Members of society: definition, concept, classification, society and personality, needs, rights and obligations

Members of society: definition, concept, classification, society and personality, needs, rights and obligations
Members of society: definition, concept, classification, society and personality, needs, rights and obligations

All people are members of society. Of course, society has its own characteristics, the laws of development, which are subject to individuals within the society. However, the very concept of "society" may not be synonymous with the word "society" at all, but represent something else.

For example, a group of people united by common hobbies or goals is also a "society". Even each individual family is a “society”. A class in a school, a group in a kindergarten are also a society. The audience that came to a concert or theatrical performance, while in the hall, is a separate society. And in each of these examples of "societies" one can trace the presence of its own characteristics, rules, laws of development and other elements characteristic of social structures.

What is "society"?

Society is a broader concept than society. This is a group of people united by common views, goals, needs, interests, or something else. Society can become society. An example of such a metamorphosis is the settlements of the Old Believers, whose inhabitants do not contact the rest of the world without special need.


Each human society has its own model of building internal relations between people and certain conventions, laws, cultural values. Members of society form its foundations, traditions, rituals and customs with their life activity, which, in turn, become the basis for building a model of social relations.

What is a "member of society"?

Each person is an individual, combining social and biological principles. To implement the social component, a person needs to unite with other people, as a result of which a society is formed.

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bus stop

That is, the members of society are the people who form it. At the same time, each person can leave society or be rejected by it, contribute to its development or change. That is, a person is a member of society who adopts its laws and rules, endowed with certain duties and rights, and also responsible to other people for their observance.

What is included in this concept?

The social essence of a person is determined by a set of qualities that make up such a concept as "personality". Personality is often confused with another concept - "individual". Individuality includes slightly different characteristics, namely all those traits that a person got at birth, from nature, thenhave biological properties. Personality includes - height, weight, race, nationality, eye color, hair texture and other similar nuances.

Personality is a set of qualities that allow an individual to become a member of society. That is, the concept of personality includes skills, knowledge, acquired skills and experience, beliefs, and so on. Even citizenship is one of the components of personality.

Individuality is given to people initially, from birth, but personality is formed in the process of learning, contacts with people, that is, other members of society also take part in its formation. Outside of society, the formation of personality is impossible.


That is, the concept of "member of society" includes a set of personal and individual characteristics of a person. Personal qualities always correspond to the ideas accepted in society, laws, rules, and so on, since they are formed under its influence. Personality formation is not limited by age. For example, when leaving for a permanent place of residence in another country, a person changes society. In the process of assimilation in a new society, he acquires some personality traits, losing those that are not required.

What is the classification of societies?

All associations of people can be classified according to the main features in a particular area. For example, societies of fans of certain arts can be classified according to the interests that united people.

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public telephone

On the same principlesociologists classify societies:

  • by the presence or absence of writing;
  • by type of social relations and state structure;
  • on the main occupations of people;
  • by ethnicity;
  • by language groups;
  • by religion;
  • according to the degree of contact with other societies;
  • on the structure of the political, administrative system.

This list can be continued, societies are classified according to cultural values, and according to the tools used, and according to the degree of technology development. A society can be classified according to any of its defining characteristics.

How do society and personality interact?

Society is always focused on meeting every need of members of society. That is, we are talking about meeting the needs of the majority of individuals, whose association in society has become the basis for society.

It is the needs of individuals who are at the origins of the formation of society, and pass into traditions, moral norms, customs and foundations, other parameters that characterize society.

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garbage containers

If the internal needs of an individual do not correspond to those experienced by the majority, one has to change the society or adapt to the existing one. That is, if a person is not satisfied with the state system of the country, for example, socialism, he can either move or put up with it. Society is focused on every need of its members, but only most of them.

Also every personThere are also social obligations. That is, the interaction of society and the individual is built on the principle of mutual cooperation. Each person gives something to society, and in return uses the opportunities provided by society.

What are the duties?

Each individual and all members of society together have certain obligations. Their list can be presented in the form of the following general postulates:

  • protect and increase cultural and other heritage;
  • work for the good of society;
  • benefit in the development of society;
  • observe accepted laws, rules, norms of behavior, traditions.

The obligations of each person in relation to the society in which he lives are to preserve the accumulated experience, knowledge, skills and other things, to transfer this social base to descendants. But besides preserving the already “acquired”. Each member of society is obliged to contribute to its further development.

What are rights?

The rights of a member of society are the ability to enjoy common benefits, the achievements of society. By this you need to understand literally everything that a person uses in life. For example, the benefits provided by the society of the individual are transport, communications, medical institutions, shops, hairdressers, the press, household amenities, and so on. Even cities are a boon provided by society.

That is, everything that is created by people within the framework of being in society is an achievement, a boon of society. And every member of society is en titled to these achievementsenjoy.

Family recreation area
Family recreation area

In addition to these rights, there are others, enshrined in each society by law. That is, the right to work, freedom of speech and so on. Human rights in society are naturally limited by his duties towards other people, that is, towards society.
