Only the tribes lost in the jungle, and the elderly over 90 years old, do not know about the king of pop Michael Jackson. All civilized society has known and hummed his songs for more than 30 years. During his lifetime, millions of fans dreamed of him, every second girl in the United States was in love with this flexible and bright young man. But Jackson did not allow many people into his environment, and among these chosen ones, Debbie Rowe, his girlfriend and mother of the star's two older children, played a special role.
A girl from a simple American family accidentally entered the circle of close people of a famous singer. Not much is known about Rowe's family and childhood. She was born on December 6, 1958 in Palmdale, California. The girl did not have special talents, so after school she went to college to become an ambulance specialist. Further activities were also related to medicine. It was thanks to the work that Debbie Rowe met Michael Jackson.

Unexpectedly for everyone, fate tied people completely different from each other. An aspiring singer, an African American with his "cockroaches" in his head and a simple girlnurse. But, as it turned out, terribly lonely in those days, Michael Jackson finally found a faithful and kind friend, whom he dreamed about as a child, but first things first.
Relationship background
In the mid-80s, the whole country will learn about the young performer. At first he acted as the leader of the family group The Jackson 5, which included 4 more brothers of Michael. But soon the youngest becomes the leader of the team, he is offered a solo career. Everything went well until January 27, 1984, when, due to an accident, the young man was near pyrotechnic devices. Jackson's hair and clothes caught fire, he suffered severe physical and mental ordeals. Against the background of stress, hereditary disease vitiligo (uncontrolled skin pigmentation) began to progress.
First meeting with Michael Jackson
Debbie Rowe met Michael in the mid-80s while working as an assistant to a renowned dermatologist. The singer was looking for salvation from a progressive disease, he needed not only physical recovery, but also moral support. And that person was Debbie. She did not demand anything from the star, at first they talked about vitiligo, a friendship gradually arose.

At this time, Jackson was married to Lisa Marie Presley, she knew that her husband was talking to a nurse, but she was not jealous and did not limit this relationship. Even when she was young, Debbie Rowe didn't have a pretty face or a particular style, so Presley considered her unsexy and didn't care about the girl.
A communication between the king of pop and Debbiecontinued. He often consulted with her about new drugs for his illness, sent her gifts and postcards from tours, called to open his soul. Moreover, at that time, relations with his lawful wife were clearly not going well. The couple lived in different houses from the very beginning, and after an unsuccessful joint participation in a popular TV show, serious disagreements began.
Debbie Rowe and Michael Jackson's relationship
Practically the main reason for the breakup with Maria Presley was the girl's unwillingness to have children from Jackson. She already understood what kind of person her husband was, and foresaw that during the divorce, Michael would do anything to take the child for himself. But Debbie Rowe, in one of the conversations with the singer, when she consoled him after another quarrel with his wife, agreed to endure and give birth to a baby for Jackson.
First attempt to get pregnant
The woman did not make such a decision right away, and yes, she did not wait for Michael all her life. At some point in her life, she had a husband, Richard Eldman. But the marriage did not last long, in an interview, Debbie said that she was unhappy with Richard and felt like she was in a trap. After the divorce, she began to see more often with Jackson, both poured out their hearts to each other after a failed marriage.

After several such conversations, Debbie Rowe and Michael Jackson finally decided to have a child together. Almost immediately after the divorce of the star couple, Debbie became pregnant. According to the woman, Michael even screamed with joy, he was so happy about the future baby. But, unfortunately, the pregnancy ended in a miscarriage. This story thendid not receive publicity and became known much later.
Public reaction
After losing her baby, Debbie became depressed, she was afraid that she would not be able to bear the fetus at all. But Jackson supported her in every possible way and reassured her. The public learned about the second pregnancy in 1996. It was then that a joint photo of Debbie Rowe and Michael Jackson appeared in the press. Everyone was shocked, and not only because of the choice of a companion. Immediately after the journalists unearthed the truth by listening to the recording of the conversation between Rowe and her friend, the media literally flooded the headlines one louder than the other.
It has been suggested that Rowe is a surrogate mother and has nothing to do with the baby at all. Then “reliable” sources were indicated that the conception was artificial, that Debbie would immediately abandon the child and give it to Michael to raise, etc. Needless to say, Debbie Rowe was simply furious with such media assumptions. The woman reacted extremely painfully to all attempts to interview, calling journalists “bastards” and complaining that they were trying to provoke her.
Second pregnancy
Jackson himself also made a refutation of the version of surrogate motherhood or any economic relationship with the expectant mother. Although it became reliably known that Debbie received $ 1 million as a gift from Michael, as well as a house worth $ 1.3 million. Journalists dug up all this when detailing the singer's annual bill.
The most annoying thing is that the story of the pregnancy became known to Michael's mother. The woman was very religious, was in a sectJehovah's Witnesses and painfully perceived everything related to her son's personal life. The news that Jackson divorced his wife and some woman was expecting a child from him knocked the woman down. She did not want Michael to be like his father, who often cheated on his wife and even had an illegitimate son. The head of the family called Debbie herself, talked to her about the whole situation. After that, she began to persuade her son to marry the future mother of the child.

Before that, neither Jackson nor Debbie thought about marriage, but at the insistence of the mother decided to sign. The singer at first wanted to leave the identity of the mother anonymous, and after the birth of the baby, declare a surrogate conception. But in the end, Jackson decided to legalize the relationship, called Rowe to Australia, where he announced the wedding in the media.
The night before the wedding, Michael called Marie Presley and told everything about the upcoming event. The ex-wife gave her blessing. The wedding itself was very modest. The couple flew to Australia, where Jackson could be for a long time. Jackson and Rowe married on November 13, 1996 in the presence of 15 close friends.
Media was not invited. True, Randy Taraborrelli wrote very colorfully about the wedding image of the singer in his book. According to him, Michael Jackson dressed up for the occasion, applied translucent powder to his skin, plucked his eyebrows, lined his eyes with black eyeliner and somewhat resembled a Disney hero.
Photos of Michael Jackson and wife Debbie Rowe are increasingly appearing in newspapers and magazines. Moreover, the reaction was very skeptical and incredulous. No one believed in love, or even in sympathy between the young spouses. And the photo of Rowe on the balcony, who for some reason held her head, immediately caused a flurry of ridicule. They even came up with a title for the picture, “Oh my God, I married Jackson!”.
There have even been suggestions that Jackson is not actually the biological father of the child. These rumors intensified even more after the press saw a boy with white skin and blond hair.
The couple's first son was born on February 13, 1997 in Los Angeles. After the joint cutting of the umbilical cord, the boy was immediately taken away from his mother, he spent 5 hours in the intensive care unit, but there were no serious consequences. The child was named Prince Michael, the same name as the singer's grandfather and great-grandfather.

After that, the mother did not see the child for six months, immediately after being discharged, he was transferred to Michael's house. The first joint photo of Debbie Rowe with her son appeared after almost 6 months. But the woman immediately decided that she would not become attached to the child, and limited the time of communication with him. The prince was surrounded by the attention of 4 nannies, his father and the rest of the servants. And after the baby's nanny noted that she saw the mother only 3-4 times during her work.
8 months after Prince's birth, Debbie announces she is expecting her second child. April 3, 1998, the girl Paris Michael Katherine Jackson was born. The singer was insanely happy with the baby, in his interview he even said that he was so overwhelmed with emotions that he grabbed the child and ran with him into the street right with the placenta. Michael's press office contactedthe residence of the Pope and asked the pontiff himself to become the godfather of the girl. But he refused, citing a possible public outcry.
Since the couple did not live together, already in October 1998, Debbie asked for a divorce. Such relationships were a burden on the woman, especially since the children lived with Michael from the first days. The father was given full custody of the children. Rowe did not even try to see the children and later said that she never expected to be their mother in the full sense of the word. They were the son and daughter of Michael Jackson and only him. After the divorce, they remained friendly relations, they called each other and sometimes met.
4 years after the birth of his daughter, Michael decided to become a father again. This time, an unknown surrogate mother became the mother of his youngest son. Moreover, the singer said that she did not know for whom she was carrying a child.

Guardianship issues
Children began to see their mother more often only in 2006, when a woman asked to restore access to them. According to the woman, who is Jewish by nationality, she was afraid that the lives of the children would be strongly influenced by the views of their grandmother, a follower of Jehovah's Witnesses. Michael refused, there were several trials, but in the end the woman abandoned her claims to communication. Michael is said to have given her a $4 million settlement.
It was then that rumors began to appear that Debbie Rowe's children were not from Jackson. Journalists referred to the white color of the children's skin, although both mother and father categorically denied all suspicions. Subsequently, it becameit is known that the eldest son Prince inherited his father's genetic disease. After the death of the singer, the main guardian of all three children was Jackson's mother Katherine.
Jackson's death
Everyone was shocked by the photo of Debbie Rowe at Jackson's funeral. The woman was really upset and cried a lot. After Debbie was often seen next to the singer's crypt, where the woman began to communicate with his fans, whom she had previously avoided. Fans of the king of pop were also drawn to her, because she knew their idol very closely.

Now Debbie is talking to her kids. And more with a daughter than with a son. After Paris' attempt to commit suicide, Rowe said in the press that after the death of her father, the girl feels lost.
Media attitude
In the photo in her youth, Debbie Rowe gives the impression of a calm, balanced girl, sweet and friendly. But fans of the pop king almost immediately disliked the woman for her simple appearance and strange relationship with their idol. In addition, she was accused of commercialism, because a lot of money was transferred to her accounts after the birth of two children. But the woman herself denied her financial interest, saying that she did it for the sake of friendship and affection for Michael.
In a book about Debbie Rowe and Michael Jackson “A friend in need is a friend. Mike and Debbie”for the first time, the relationship of this unusual couple is truly revealed. Maybe between them there was no passion and that love that happens between a man and a woman. They had a feeling that is sometimes valued much more - this is friendship. The famous singer wasvery lonely, few people understood him, but Debbie was able to win the affection of the king of pop with her simplicity and openness.

The latest on Debbie Rowe
In 2016, Rowe was diagnosed with breast cancer. Nothing is known about the stage of the disease and methods of treatment. In 2017, Debbie again attracted media attention. She was at a friend's cottage when a fire broke out there. The building burned down almost completely, but the woman was not injured.
Debby Rowe's biography can be called controversial. She did not become a good mother and wife, but she was able to achieve the friendship of a great man. In the place of this inconspicuous woman, millions of fans of the pop king would like to be, and she was calm about his fame and loved just Michael in him.