Ideal needs: realization of one's creative potential, self-knowledge. Spiritual and cultural needs

Ideal needs: realization of one's creative potential, self-knowledge. Spiritual and cultural needs
Ideal needs: realization of one's creative potential, self-knowledge. Spiritual and cultural needs

We all know that every day a person should eat, drink and sleep. But everything is not limited to this. There are also ideal needs, which involve much more than the banal maintenance of the functioning of the body.

The importance of the intangible aspects of life

An indicator can be the culture of the East, in which spiritual needs are no lower than physical ones. It is wrong to say: "Man has a soul." In fact, it is the spirit that has a body that it acquires at the next stage of its journey.

ideal needs
ideal needs

Self-consciousness is formed in childhood. Many children are taught to wash their faces, clean their room, study well at school, but they miss one important nuance. The younger generation is not endowed with the ability to understand their own emotions. Sometimes it even happens that teenagers are lost in feelings, do not know how to perceive themselves or the world in a given situation. They are referred to as “quiet children.”

But, as a rule, such individuals experience their infantile period much later, when they are already expected to become an adultmeaningful behaviour. And all because they were not taught how to realize their ideal needs.

Ways to improve

As long as a person feels that there are a bunch of closets with skeletons in his soul, he will not be able to enjoy even the most luxurious life in material terms. The need for self-knowledge is an ideal need, the satisfaction of which provides peace and a positive state of mind.

A well-known fact in psychology: the moral state of a person is closely related to his self-esteem. Each person wants to feel special, unique, able to do what others cannot. This is not narcissism or bragging, but a normal need when it does not go beyond adequate limits.

spiritual needs
spiritual needs

Each of us has something special

The need for self-actualization refers to ideal needs. People who are unable to achieve something claim that if they got what they wanted, they would be at the peak of bliss. When a certain thing is in the zone of our imagination, everything is really so. But, having become commonplace, the acquisition will lose its novelty.

When you achieve your goals step by step, you understand that, in essence, it is not the crossing points that are important, but the route itself. Most people go to work with more or less good wages. So what if the job is not pleasant? You can survive for a while. But sooner or later patience comes to an end.

Everything is much more interesting

Ideal needs are more than existence withto feed themselves and provide shelter. Man has learned to profitably use the resources of the earth. And, in fact, not much is needed to provide your body with energy and normal conditions.

When everything is settled in the material plane, spiritual needs arise. Some people turn to the gods, while for others the shrine is the whole world around. Devoting yourself to love this miracle is far more sublime and interesting than just cruising the vicious circle of consumerism and depletion of vitality for the sake of deceptive, imposed goals.

Cultural needs are a craving for beauty and a desire to expand one's own erudition. After all, the we alth of a person is not only in bank accounts, but also in his own head. The best investment is in yourself.

ideal needs examples
ideal needs examples

Every person naturally has certain talents. Their development also implies ideal needs. Examples: enrolling in creative circles, learning languages. Such classes can be held for a specific purpose. But, in the end, having fun is also quite a weighty reason. Time spent happily is well spent. The most important thing is to strive to find a balance in everything. Including between spirituality and the material world.

Life in society

Communication with other people is extremely important. Closing in on himself, the individual may ask such a question: “What is the point of talking about all these meaningless topics? After all, there is no real benefit in this.” However, a person may still have a thirst for contact with others, butfeel embarrassed about not being able to explain why.

Ideal needs imply acceptance from others. When we find ourselves in a circle of people who understand us, have similar interests, are ready to listen or tell their own secrets, we feel good, joyful, enjoy contact with the world. Man was created to live in society, so the need to communicate with his own kind, one way or another, arises periodically.

cultural needs
cultural needs

Unnecessary extremes

A sad picture is observed in individuals who deny their ideal needs. For example, a person in childhood was offended, misunderstood, rejected. This happens quite often. Then youthful fears and complexes prevent the personality from developing normally. And so the man assured himself that no one can be trusted, and you need to live only for yourself.

It's great that there are enough resources around, there are plenty of ways to keep yourself busy, even in solitude. Nothing complicated, but nothing useful either. It is extremely difficult to enjoy such a life. As they say, who does not take risks, he does not drink champagne. And such a social diet is similar to a diet consisting of s alt and bread. Yes, of course, you don’t need to read recipes for communicating with people, figure out how to beautifully arrange your activities and distinguish yourself in some way, but you also lose your taste for life, and it eventually turns into a banal existence.

need for self-knowledge ideal need
need for self-knowledge ideal need

Open your soul

Mostpeople stay in their vacuum for long. After the wounds from the last fall are healed, there is a natural desire to fly again. In order to protect yourself from moral wounds, you need to learn how to organically combine the world of emotions and pure reason.

We are not taught this in school. There are books on these topics, but they are opened only by those who themselves have realized the need for this, felt that a full life implies the satisfaction of ideal needs. You need to learn to receive pleasure both from delicious food and from sincere conversation, both from a comfortable sofa and from an interesting book. Banal consumerism eventually gets boring, there is a desire to touch something divine.

the need for self-realization relates to ideal needs
the need for self-realization relates to ideal needs

Besides, the person himself can become closer to the Almighty in the process of creation. Creating interesting projects, works of art, organizing events, making the world around us better, we ourselves flourish before our eyes, reaping the beneficial fruits of our own activity. You just need to open your heart and soul, stepping towards everything new.
