A good sense of humor has always been held in high esteem. It's fashionable to be funny now. Various projects are created for comedians, they gather entire halls of spectators and receive very impressive fees. Of course, there are many good comedians, and which of them is the funniest person is described in this article.
Actor that brings laughter to tears
Of course, very funny photos and videos of ordinary people are increasingly appearing on the Web. But none of them can compare with this funniest person.
Jim Carrey is an actor who starred in the funniest movies of all time. He is the star of such films as Bruce Almighty, The Mask, Ace Ventura. Many critics point out that the content of these films are quite average, and it was Jim's charisma that made them so funny that the audience laughed to tears every time they watched.
There are many funniest people in the world of show business. And besides Jim Carrey, this list includes:
- Rowan Atkinson - the legendary and wonderful Mr. Bean.
- Eddie Murphy - Coming to America star and"Doctor Dolittle".
- Charlie Chaplin is the founder of comedy on television.
These stars are very funny and incredibly charming.
Funny pictures on the web
The Internet is full of many funny photos of unknown people. So, a huge humorous segment is created by people with a "unibrow". They treat their appearance with irony, and others simply cannot look at them without a smile. Here is a picture of the funniest unibrow wearer.

Also, funny people with unusual hairstyles are no less popular on the Web. They look so funny that it is not necessary for them to perform funny sketches. One has only to look at them, and it already becomes funny.

And close the rating of the funniest people, those persons who are confident in their attractiveness and dress up in clothes that do not correspond to their position or age.