In the old days, when there were no TVs and computers yet, people determined the weather with the help of signs and sayings. For example, a wonderful time of the year is spring, when the gentle sun gradually begins to warm, snow melts, birds sing and floods come. Fresh grass grows from under the snow, dry leaves are visible, flowers grow. In nature, everything begins to come to life. But how do you know when spring will come? To do this, many people composed proverbs and signs that can accurately predict the weather of the coming season.

Farmers start the first plowing when the ground thaws. The sowing of bread, potatoes and other crops begins. Even this work received interesting sayings in Russian speech: “Encouraging spring - only it won’t deceive”, “Spring, you are very beautiful during the day”, “Spring comes from above, but it still freezes from below”, “Spring is the queen of waters”, “Big water in the spring to trouble, be patient”, “Even the king has no right to console the water in the spring”, “Spend the night and do not cross the water in the fall, and cross in the spring, but don’t oversleep even an hour” (otherwise a flood may happen). All these folk signs about spring are based on wisdom.many nations, tested by the experience of many people.

Signs also say that if in the spring there is no ice on the river, and the ice floes float away with the flow, this means that the harvest will be rich, and the year will pass easily. If the rivers overflow strongly, then you can expect a good harvest. “If water spills, there will be a lot of hay, but there will be no life for animals in the water field.” Meadows and fields will flood, there will be nowhere to graze livestock.
How to predict the weather
The best and most favorable time of the year is late spring. They say that the summer is expected to be warm and humid, and the harvest is rich and tasty. The most important thing is that the flood carries ice that would not melt in one place. In addition, the snow will melt especially quickly under the warm and bright sun. Experienced people know how to make a weather forecast for spring with the help of signs: “The spring that comes late does not deceive”, “If it rains like a river in the spring, then in the summer you will not see a drop, but in the fall go with a bucket and draw”, “Water accumulates in spring, and in the fall it wets everyone”, “Dirty spring - there will be a lot of bread on the table”, “The gentle rain will wash all the roots in the spring.”

Weather for spring. What to expect?
There are some more interesting signs on this topic. If, after the snow has melted, hillocks have risen, this means that there will be a wonderful harvest. And if the hillocks melted, then expect a drought. Sometimes, when the snow thaws, and mold is visible on the ground, wait for the harvest. When a lot of leaves remain on a birch forest, then a yearwait a little harder. When people sow winter, they notice that if the leaves dry up on bushes and trees, starting from the top, the first sowing is more favorable, and the lower one - the last sowing is more successful.
There are a lot of sayings about spring thunderstorms: “The earth cannot wake up if the very first thunder does not appear”, “Thunder is heard - warm weather will come soon”, “And the frog will not croak until there is no thunderstorm”, “Thunder no, but lightning plays - the summer is expected to be dry”, “If for the first time in the spring thunder rumbles from the west, don’t expect anything good, but if from the east, south, the year will pass calmly and successfully.” “The harvest is bad - a strong thunder rumbles on a bare tree,” Poltava residents say. In general, to find out when spring comes, you should listen to folk signs. When thunder rumbles, and the foliage on the trees is not yet developed, this is an unfavorable sign for the future harvest.
Besides, you can also predict the weather by looking at the birds. For example: “Daws bring warmth”, “The arrival of a seagull means that there will be an early spring”, “The ice will melt if the first seagull arrives”, “Birds fly in flocks - wait for a very warm and joyful spring”, “When seagulls arrive and sit on their nests - the harvest will be rich, and if they sit on a path or path, then wait a hungry year. “The crane brings warmth”, “The cranes arrived early - spring will come early”, “Warm weather has come, the crane is right there, and he says - I brought warmth and joy to everyone,” Belarusians say. “Larks arrive early - wait for a warm and humid spring”, “Larks fly to a joyful spring, and finches - to the cold”, “Swallows arrive - it will bethunder, "Where the swallow flies, there always comes spring." But remember that: “The only swallow that has flown in will not bring spring”, “Do not rejoice at the very first swallow, you should not trust only the only killer whale.”

Such signs of early spring help people prepare for spring, for seasonal field work.
Predicting the weather: helper birds
There are a large number of different signs that predict spring by the singing of birds. Knowing this, you can independently find out when spring comes. “When the lark sings, it’s time to go out to the arable land”, “The cuckoo cuckles on a bare tree - wait for frost”, “If the cuckoo appeared before the greenery appears, then you need to wait for the hungry year”, “The nightingale sings, and the water decreases”, “The nightingale sings only then when he drinks dew from birch leaves. “Songs of a nightingale in a bare forest mean that you don’t expect a harvest this year”, “Early songs of a corncrake mean a rich summer”, “If a quail screams first, then there will be bread on the tables and the cattle are full, but if the dergach sang, there is little bread, a horse and thin cattle,”the Chuvash proverbs say so.
Tell signs about butterflies, amphibians and other animals
Many people have made up signs from their experiences with animals. For example: “If the frogs croak strongly in the spring and arrange “concerts”, then it’s time to go sow crops”, “The frog’s strong cry means it’s time to sow”, “The frogs sing and quickly fall silent - strong changes in the weather”, “Many tadpoles - a year fruitful.”
Ukrainian signs on butterflies: “IfIf you see beautiful hive butterflies, then expect a warm summer, and if you see buckthorn jaundice, then it will be wet and rainy. “There are no mosquitoes in spring - the herbs will not grow useful (it will be a dry summer)”, “If there are a lot of mosquitoes - expect great oats”, “A lot of mosquitoes, it's time to prepare a box for berries, and if there are a lot of midges, prepare a basket for mushrooms.”

Usually, squirrels have a good anticipation of winter, which is why they make large winter stocks. Who could tell the saigas fast, strong snowstorms in December? Nobody predicted. The biological barometer worked perfectly - huge herds of saiga, mammoth's contemporaries, fled from Beypak-Dala to the warm south of Kazakhstan. The most interesting thing is that all the listed animals managed to leave this place in time and avoid snowstorms.
Insect signs
When will spring come? Let's follow the actions of insects. Spiders are considered good, simply amazing meteorologists. Everyone knows that spiders do not like dampness, so they rarely go out to hunt in the morning. There are exceptions when they can be seen in the morning or at night - if there is no humidity and dew when everything is dry. This is a sign of the coming rain.

The dung beetle is also great at predicting the weather. He flies over paths and paths in the forest - this means that good weather is expected. You may have once heard the saying: "The frogs sing strongly - expect rain." Of course, there is an explanation for this. The fact is that their respiratory organs are well aware of the change in the atmosphere. Therefore, beforeAt the beginning of the rains, the frogs sing not so loudly, but rather hoarsely. As soon as people hear the “concert” of frogs, without understanding this nuance, they immediately repeat: “We are waiting for rain.” But he is not there, since the frogs just cheerfully greeted the upcoming clear day.
Folk signs about spring: our ancestors
How could our old ancestors characterize spring? There are many sayings about this: “If the snow melts early, then it will not be able to melt for a long time”, “Spring that comes early - expect a lot of harvest”, “Spring that comes late never deceives.”

Most scientists have confirmed that about four hundred species of insects and plants, more than six hundred animals can tell the weather. They reveal secrets only to attentive and especially curious people. Therefore, folk signs of the weather in the spring were especially attentive people who loved nature. When good knowledge of it comes, then by small signs one can learn to "read" the weather.
Birds are excellent weather forecasters
Many people look at the signs of spring in pictures. This makes it easier for an ordinary citizen to understand the prediction of weather and harvest. Excellent weather forecasters - birds. They always fly in the atmosphere, so they are often particularly sensitive to light, pressure, and the accumulation of electricity before a thunderstorm. Great singer - finch. Sometimes we hear him, but do not understand why he is sitting on a branch subdued. Experienced people explain this as follows: “If the chaffinch quiets down and sings, wait for the rain.”