The funniest animals: photo, description

The funniest animals: photo, description
The funniest animals: photo, description

All over the world there is a huge variety of amazingly strange natural phenomena, unusual plants and animals. Nature has created a wide variety of unimaginable creatures: beautiful, ugly, scary, fantastic, etc.

And what are the funniest animals on Earth? Here we will try to decide on these funny living creatures.

Generous nature amazes people with the diversity of its fauna. There are animals that are magnificent in beauty and terrible, such that it is impossible to look at without fear and amazement.

The funniest animals
The funniest animals

Yes, and among funny animals there are cute, cute, ugly, terrible and others.

The funniest animals in the world: photo

Top funniest animals can be counted in an infinite number of them. It is difficult to choose among them which one is the best…

The following is a description of some of the funniest and funniest representatives of the diverse fauna that exists on planet Earth, which more and more surprises with its many-sided richness and diversity.

Most funnyanimals in the world live in various natural and climatic conditions: in water, on the surface of the earth, in the ground, on trees, etc. Consider the features of some of them.


Not in vain in the famous dictionary of V. I. Dalia, the word "hoopoe" has 2 funny synonyms - "potato" and "empty".

The funniest animals in the world: photo
The funniest animals in the world: photo

Scientists distinguish hoopoes into a separate detachment of funny hoopoes. There is one interesting fact about them. During the period of incubation and feeding of chicks, a peculiar oily liquid is produced in birds, and it is released from the coccygeal gland, after which a terribly unpleasant pungent odor appears. In this way, hoopoes protect themselves (like skunks) from danger.

The name of these birds came from the guttural cry “oud-ud-ud”, which is repeated several times in a row. This is how this bird got the funny name “hooopoe”.

Imperial tamarin

This animal is a monkey that lives in the humid forests of the river. Amazons in Peru (eastern regions), in Brazil and in the northwestern part of Bolivia. It is called the chain-tailed monkey due to the presence of a long and tenacious tail. In addition, the primate imperial tamarin has a mustache and beard unusual for such animals, and therefore it can deservedly be called a “Cossack”.

The funniest animals in the world
The funniest animals in the world


The top "funniest animals" often include the well-known muskrat. This is a relic species of mammals from the mole family (a detachment of shrews). Even his verythe title sounds funny. Desman in Russia mainly lives in the basins of the river. Dnieper, Ural, Volga and Don.

He has a hairy tail (shaped like a turtle). In its pear-shaped thickening there are specific glands, also odorous. But unlike the skunk, the smell of this animal is not so unpleasant and sometimes it is even used in perfumery.

Top funniest animals
Top funniest animals

And the fur of these animals is unusual: the hairs expand towards the top, and narrow towards the base. Parasites live in this dense mass - desman beetles, unadapted to breathing in water (they survive due to thick and loose wool that retains air).

The cunning muskrat is a very interesting animal. It moves along special dug trenches at the bottom of the reservoir. At the same time, the animal moves along the bottom of the reservoir, slowly exhaling the collected air from the lungs.

Komondor (Hungarian Shepherd)

It's impossible to imagine a list of the "funniest animals" without this adorable dog.

This is one of the most ancient breeds. It was used in ancient times to protect livestock (including sheep).


This is one of the largest dogs. Her average height reaches 80 cm. In addition to this and surprisingly affectionate and kind nature, komondors have an unusual, extravagant appearance. The adorable shepherd's hairstyle ("dreadlocks"), which is mostly white long laced hair, immediately attracts attention.

Snub-nosed monkey (Burmese)

Stryker's Rhinopithecus got interesting things for his tiny noseNickname "Michael Jackson". This monkey can rightly be included in the top "funniest animals".

For some reason, nature has created such a strange nose for them, causing a lot of inconvenience. The fact is that drops of water during the rain fall into their noses, and therefore they sneeze loudly. Due to such inconvenience, they are forced to sit on tree branches during bad weather, hiding their heads between their knees.

snub-nosed monkey
snub-nosed monkey

Such wonderful monkeys live only in Burma (in the north), and their number is about 300 individuals. They were only discovered in 2010. This once again confirms that nature is rich and not yet fully known.


This funny animal can also be included in the list of "the funniest animals in the world" (photo confirms this). Such an interesting name has a ground squirrel, common in the Far East and Siberia, where it is a popular fairy-tale hero in Eskimo and Chukchi folk tales. Recently, references to funny stories that happened to tourists and related to these gophers have become more frequent.


Evrazhki love to beg, sometimes it even comes to robbery. With all this, these amazingly charming, albeit impudent animals do not leave anyone indifferent.

Europe looks very funny when it eats food.

In closing

You can often see collections of photos and videos under one topic - "the funniest kids and animals." These are shots capturing the magnificent moments of communication between children and cutecreatures.

The funniest kids and animals
The funniest kids and animals

It is impossible to list all the funny animals. There are a huge number of them. Many of them resemble little wonderful and sweet children in their appearance and behavior.
