Irina Prokhorova: life, literary and social activities

Irina Prokhorova: life, literary and social activities
Irina Prokhorova: life, literary and social activities

Today's outstanding Russian literary critic, political character and leader of the Civic Platform party, Irina Prokhorova, is a tireless charitable worker and was Mikhail Prokhorov's confidant in the 2012 presidential election.

Biography of Irina Prokhorova

irina prokhorova
irina prokhorova

Mikhail Prokhorov's sister was born on March 3, 1956 in Moscow. She speaks quite simply about the origin of her parents, saying that they were average. In fact, they occupied quite tempting positions. Irina's father, Prokhorov Dmitry Ionovich, was the Head of the International Relations Department of the USSR, and her mother, Kumaritova Tamara Mikhailovna, was an employee at the Department of Polymers of the Moscow Institute of Chemical Engineering (Moscow Institute of Chemical Engineering).

Irina Prokhorova studied at Moscow State University. V. L. Lomonosov, at the Faculty of Philology. She later graduated with a thesis on the literature of English modernism and received a Ph. D. in Philosophy.

After graduating from university in the 80s, Irina worked on local television and was an editormagazine called Literary Review.

In 1992, having gained experience in a publishing house, the current literary critic founded her own organization, the New Literary Review, where she took the place of the head.

Irina was married, in marriage she gave birth and raised a daughter, who was named in her honor Irochka.

Family History

Irina's paternal ancestors were of a peasant family, immigrants from the Smolensk region. As you know, my father's grandfather was a migrant to Siberia, where he lived for a certain time and kept a decent household. Subsequently, under fear of dispossession, he fled.

biography of irina prokhorova
biography of irina prokhorova

On the mother's side were doctors and scientists. Irina's grandfather served as People's Commissar of He alth in Dagestan. 1934 gave him the position of director of the local medical institute of the city of Dagestan. Irina Prokhorova's grandmother, Anna Belkina, was taught by Professor Zilber himself, quite famous in those days. Although she was a microbiologist, her further career in the field of science did not work out for her. The war came, Anna sent her daughter to the evacuation, and she herself was engaged in the development of vaccines in Moscow.

Irina's mother, Tamara Kumaritova, in 1965 gave birth to her youngest son Mikhail, who today is a well-known Russian politician and entrepreneur.

Prokhorova Irina Dmitrievna as a politician and public figure

civil platform of irina prokhorova
civil platform of irina prokhorova

The life of the leader of the Civic Platform party, in addition to the publishing direction, is closely connected with political activities. In 2012 onIn the presidential election, she became a confidant of her own brother, Mikhail Prokhorov. During the same period, she received a tempting offer to become the head of the Public Council under the Ministry of Culture of the Russian Federation, which she later refused without hesitation.

Today, Irina Dmitrievna Prokhorova is actively involved in charity throughout Russia. In 2004, the Mikhail Prokhorov Charitable Foundation was created, initiated by his sister. In addition to being one of the co-founders of the Foundation, she is also the organizer and coordinator of the Krasnoyarsk Book Culture Fair, the owner and editor of her own publishing house, New Literary Review.

Various Interests

For all the time of her activity, Irina Prokhorova has achieved the following indicators:

  • irina prokhorova about ukraine
    irina prokhorova about ukraine

    Founded the magazines UFO and Emergency Reserve. Today, the UFO publishing house publishes 18 book series, including children's literature, cultural studies, literary criticism, prose and poetry, history, memoirs, philosophy and much more.

Released in 2006 the first specialized magazine in the Russian Federation called "Mode Theory". The publication has devoted its activities to the study of fashion as a cultural phenomenon

Established the Annual International Scientific Conference "Bathroom Readings"

Besides this, Irina Dmitrievna has established herself as a cheerful and active person, as evidenced by the following facts:

  • When receiving the State Prize, she read ditties of her own composition.
  • Represented the organization dressed as a pioneer at the opening of the Frankfurt Book Fair.
  • Being an actress by vocation, at one of the meetings, "UFO" without much doubt took on the role of Nastasya Filippovna from Dostoevsky's "The Idiot".

Main achievements of a female politician of the Russian Federation

In addition to the above achievements, in 2002 Irina received the State Prize of the Russian Federation and became the laureate of art and literature for creating her own magazine, New Literary Review.

In the future, the woman was repeatedly awarded for her activities, received awards. For example, in 2003, Irina became the owner of Liberty - the award of Russian emigration. The reason was the development of Russian-American relations in the field of culture and arts, the creation of the best educational project in Russia.

2006 presented the figure with the Alexander Bely Prize in honor of special services to Russian literature.

Later, in France, Irina Prokhorova was awarded the Chevalier of the Order of Arts and Literature.

Irina Prokhorova and her strategy towards the situation in Ukraine

Prokhorova Irina Dmitrievna
Prokhorova Irina Dmitrievna

The leader of the party has repeatedly stated that she is not going to send representatives of her party movement to the territory of Ukraine, as some other political forces in Russia have done. In addition, Irina Prokhorova’s Civic Platform is absolutely sure that the conflict will succeedresolved through peaceful diplomatic negotiations. Such a decision of the Ukrainian authorities will be able to have a beneficial effect on the economy and stock markets of the country. Here is how Irina Prokhorova spoke about Ukraine: “No one needs a financial crisis, and I strongly hope for the common sense of the Ukrainian authorities when making key decisions to resolve the scale of this conflict.”

Also, the leader of the movement urged not to issue loans to Ukrainian politicians and to temporarily freeze all accounts for debts to the Russian Federation.
