An integral part of any flower garden are perennials. Moreover, such flowers are most often quite unpretentious in their care. Today's article will be devoted to the colors of the bathing suit. Today you will learn about the features of planting this plant and caring for it throughout its cultivation. And we will start by getting to know this wonderful plant, because not everyone knows what a bathing suit flower looks like. By the way, this plant has several names. But first things first.
Description of the flower bathing suit

This plant belongs to the ranunculus family and has about twenty varieties. The swimsuit has a rather funny name - the flower of the trolls. This name of the flower was obtained by translating the Latin name trollius, which comes from the German troll-blum - the flower of the trolls. There are Scandinavian legends in which the bathing suit is one of the most beloved plants of these funny characters.
The main advantage of this plant, despite its small inflorescences, is the presence of various attractive colors. Averagethe size of the bathing suit flowers does not exceed eight centimeters in diameter. However, the height of the branched stems of the plant can reach a meter. Juicy green leaves are collected in a neat rosette, located closer to the roots.
Most popular varieties

Currently, about thirty varieties of bathing suit colors are known. No more than twenty of them are grown on the territory of our country. In this section, we will introduce you to the most beautiful and popular.
- Asian bathing suit. Most often, this variety can be found in Altai and Siberia. Due to the rather cool climate, the height of this variety rarely exceeds 10 centimeters. The Asian swimsuit flower has a spherical shape and a diameter of about 6 centimeters. A large number of expanding orange petals form an incredibly beautiful double flower.
- European swimsuit grows in European and Siberian forests, as well as in mixed grass meadows. It blooms for a short time - from late May to mid-June. The flowers of the swimsuit are yellow and have a spherical shape, and the petals are closed. Their diameter rarely exceeds 5 centimeters with a total plant height of 30 to 80 centimeters. This type of swimsuit flower is included in the Red Book of the Republic of Belarus.
- Lilac bathing suit. It grows in mountainous areas, namely, in the Tien Shan and Altai mountains. The plant itself is stunted and difficult to take root in garden plots, but very beautiful due to its unusual color. Bright yellow stamens against the background of pale purple petals givethe plant has a very delicate look.
- Swimsuit dwarf. The total height of the plant rarely exceeds 30 centimeters. Peduncles are about 10 centimeters in height. Bright yellow-gold flowers have a flat cupped shape with wide open petals. Habitat - Nepal, Bhutan and China.
- The highest bathing suit. One of the giant plant species, growing up to one and a half meters in height. The highest bathing suit grows in the Carpathians in alpine meadows. The diameter of the flowers is about 5-6 centimeters, and the leaves are collected in a large rosette.
Using the plant

Today, swimsuit flowers are used as an ornamental plant that adorns gardens and summer cottages, both as part of flower arrangements and as an independent bush. Most often it is combined with irises or forget-me-nots. And thanks to the long-term preservation of an attractive appearance, the bathing suit is used as a component of bouquets.
It is believed that the flowers of the bathing suit are quite poisonous. However, it is actively used in folk medicine. For example, as a hemostatic, antiseptic and decongestant agent. In order to avoid harmful effects on the body, it is important to observe the concentration of infusions and decoctions used for the purpose of treatment. Since too high doses can really be detrimental to the body.
Choice of location and soil

It is best to give preference to slightly shaded places where the swimsuit flowers will be exposedsunshine for a short time. If you plant it in a too lit area, the duration of flowering can be significantly reduced and the plant itself will be much smaller. Areas under trees or shrubs are considered ideal places.
Kupalnitsa is a fairly unpretentious plant, and therefore does not impose strict requirements on the soil. Enough loamy soil with good drainage, which will prevent stagnant moisture, leading to rotting of the plant. Optionally, you can add a small amount of peat, humus and nitrophoska to the planting hole.
General features of planting and care

Plant bathing suit flowers should be before the onset of autumn - it is best to do this in August. Otherwise, the plant may not take root and die with the onset of frost, despite frost resistance. Growing bathing suit flowers (as mentioned above) is an easy task. It is important to water, weed and feed the plant in a timely manner, and it will delight you with its flowering for 3-4 weeks. Before the onset of winter, dead leaves are cut off, while cuttings are preserved to protect future buds.
It happens that the bathing suit does not begin to bloom. This happens due to soil moisture, both excessive and insufficient. If the soil dries out too quickly, then it is worth transplanting the plant to a more shaded place. And with high humidity - reduce the amount of watering and water.
Water, weed and fertilize

Swimsuit flowers require constant watering, but at the same time, the amount of moisture introduced should not be too large. Especially frequent watering is important for young plants. The process of soil moistening also becomes more frequent in dry weather.
Weeding and loosening the soil around the flower is very important to ensure access to the roots of oxygen and to remove weeds. Loosening should not be done too deep and close to the plant - 3-4 centimeters deep and at least 10 centimeters from the bush itself is enough.
It is desirable to fertilize at least twice - in early May and during the formation of buds. The nutrient solution should consist of equal parts of urea, nitrophoska and "Agricola for flowering plants", diluted in plenty of water.
Methods of reproduction

In this section, we will look at two of the most effective and used ways to grow bathing suit flowers. It will be about the seed method and the division of the bush.
Seeds for planting are either purchased from a specialized store or collected after full ripeness - in early autumn. Immediately after harvesting, they must be planted in the ground, since this is how maximum germination can be achieved. The first sprouts sprout with the advent of autumn and in small quantities. Also, do not worry about their slow development - with the advent of constantly warm weather, growth will increase. For spring cultivation, long-term stratification of seeds is required at a temperature of about 4 ° C.
It is better to divide bushes for reproduction in autumntime to strengthen their immunity during the winter by hardening. It has been experimentally proven that during autumn planting, the best survival of the separated part of the bush occurs. The separated parts are planted in such a way that the root neck is immersed in the ground by 2-3 centimeters. After planting, abundant watering is required.
Diseases and pests
Swimsuit flowers, compared to other perennial plants, have very strong immunity. The plant is practically not subject to numerous diseases. Exceptions are fungal diseases, such as septoria and smut. Sometimes the bathing suit is affected by a penetrating nematode. This happens mainly due to non-compliance with the rules for care. To prevent these troubles, it is important to remove dead parts of the plant in a timely manner and treat it with fungicidal preparations when the slightest signs of infection are found.