Kanae until a certain time was an unknown girl, but one day she got married, and it changed her life. Even today she does not have any sports or any other achievements, does not write books, does not act in films and does not do anything outstanding, but many people know her. This woman is liked by those who know her, and those who do not know her. Who is Miyahra Kanae? The story of her popularity will begin even before her birth and will not be associated with her, but first things first!

Future husband
The whole story began back in 1982 in the city of Melbourne. On December 4, a son was born in a family of Serbian emigrants. His birth shocked his parents, because he was without arms and legs. All he had was a piece of foot with two toes. About three years later, Miyahara Kanae was born. The parents of these children experienced completely different emotions. Armless and legless boy Nick Vuychich learned to walk, write, swim, play on the computer and skateboard with his foot.
His lifecould not be called simple, at the age of 8 he wanted to drown himself in the bathroom, but he could not, he did not want his parents to blame themselves for what had happened all his life. Who would have thought that these children would be united so much in the future?
Years passed and Nick graduated from Griffith University in Brisbane. Today he is known all over the world as a preacher and motivator, he traveled to 64 countries and spoke at universities, schools and various organizations. He writes books and takes part in TV shows. At this stage, he lives in the USA, in California.
Miyahara Kanae is the wife of Nick Vujicic. Their love story is incredible, it touches the hearts of millions of people and inspires hope for the best.
Kanae Vujicic's childhood
The girl was born on December 22, 1985 or 1986. The exact date of birth of Kanae Miyahara is not indicated anywhere. It is only known that they and Nick are about 3 years apart. This girl has never sought publicity, and therefore there is very little information about her.
Kanae's father is Japanese and her mother is Mexican. Her dad was in love with Mexico, with its nature. He wanted to always be in her environment, so he opened his own business related to agriculture. That's how he met Kanae's mother, she worked in his office. Their theme was a common hobby: they collected coins and postage stamps. We talked a lot and realized that we needed each other. The young family decided to stay in Mexico, where their daughter was born. Kanae Miyahara is Mexican by nationality.
Dad used to cook his traditional Japanese dishes, and even as adults, the children still observed some Japanese traditions. Fatherdied when Kanae was 18 years old. At that time, her sister lived in America and invited her and her younger brother to move in with her.
After moving in
The girl had to go through a lot in the new place. She was very young, and after the loss of her father, she felt completely devastated. She lost everything: the house was sold, friends were left in the past, her father's business was lost. The girl needed hope and love.

Speaking of Kanae Miyahara's biography, it is impossible not to draw a parallel with Nick's life. At the age of 9, he envied everyone who could walk with a girl by the hand, he often thought about his future and whether someone could love him. He sometimes fell in love, but did not show his feelings in any way and thought that he would spend his life as a bachelor. At 19, he began to build a relationship with a girl, but they were both young and decided to wait. After 4 years of waiting, they parted, and the fear settled in Nick's heart that he would never meet his soul mate.
Kanae and Nick's first meeting
After moving to America, Kanae met a guy, and everything seemed to be fine, but only up to a certain stage. It seemed to her that she could not find what she needed in her partner.
That was until she met Nick. He says that it was love at first sight, they first met at Kanae's boss's house, then he met her and her sister. He had never heard such names before, and they seemed to him exactly the same in appearance, but he quickly figured it out.
The next day, Nick performed in college, inhall, where only 18 people were present, and saw a divine woman rise upstairs, the most beautiful that he had ever seen. At that moment, it even seemed to him that he had arms and legs. Real fireworks exploded inside it. He was able to talk to her, and when she left, it seemed to him that his soul had gone with her. He wanted to scream for her not to leave, but he remained silent. Since then, they could not forget each other. Today, people ask him how long they're going to stay together and he says, "Forever!"

Tested Relationships
The girl at that time was different. She was impressed by Nick, some kind of strong connection arose between them, it seemed to her that they had known each other all their lives, but she had a boyfriend.
They haven't seen Nick for three months, but their feelings haven't changed.
Kanae is a smart girl, she always treats people with a soul, she saw Nick in everyday life and understood that she would have to help him in many ways, but this did not frighten her. It seemed that even then she understood what it meant to have a guy like Nick. His parents asked her what would happen if she had a child like Nick? She replied that they would love him just like all other children, and he would have a good example before his eyes that every person can live happily.
This is how Kanae Miyahara's personal life developed. In 2011, Nick lost his savings. Due to the financial crisis, he had to borrow money from his parents. Motivational speaker couldn't neithereat, sleep, cry like a child, and could not get out of a state of panic and stress. He was not sure if she would want to build a relationship with him now. He was completely devastated, but still had to tell his girlfriend the truth. She only replied that he should not worry so much, she could find a second job to support him. And she didn’t leave him in such a situation.
Marriage proposal

When Miyahara Kanae supported him during the crisis, he realized that this woman was sent to him by God, and decided to propose to her. He thought of everything in advance, he wanted it to be a surprise for her. He asked where she would like to have a wedding, and she was so shocked that she could not think at that moment.
Their moms met the day before, Nick bought a diamond ring and put it in her bowl of ice cream. They even had a wedding dance, although they did not rehearse in advance, everything went well.
Family and children
In 2012, Miyahara Kanae got a family, her personal family, still consisting of two people. A year later, she replenished with her son Kiyoshi James. On February 13, their first child was born, an absolutely he althy baby.

August 7, 2015 another son was born - Dejan Levi. On December 22, 2017, Miyahara Kanae gave birth to twins, it happened just in time for her birthday. Girls Ellie and Olivia diluted the company of boys. All children are he althy, and parents are full of happiness. Since the parents are in their prime, it’s not even worth talking aboutworth it, that's all. Maybe in the future other children will join the family, but for now, Nick and Kanae are happy parents of four children.
Beautiful wife
They say that Kanae is a real beauty who looks very young, maybe it's in the genes, the Japanese have thicker skin, and she does not age as quickly as the Europeans. But the girl does not resort to radical changes in her appearance. She eats measured portions strictly on time. This habit has developed in her since childhood. If there was food left on the plate, the children could not leave the table. Food could not be thrown away, they were eaten strictly on time. When the children began to complain that they were already full, they were allocated an additional 5 minutes. If during this time everything was not eaten, they were punished. The girl was brought up in such severity. Photos of Kanae Miyahara are confirmation that she really looks good. In addition, she does not drink alcohol at all. The girl also tries to lead an active lifestyle: she goes in for sports, goes fishing, goes to the beach and goes hiking.

Life Principles
Nick Vuychich and Miyahara Kanae were married as virgins, they adhere to Christian values. And this means that before marriage, they had to keep clean. Nick said that many of his friends themselves suffer because of their immorality and running from one partner to another, and he looks into his wife's eyes and understands that this is love. He shows love to his children in an old-fashioned way - shows that he loves their mother. There is nothingshameful in marrying a virgin, because purity cannot be returned back. You need to wait for your spouse, and he will come into your life in due time. Keeping purity, a person does not sacrifice anything, but only gains.
The family is confident that God has blessed their family life. As in every family, they have petty quarrels like compiling a menu or choosing furniture. But they know they've gone to the next level. They talk a lot, chatting about this and that. If she says that she does not want to talk, he does not insist and postpones the conversation until tomorrow. They respect each other.
Family Secrets

Kanae got pregnant while on tour. And at that time they had other plans, and she took her head. I had to adjust my plans. This year they were at home and did not hold any parties. Relatives had worries about whether the child would be born he althy. But the girl did not share their fears. And everything worked out well. Nick is a very busy person with endless performances and tours.
Family supports him in such activities, Nick and Miyahara have been through a lot together and they are incredibly happy. Nick has been called a world famous motivational speaker and his wife has a lot of responsibility. She should be a real support for him so that he can do his job. His life's work can be called a messiah, a calling, because he helps many people to believe in themselves, to overcome the difficulties that break their destinies. At the age of 19, Nick gave his first public rebuff to those who mocked him, hefound his way and helps others find it.