Outside the window, drops are ringing, and flocks of birds are basking in the warm spring sun. The trees wake up after the winter cold and nature comes to life again. Isn't that true happiness? Very often, couples in love consider March as the ideal month for their wedding ceremony.
Why do people get married in the spring most often?

Many are interested in the signs of March associated with the marriage this month, and will the wedding be successful in March? How to find out? There are several signs that are important to consider before determining the date of the wedding. However, you should know that these signs are special.
Every person has a favorite time of the year, which he is most looking forward to. Someone loves winter very much, and someone is fascinated by the hospitable summer. For many, spring is a special time of the year. In the first days of spring, the surrounding nature wakes up, and with it the souls of people awaken. At this time, many notice that they want to create, learn and just enjoy life. For lovers, spring is a special time, with the advent of which feelings become aggravated, hearts open. Therefore, the newlyweds decide to create a happy family in the spring.
Will beIs the wedding in March successful?

Is it possible to get married successfully in March? Signs will help you choose a happy date for the wedding and find out what your future life will be like. In ancient times, there was a tradition that young people got married in March. At the same time, they had to go far from their native places. There is a sign: if the wedding is in March, the newlyweds will soon change their place of residence. She may also indicate that the husband and wife after the wedding will not live together with their relatives, and fate will give them their own housing. This sign is quite relevant for newlyweds, since many of them are concerned about the housing issue.
This sign of March has another meaning. For example, if the husband is a foreigner, soon after the marriage, the spouses will move to another country. This is the dream of many girls today.
What is the best day to get married in March? The signs of this month indicate that any day will be favorable for the wedding. However, getting married during this period necessarily implies big changes in life.
If the newlyweds do not want to radically change their lives, because they are completely satisfied with the way they live now, it is better not to get married in March. If the couple is in the category of people who want to completely change their life circumstances, a wedding in March will provide them with such an opportunity.
Signs and church customs
If we take into account the wedding signs of March associated with church customs, then during this period, marriageceremonies are undesirable. Everything is explained by the fact that during this period the time of Great Lent always comes.
In fasting, believers are forbidden to participate in various entertainment events, which include the wedding ceremony. It is noteworthy that in ancient times people tied the knot and got married. As you know, it is undesirable to get married in Lent.
Now young couples, as a rule, only go to the registry office. Therefore, if the wedding cannot be postponed for another month, the ceremony can be held during Lent without a wedding.
The traditions of our ancestors and signs for the month of March indicate that the wedding during this period will be happy and successful if the young people marry at will, and they are connected by mutual love.
Folk omens

There are several interesting folk signs that determine what marriage will be like in March. You should pay attention to them, especially those that fall on the date of the wedding. For example, if the weather is changeable on this day, it means that the young will live happily ever after. Moreover, the weather should change as follows: it should be sunny in the morning and afternoon, and it should rain in the evening. If a thunderstorm starts on the wedding day, unpleasant situations may occur in the lives of the young, after which they will begin to appreciate each other even more.
If the wedding day is cold, it is very good for young people. The sign indicates that soon the young will have an addition to the family. According to popular belief, it will be a boy.
Another interesting omen on a wedding day in March concerns birds and children. If the birds sit on the windowsill on the day of the ceremony, you need to count them. The number of birds indicates the number of children the newlyweds have.
Should I trust omens?

March wedding signs matter to religious people. Usually newlyweds are skeptical about such things. For example, many consider May to be the most beautiful spring period and, despite signs, they boldly get married this month.
Psychologists believe that the most important role is played by the newlyweds' own attitude towards the wedding. Everyone decides for himself whether signs can be trusted. Someone, choosing a happy wedding date, listens to folk wisdom, and someone makes a decision based on personal preference. In both cases, life after the wedding will be happy if the young people truly love and appreciate each other.