Royal pythons have recently become increasingly popular among domestic terrariumists. These beautiful and not too large snakes are quite unpretentious, even those who have just begun to comprehend the basics of keeping such unusual pets will cope with their maintenance.
If you are thinking about settling this amazing creature in your home, you should learn as much as possible about the python in advance. Our article will tell you about how these snakes live in their natural environment, what and how often they eat, what they love.
Description of the royal python
Among his brethren, he seems like a baby. The average size of a royal python is 1.5 meters, the largest individuals can grow up to two meters.
This snake has a spear-shaped head, which is separated from the body by the neck. The tail, like all pythons, is small. The body of the python is large, of the same thickness along the entire length.

Photos of royal pythons show that the name of the species was well deserved. These creatures are very beautiful. The belly is always light in color, it can be beige or almost white. Pythons of this species have a huge variety of morphs. In our articlepictures of some of them are presented.
Biologists refer these creatures to the genus of true pythons, which is part of the pseudo-legged family. The royal species, like other pythons, has the remains of a reduced pelvis and femurs. Some individuals (more often in males) may have small non-functional processes near the anus - reduced lower limbs. This is an atavism preserved in the course of evolution.
Royal pythons in the wild are common in the central and western parts of the African continent. They can be found in Senegal, Guinea, Mali, Sierra Leone, Liberia, Ghana, Benin, Ivory Coast, Niger, Cameroon and some other countries.

Representatives of this species are active at night. They don't spend much time hunting as they only need food a couple of times a month.
Representatives of the royal variety are excellent swimmers. They also do a great job with tree climbing.
In the daytime, animals hide in shelters so as not to catch the eye of a larger predator.
In nature, the royal python preys mainly on rodents. Like other snakes, pythons have small teeth that are not designed for chewing and chewing food. Rather, they are hooks with which you can cling to the flesh. The victim is swallowed whole, then the long process of digestion begins.

Several days after a successful hunt, culminating in a hearty dinner, the python spends in solitude and peace. He does not leave the shelter and does not care about other potential victims.
Home terrarium maintenance
Python can not be called affectionate, but he does not show aggression either. Usually such pets are chosen by those who do not like too intrusive pets.
This species, although it is unpretentious, but the organization of the pet house should be approached with all responsibility. It is best to arrange a home in a glass or plastic container.
It is advisable to equip one of the corners with a heating element, and leave the other corner cool by making ventilation holes. The rest of the space should be lit during the day, and the temperature in it should be slightly warmer than room temperature.
The pet needs irrigation. Spray it a couple of times a day. Many members of the species in captivity are lazy and inactive. But it is worth installing a snag in the terrarium, because it is your snake that may like a kind of gymnastics. Be sure to set up a hiding place where your pet can have privacy.
Maintaining a royal python is not too troublesome, but it is worth remembering that the snake is nocturnal. These are not too noisy animals, but it is better to be initially prepared for fuss in the terrarium at night.

Feeding the pet
Pythons are not poisonous, in their natural environment they get food by hunting. Many terrarium keepers seek to support and develop their pet's natural instincts by offeringlive food. For this purpose, fodder rodents, which are sold in pet stores, are excellent. You can breed gerbils, mice or rats yourself.
But not all owners can calmly look at the killing of defenseless mice and rats. In such cases, frozen food can be used. But you must not forget that your pet is a predator. There are no "humane" alternatives, in which both rodents would remain intact and the snake would be full, do not exist.

It is important to know the feeding schedule. An adult snake should be fed no more than once every 2-3 weeks, otherwise problems with obesity, poor he alth and a shortened lifespan are inevitable. But access to water is necessary at any time. After feeding, it is not recommended to disturb the snake for at least 4 days so that the food is digested.
Experienced breeders have read that this variety of python could very well be the beginner's first snake. But you need to approach the matter with all responsibility, weigh all the pros and cons in advance, evaluate your own capabilities. A visit to the veterinary clinic, an acquaintance with a doctor who has experience with snakes, will not be superfluous. With well-organized care, the python will delight a caring and loving owner for many years.