The world does not stand still, and after the invention of electricity, people began to look for a way to ensure the operation of electrical appliances using a wireless device. Batteries became such a solution, they are able to work for a long time, providing energy to specific equipment. Today, all mobile phones, cameras and many other electronics can be powered by rechargeable batteries of various shapes. This invention was a huge breakthrough and heralded a new era of wireless technology. Without batteries, the operation of modern technology would simply be impossible.
Batteries and their properties

A battery is a device that can autonomously power various electrical devices. Today there is a huge variety of batteries and accumulators that are used in most modern technology. All of them are divided by size (A, AA, AAA, C, D …) and by the type of electrolyte (lithium, dry, alkaline, mercury and silver). Each type has its own properties and characteristics. The main benefit that batteries bring to us is the ability to have an autonomous power source at hand, whichvery important for people. Without batteries, the development of the world's main industries, such as mechanical engineering, aircraft manufacturing and space industry, would not have been possible.

Types of batteries
There are many different types of batteries, let's look at the most basic ones:
- MnZn (Manganese-zinc) - the so-called alkaline or alkaline batteries, they are considered the most common.
- NiMH (Nickel Metal Hydride) is one of the alternatives to zinc-manganese batteries, often used in everyday life.
- Li-ion (Li-ion) are batteries for phones, cameras, laptops and other similar equipment.
- AgZn (Silver Zinc) are small batteries used in watchmaking, rocket science, aviation and military equipment.
- NiCd (Nickel-cadmium) batteries are quite large batteries, they are used to operate certain models of power tools, as well as on trolleybuses and aircraft.
Why do I need to recycle batteries
Today, the cleanliness of the environment is constantly being tested. Nature is polluted with everything possible, and only a few are fighting to save the environment. As for batteries, they all contain many harmful elements, for example:
- Mercury is the most dangerous chemical that causes damage to the nervous system and brain.
- Cadmium is very dangerous for the lungs and kidneys.
- Alkalis - if they accidentally get into the eyes, they damage the mucous membrane and even the skin.
- Zinc and nickel - may cause dermatitis orother skin diseases.
- Lead - an excess in the body can cause damage to the kidneys and nervous system.
According to experts, just one AA battery can pollute about 20 square meters. m of land, which is quite a large area. Recycling batteries is a very necessary activity, because it contributes to the preservation of the environment. Not everyone thinks about nature today, but our descendants will also live on this planet.
Battery collection points
Very often we hear that batteries are harmful to the environment, that they should not be thrown away, but must be disposed of, but then the question arises of where to take the batteries. In our country, there are not so many points for receiving such goods, in addition, only a few know about their location. It is unprofitable to work in this area today, and, unfortunately, the state does not support anything.

In small towns, batteries can be handed over only in some stores or scrap metal collection points. In big cities, the situation is simpler, there are separate recycling facilities where everyone can donate batteries, special containers are placed on the streets.
Battery disposal

Rechargeable batteries from cars are quite in demand. The thing is that they are made of lead, and this metal is valued in the market and can be easily recycled. Previously, many car owners with complete wear of the batterythey simply threw it away or left it at service stations. Now the situation has changed, because you can get good compensation for a non-working battery. Many sellers of new car batteries accept old ones and give the buyer a good discount, agree that this is not bad. Everyone should know where to turn in old batteries, because such an exchange is beneficial to everyone - both nature, and the buyer, and the seller.
Motivation for recycling batteries
In many European countries, there have long been various programs that promote the disposal of objects harmful to society. Battery recycling is no exception. In some states, you don’t need to think about where to take the batteries, people sort all the garbage into separate containers, then all the goods go to the right places. There are various companies that specialize in the disposal of hazardous waste. We also have some, and although there are not many of them yet, there are already quite a few places where you can donate batteries. The main motivation for not throwing away this hazardous waste is the well-being of the lives of our children and grandchildren.
Current recycling situation

Many skeptics say that you can't teach a Russian to worry about the nature and cleanliness of the world around him, but the data suggests otherwise. Today in Russia there are several large battery recycling companies, they are represented in many cities of the country. Yes, maybe not in every village there are tanks for used batteries, but they are, and every day there are more and more of them. Many residents of Moscow and other cities know where to turn in used batteries, of course, not everyone does this, but the progress is quite good. For a larger scale fight against pollution, huge support from the government is needed, as well as the allocation of funds and land for disposal, because enterprises will not be able to cope with this threat on their own. Another good option to reduce the amount of used batteries is switching to rechargeable batteries, yes, they are much more expensive, but one such device can save more than 400 ordinary batteries.
Reception points in Moscow
Many residents of the country ask where to take used batteries. Since Moscow is the capital of our country, all innovations are naturally present here. There are already many points for receiving and processing recyclables in the city, each with its own rules and regulations. It can be noted that today people are increasingly interested in recycling batteries. Moscow - a city where a huge number of people live, has more than one reception point. For example, the "AKB Company" pays for the delivery of batteries to them, although small, but money (10,000 rubles per 1 ton). When delivering more than 200 kg, employees themselves will come and pick up the goods. Another company - Megapolis Group Company - will be able to accept batteries from you only if you pay for their services, and this is already a repulsive factor. A big plus of the city is the presence in it of many reception points: “Central City Youth Library named after. M. A. Svetlova”, “BIODOLIN online store”, “I-ME online store”, “Russian representative office of the German company Atmung.”,From Hand to Hand, Rock Zona, Limpopo Children's Club and others. Therefore, it is up to everyone to decide where to donate batteries in Moscow.

Benefit from recycling
Reception and recycling of recyclables often do not bring profit to the company, on the contrary, they only draw money. It all depends on the goods received, if these are ordinary lithium-ion or finger batteries, then there is no income from them. Another situation is with rechargeable batteries, which consist of lead. Lead is a non-ferrous metal, it costs good money, is easily recycled and is not subject to burial. We conclude that only recycling batteries cannot be profitable. Moscow is the place of residence of millions of Russians, and if you do not follow nature, then in the near future it will simply disappear. Environmentalists have long been convinced that recycling is the only sure way to combat land pollution. They are trying to convey this idea to all citizens of Russia. In addition, it is not difficult to find where to donate batteries, it is difficult to teach yourself to do this all the time and pass on knowledge to posterity.
Energy news
Since modern energy storage devices are rather imperfect and cause great harm to the earth, scientists from all countries are trying to find an alternative source of energy. Many brilliant minds of our time are conducting many experiments in order to find a product that would suit everyone and not harm nature. Russian scientists are also participating in this race, they are trying to learn how to extract electricity simply from water. Yes thisthe task is not easy, but if the result is positive, it will be a huge step into the future. Scientists believe that it is hydrogen that will be a new achievement of civilization, with its help we will be able to improve the operation of electric vehicles and many other devices. We can only wait until energy storage devices appear that will not harm either people or the planet itself. Do not forget that even today many batteries are able to be charged from a conventional network and serve their owner for years. Lithium-ion batteries, for example, have a long lifespan and charge quickly and easily.

Having considered all the pros and cons of batteries, we can say that today we really need them, even irreplaceable. Without batteries, there would be no mobile communication, there would be no space industry, even automobile and air transport would not be able to work. People strive to improve their living conditions, and batteries contribute greatly to this. The only negative is the harm to the environment, because it will not be easy to restore it, and maybe even impossible. Already today there are species of animals and plants that we will never see again. Therefore, we need to take care of the environment and our planet, and the best way is to recycle and recycle.