionable or knocking out money from entrepreneurs, so to speak, for the needs of the revolution? What awaits you, Ukraine? What will happen after the Maidan? Let's see, life will show.

The fate of the revolutionaries

So, we have considered what Ukraine can become after Maidan 2014, but what awaits the initiators of all these events themselves? As they say, let them be he althy and well-fed, and yet… The organizers of the revolution can also be overtaken by heavenly punishment. After all, not a single world revolution ended in peace for its leaders. Let's take the French Revolution as an example: it was successful, of course, but all its leaders ended their lives on the guillotine. They were so carried away by the search and destruction of dissidents that they themselves did not notice how they were beheaded. Not escaped the same fate and its chief "committee" Maximilian Robespierre. The same situation was with the revolutionaries of the seventeenth year of the last century. Once again, a "hunt forwitches", causing the revolutionaries to destroy themselves.

how Ukraine will be divided after Maidan
how Ukraine will be divided after Maidan

Death overtook even Leon Trotsky, who fled to Mexico. The reader may object that mankind has changed since then, to give examples of the flower revolutions of the last decade. However, facts are stubborn things, they cannot be thrown away so easily. The whole world heard the news about the liquidation of Alexander Muzychko. What is this if not a settling of accounts between clans fighting for power? After all, the command to detain one of the leaders of the Right Sector was given by the Minister of the Interior Avakov, a supporter of the revolutionaries. It is unlikely that this was his initiative, most likely, he himself received a command from above. So the witch hunt has already begun? Isn't that why special forces are being created for "special assignments"?

In conclusion

So, we suggested what to expect the Ukrainian people after the Maidan. The collapse of Ukraine is a very likely scenario. The current government should make every effort to prevent this scenario. True, the question of how to do this remains open, because the genie has already been released from the bottle, and the revolutionary leaders do not know how to return it back. One can only hope that common sense will prevail, and there will be no bloodshed in Ukraine, that politicians will finally forget about their own benefit, begin to take care of their people, stop building government dachas, and create jobs. After all, it is not necessary to demolish monuments, but to give people good jobs and ensure a decent life in such abeautiful country - Ukraine.
