Each consumer product - at the service of our needs

Each consumer product - at the service of our needs
Each consumer product - at the service of our needs

Each of us is a consumer at heart! In order to feel comfortable in life, we need one or another product of production, which is called just that: consumer goods.

consumer goods
consumer goods

To meet our needs

Everyone certainly has material and cultural needs. They must be implemented, otherwise life becomes insipid and boring. Any consumer product is intended to be sold to the public in order to meet these needs, and without further use for commercial purposes.


The term "consumer goods" arose in the theory of economics in order to characterize a type of product that is different from production, that is, the actual means of production. They, in turn, are designed to be used in industry. What is a consumer good? It is produced directly for the personal realm.

what is a consumer product
what is a consumer product

Production structure

There are two main groups of goods:

  • "A"- industrial, intended for the production of other types of goods.
  • "B" - created for personal consumption.

The ratio between these groups determines the entire course of economic development of countries. As a tendency, there is the law of the advantage of the means of production. At the same time, consumer goods (all types of them) seem to fade into the background. But in the conditions of the modern revolutionary development of science and technology, the priority production of consumer goods (in short - consumer goods) becomes possible!

From history

For example, in the economy of the USSR, despite the constantly declared "increase in the welfare of workers", the production of goods of group "A" and defense support were given priority. To the detriment of group "B". As a result, there is a disproportion and shortage of consumer goods (many people remember the empty shelves of grocery stores and "cultural goods", sausage "from under the floor", household appliances and furniture "by pull"). Subsequently, with the introduction of capitalism in Russia and the countries of the post-Soviet space, this difference is gradually leveling out. Increasing attention is paid to the needs of people, material and cultural. And overproduction of some products automatically reduces the price.

delivery of consumer goods
delivery of consumer goods


This is primarily food and non-food consumer goods. But all of them, we repeat, are intended to meet only the final consumer demand, for family, home, personal use. With food everythingunderstandably. This is a variety of food (but not delicacies), drinks (but not elite alcohol). Non-food items include: clothing, footwear, household appliances, furniture, building materials, vehicles and much more. The production of such goods is the basis of the economy of many countries of the world. It is based on the systematic mass consumption of products. One product wears out, becomes obsolete, ceases to meet certain standards. It is replaced by another, updated (new model), which already has other standards, more acceptable. And so - to infinity of improvement (view or taste - it doesn't matter).

Mass character

As a rule, consumer goods are not luxury or exclusive. They are used by all segments of society equally. This determines the mass nature of their consumption.

And they are also divided into goods of everyday and special demand. The purchase of such products is, accordingly, either necessary (food, clothing, shoes, medicines), or associated with additional acquisition costs, and therefore with the right to pre-select price, quality, manufacturer for an individual (for example, a car or real estate).

production of consumer goods
production of consumer goods


This is a list of groups, types of consumer goods sold in a retail network, into which the entire range of these products is divided. The overriding goal of any outlet should be the maximum satisfaction of consumer demand. Thus, the formation of the assortment comes to the forefor almost every store. Super- and hypermarkets are now the most expedient, in which we see almost all possible types of products presented. It is to such outlets that the delivery of consumer goods directly from manufacturers is carried out, which determines the maximum compliance with the “price-quality” criterion of products.

consumer goods
consumer goods


All of the above groups and categories of goods that are constantly in demand, regardless of the season or other factors, and are defined by the term "consumer goods". But it should be remembered that the purchasing power of the average citizen, his "consumer basket", directly depends on the solvency of the individual, the wages he receives. Therefore, the "correct" state always takes care of it. After all, if you get more, you can spend more!
