None of the existing areas of activity can function in such a way that industrial and industrial waste is not generated. Human life itself is based on constant concern for the disposal of garbage for the benefit of the ecosystem and one's own he alth. Therefore, there are such concepts as waste processing, a limit on its placement, waste sorting. What and how it functions and what legislative documents regulate it, we will have to figure it out together today.
Limits and why they are needed
The limit on waste disposal is issued by the authorized executive body that regulates activities in connection with the circulation of waste materials and approves projects in accordance with the disposal of waste.
In each of the areas of activity, representatives of environmental authorities, in this case, Rosprirodnadzor, carry out planned andextraordinary monitoring of the state and long-term plan for the disposal and disposal of waste.

Documents accompanying the procedure
When conducting an audit, a legal entity undertakes to provide:
- Permission to post materials that were in circulation.
- Limit on the occurrence and location of recyclable waste.
- Passport processing.
- Passports of objects required for handling recycling facilities.
If a case occurs when there is no calculation of established limits and projects, the authorized body has the right to temporarily terminate the right to operate a legal entity until the restoration of its rights by the court.
In case of violation of one of the points stipulated by the regulations, Rosprirodnadzor applies an administrative pen alty to the violator in the form of a fine.

Limiting: why is it necessary?
The need to introduce restrictions on the placement of recyclable raw materials was introduced to:
- Set the type and amount of recycled content.
- Determine the timing of short-term accumulation of garbage on the territory of an industrial enterprise.
- Get the necessary package of documents and papers for their placement.
According to the current legislative framework, each of the individual entrepreneurs, as well as legal entities engaged in economic activities, undertakes to conduct waste disposal projects and recordamounts exceeding or not exceeding limits on waste disposal.

Regulations on Waste Recycling
Education and disposal of waste, like other registered activities, is regulated by law. The effect of limits on a legal basis is stated in the federal law “On production and consumption waste” No. 89. Article 11 of the law states: “Obtaining limits on waste disposal, organization and individual entrepreneurship are recorded in the form of reports made according to a special model. The terms of the limits are limited, but they must be extended in the case of the functional activity of the facility.” If the production process was subject to change, this information should be promptly sent to the authorities exercising control, where the limits will be recalculated.
In addition to the above, article 11 mentions that both an individual entrepreneur and a legal entity undertake:
- develop in a timely manner regulatory projects on the formation of processed raw materials;
- calculate them, guided by legal restrictions;
- to assist in state accounting of waste;
- contribute as much as possible to minimizing the accumulation of garbage;
- using every opportunity to engage in the introduction of low-waste technologies, maintaining innovative eco-developments;
- to engage in regular inventory of not only secondary raw materials, but also accommodation facilities, submittingcomplete and up-to-date reports to the relevant authorities.

Article 18 of the same law states: "In relation to an individual entrepreneur and a legal entity that contributes to the accumulation of large volumes of garbage as a result of economic activity, the limits for garbage disposal are calculated." Regarding small and medium-sized businesses, it is said that they are obliged to submit reports to representatives of executive authorities on the accumulation, saving, transportation, disposal, processing of garbage or other actions with waste.
Features of calculating payment for services
Location of industrial waste and its processing involves a fee established by law. Annex 1 specifies the calculation of fees for waste disposal in specially designated areas (sites and landfills). The procedure is carried out taking into account the coefficient, which in this case is 0, 3.
Calculation conditions
When calculating the fee, you must comply with a couple of additional conditions established by Rosprirodnadzor, namely:
- when placing waste at a special landfill, you should take care that it is in the zone of negative impact of the source and complies with a number of rules based on the intended use of the facility;
- draw up an estimate or draft of the volumes and terms of the disposed garbage that does not violate the law.
Payment types
Fee for waste disposal is charged for:
- Set limits ongarbage disposal.
- Storage of working off in excess of the limits.
A number of mining operations also include those that act as a provocateur to the formation of pollution of the soil, atmosphere, bowels of the Earth, surface water, catchment areas, groundwater.
Calculation of services at the tariff was also carried out in the case of storage of consumer and industrial waste, as well as types of garbage polluting nature with noise, physical, ionizing, electromagnetic, thermal and other methods of influence at the landfill. However, from February 1, 2016, the payment for the disposal of production and consumption waste for this category was canceled.
The procedure for calculating the limit is carried out for the period of authenticity of the work permit to collect waste belonging to hazard classes 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5.

Noted that in connection with the amendments to Article 16 of the Law "On Production and Consumption Waste" No. 89, the fee for the following types of waste was canceled today:
- Substances discharged into watersheds.
- Air emissions from mobile sources.
- Soil pollution.
Limits on waste disposal are the maximum permitted volumes of recyclable raw materials of a particular type, located for a specific period on the territory of a waste disposal facility. When determining such a territory, the general ecological state of the region is taken into account.
Draft waste generation and disposal limits (PNWLR)
The design and release of draft limits on the generation and disposal of waste is carried out by organizations and individual entrepreneurs in order to reduce the volume of mining. If the managing (central) object has subsidiaries, it is required to develop a PNOOLR for each of the departments.
Documentary aspect
PNOOLR is approved by Rosprirodnadzor on condition that the applicant (the person responsible for the facility) provides a complete package of documents necessary for the preparation of the project and its further approval. When preparing documents, in addition to the main ones, it is required to provide others, for example, a technical report on waste management.

In the absence of the necessary documentation, the placement of raw materials may be refused.
Rosprirodnadzor is responsible for the calculation of waste disposal standards after the project has been submitted in a notification manner. You can not submit the development in person, but send it electronically.
If the action of the previous project is already ending, then it is necessary to submit documents for concluding a new contract no later than 10 days before the expiration date. The final date for receipt of the reissued project is set by Rosprirodnadzor.
Technical report and project chapters
The technical report and the project should contain information on the collection and disposal of waste transported to a special landfill and mining, disposed of on their own.

Individual entrepreneur or legal entity rents inRosprirodnadzor reporting on the status of neutralization and storage processes of the main types of waste. After the calculation and consideration of the project, the authorized body conducts an analysis, as a result of which it may request separate documents, which, in its opinion, must be attached to the case.
When developing a project for sending to Rosprirodnadzor, a competent calculation and data on waste disposal limits are required. It is on these points of the plan that they pay attention in the first place.
Sometimes, the NLRB does not reflect the real volumes of raw materials that can be disposed of at landfills. In the event of such a case, Rosprirodnadzor has the right to apply a number of sanctions against the production enterprise.
Extension of the deadlines for PNLR
The main responsibility of legal entities and private entrepreneurs engaged in waste management activities is the development of PNLR.
The plan drawn up by the subject has its own duration, which is limited to 5 years. During this period, while maintaining the terms of the contract and the project data, the subject undertakes to carry out the production process without any deviation from the points regulated by the normative.
Prepare a technical report confirming the invariability of the production process and the raw materials used, in accordance with the requirements of regulatory and methodological documentation.
Limits on waste disposal are subject to extension, which is determined by the department of the federal service - Rosprirodnadzor.
Special conditions
There are a number of circumstances whenthe occurrence of which requires re-registration of limits.
In the case when the information in the application submitted when contacting the authority changes, namely:
- company name;
- legal form;
- change by entrepreneur of full name or other personal data.
When the data on mining locations were subject to change.
The territorial bodies (representative offices) of Rosprirodnadzor are responsible for reissuing documents. The entire process takes no more than 10 working days from the date of application. At the same time, the authorized body is engaged in re-registration or refusal to conduct operations with previously approved standards. In case of refusal, the decision is justified by specific provisions.
As you can see, waste disposal limits are a serious and deep topic that you, as an entrepreneur, should become familiar with.