This plant is not in vain bears such a name. Holy basil has many he alth benefits. It is used in medicine and cooking. You can grow both at home and in the country. The plant sprouts in India, Iran, China, Africa.
Description of the plant
Holy basil (its photo is presented below) is a perennial shrub no more than 60 cm high. The foliage is oval, slightly fluffy, with jagged edges. The color of the leaves can be from green to white and purple. It depends on the type of plant. It also depends on what composition the basil will have, what useful properties it will have.

The shrub is famous for its pleasant aroma. A shrub blooms in early summer with peculiar tassels. Their color can be pink, white or white-pink. The leaves and stem of the plant are also fragrant, as they contain a large amount of essential oils. The fruit of the basil consists of four brown nuts, which separate from each other after ripening. The mass of 1000 seeds is 0,5-0.8 g. They remain viable for 4-5 years.
The most unpretentious and easy-to-care varieties of basil with green leaves are considered. The second name of the basil plant is tulasi.
Chemical composition of the plant. Why is basil popular?

The chemical composition of the plant makes it versatile. Includes:
- essential oil. Most of all it is found in the leaves and stem of the shrub;
- camphor;
- estragole;
- linalool;
- tannins;
- proteins;
- carbs;
- mineral s alts;
- glycosides;
- carotene;
- vitamins;
- sour saponins;
- phytoncides;
- routine.
Thanks to its composition, holy basil has become so widespread. Leaves, root, stem and flowers - everything has been used in medicine, cooking, cosmetology. In addition, the plant simply decorates the apartment with its appearance and fills it with a pleasant aroma.
Methods of growing and caring for such a useful plant
In reviews about tulasi, people write that this plant is not too whimsical to care for. Likes sunlight, warmth and moderate humidity. Therefore, if a decision is made to grow a plant in a country house, and at the same time the climate is rather cool, then it is better to plant shrubs in a greenhouse.
It is desirable that the soil consists of earth, peat and humus in equal proportions. Definitely warmed up. Especially if the plant will grow in a pot. You can grow a shrub from seedsor seedlings. When growing from seeds, they should not be placed deep in the ground. It is enough to place the seed at a depth of 1 cm.

In about two weeks, the first leaves of holy basil appear. If the plant is grown at home, then you should not let it grow more than 15 cm. To do this, cut off the top. For better growth, it is necessary to periodically water with a solution of urea. Do not overwater the plant.
If the plant is grown on the site, then in the greenhouse you can also plant seeds. And in open ground it is better to grow from seedlings. Plants should be planted no closer than 30 cm to each other. You can also grow from cuttings, but only after they give roots. To do this, the stalk must be held in water.
Planting time is May. At this time, the earth is warmed up and the night frosts have already receded. You can’t plant, as people say in their reviews, sacred basil is constantly in one place. This can make him sick. Also, do not forget to loosen the ground and remove weeds.
Rules for the collection and storage of this plant
The first harvest can be done when the plant reaches 15 cm. It is better to harvest before flowering. Leaves and twigs can be carefully broken off or trimmed with scissors. It won't harm the plant. It will continue to grow and sprout. Collection can be done more than once. If you need a large harvest, then you can cut the stem and leaves so that four to six leaves remain on the shrub. This will be enough for the plant not to die and continue itsgrowth.
The collected material can be stored in the refrigerator for up to four days. You can dry it and arrange it in glass jars so that moisture does not get in. Dried basil is easy to grind in your hands. At the same time, its aroma is much stronger than that of fresh. The plant can be s alted. For 150 g of the plant, 30 g of s alt is taken. The leaves and stem are placed in a jar and sprinkled with s alt, stored in the refrigerator.

All ways to preserve basil are simple, but the best option is s alting. It is considered ideal to grow a shrub in a pot at home or on a balcony. Break off fresh stem or leaves as needed.
Holy basil in Moscow can be bought at any pharmacy. This is in the event that it is not possible to grow the plant yourself.
Useful properties of holy basil (tulasi)
Due to its rich composition, the plant is used for medicinal purposes. It is also used in cosmetology.
Let's look at the beneficial properties of holy basil. The benefits of the plant are as follows:
- Cleanses the skin when it is inflamed. Can be used as an external remedy and drink teas with basil. The skin becomes clean and silky and rejuvenated.
- Reduces blood glucose levels, thereby protecting the liver and kidneys from the harmful effects of excess sugar.
- Helps in stressful situations, normalizes mood if there are sudden changes.
- Used in the fight against colds and bacterial diseases.
- Useful in the work of the heart and blood vessels(strengthens them).
- Cleans the oral cavity well, prevents the formation of tartar. Fights bad breath. Treats sore throat.
- Reduces headaches.
- Fights against eye infections. For example, conjunctivitis.
- Improves appetite.
- Cough relief.
- Increases milk production in breastfeeding mothers.
- Helps in the treatment of kidneys.
- Protects the liver and also cleanses it of toxins.
- Used in case of radiation, since holy basil can thicken the blood.
- Combats fungal diseases if Candida is the source of the disease.
- Helps with stomach pains.
- Kills E. coli and Staphylococcus aureus.
- Helps stop bleeding.
- Helps with small insect bites. He scares them away with his smell.
- Reduces temperature well.
- Reduces the chance of developing cancer. Helps to recover faster after chemotherapy.
- Removes body fat.
- Strengthens weakened immunity.
- Improves sexual arousal. Increases potency.
- Normalizes stools and eliminates increased gas formation.
In reviews about tulasi, women write that it can be used to reduce weight, but there is one caveat. The plant also improves appetite. Therefore, instead of reducing body weight, you can achieve its increase. For effective weight loss, it is better to consult a therapist and, of course, a nutritionist.

Contraindications to the use of this plant
Harm from using the plant is observed when it is overdosed or some diseases.
Holy basil is not recommended in the following cases:
- myocardial infarction;
- high blood pressure;
- thick blood, high platelets;
- heart disease (ischemic disease);
- plant allergy;
- pregnancy and breastfeeding. The effect on the fetus and on the baby during feeding has not been studied;
- Diabetes
Possible harm from the plant in case of overdose
Overdose symptoms may include the following:
- poisoning, need urgent gastric lavage;
- irritation of mucous membranes, throat, stomach;
- convulsions.
Holy basil (or tulasi), like any medicine, requires compliance with the dosage when used. If you are taking medications, then you need to consult a therapist about their compatibility. With the correct intake of drugs / remedies from the plant, you can only benefit from it.
You can use holy basil both dried and frozen, and fresh. Below are some he althy dishes and drinks with this plant. They are easy to make.

Basil tea
Leaves and stem have strongantioxidant properties. The drink helps reduce headaches, reduces inflammation of the genitourinary system, relieves swelling of the throat. You can also rinse your hair with tea to give it a he althy look. You can also use it to wash your face, it will get rid of acne, improve cell regeneration. You can take baths with a drink. The bathroom will require 1 liter of this tea. And if you add 5 g of s alt and 5 ml of vinegar to it, you can forget about a toothache.
How to make tea? You need to take a dried mixture (leaves, flowers and stem) of basil 25 g. Pour boiling water (200 ml). Keep on high heat for up to 7 minutes. Leave for about half an hour. Take 50 ml before meals, up to four times a day. Tea is great for keeping you in a good mood all day long.
Basil salad
The plant adds he althiness to the salad, as well as an extraordinary aroma and taste.
How to make a salad? You will need: sweet red pepper (220 g), tomato (320 g), onion (110 g), 5 basil leaves, pitted olives (one jar). The onion is cut into rings, and the olives are freed from the pits and cut in half. Basil leaves (fresh) are better to tear with your hands (do not cut). Cut the rest of the ingredients into cubes. Mix everything, pour in oil, add s alt and spices to taste.
Basil oil. How to do and when to use?
The plant is often made into oil. The properties of the holy basil are fully preserved in the finished product. Oil is produced under special conditions. On average, up to 100 kg of shrubs are consumed to prepare 1 liter.
Normally oil hastransparent color, sometimes with a yellow tint. Has an incredible aroma. With it, you can reduce wrinkles, give skin elasticity, slow down the aging process.
The oil helps with many diseases (relieves joint pain, disinfects, treats colds, and so on), is used in aromatherapy. The main thing is to use it correctly, not to overdo it. Especially when taken orally: high concentrations can harm the digestive tract.
Analogue of tulsi oil
You can cook an analogue of basil oil at home. You need to take 60 g of (fresh) basil leaves and mix in a blender with 60 ml of olive oil. Mix the resulting slurry with 250 ml of olive oil. Insist twelve hours. The oil keeps its shelf life for 2 weeks. Before use, it is advisable to mix the oil (as a precipitate forms) and heat it up to 18 degrees. Can be used for food and cosmetic purposes.
Basil sauce

You will need fresh leaves of the plant, olive oil (100 ml), grated parmesan (100 g), 7 cloves of garlic, pine nuts (20 g), spices to taste. Finely chop the garlic cloves (do not grate). Pound basil, garlic, nuts in a mortar until smooth. Then the rest of the sauce ingredients are added. It will enhance the taste of any dish. Can be added to salads, served with meat and so on.
Usage Tips
If the basil is used fresh, then when cooking it should not be cut, it is advisable to just tear it with your hands. AThot dishes it must be added before serving. This will preserve the aroma, and the plant will not lose its beneficial properties.
You can add leaves to soups, salads, drinks, when cooking meat dishes, to sauces. Great for pickling vegetables for the winter. If it is not possible to grow a plant at home, then it is better to store it frozen. Since all the benefits of the plant are in its essential oil. When dried, its concentration decreases several times. But in frozen leaves, the composition practically does not change.
Holy basil is considered to be a useful plant. It is unpretentious, so it is not difficult to grow it at home. Then it will be possible to replenish the body with useful substances daily with the help of this plant. Additionally, the room will always have fresh air with a pleasant aroma.