The city of Moscow is interesting and unusual. With unique color. In some corners you can feel like in the Soviet Union, and after passing a couple of metro stations, you will find yourself in the city of the future.
Where else is modernity and ancient history so combined?
Where is a modern mall and an ancient temple opposite each other?
Only here you can feel and understand how Russia is a multinational and rich country.

With its opportunities and beauty, Moscow attracts a large number of people not only from the territory of the Russian Federation. Representatives of other peoples and states aspire to it. Someone for money, and someone for a dream. Moscow gives everyone shelter and the opportunity to achieve what a person wishes. But not everyone achieves their dreams.
How many people live in Moscow?
According to Rosstat, as of January 1, 2017, 12,380,664 people lived in Moscow. And these are only those who have a residence permit and are officially recognized as its residents.
But how muchpeople in search of money and self-realization comes to her and remains behind the scenes of statistics?
There is an opinion that there are about 10,000,000 unregistered residents of Moscow who work and live.
Just think about it. Almost half of the city's residents are officially unaccounted for. And if you add up the official data and the unofficial count of those living without a residence permit, you get a figure of 22,000,000 people.
If you think about how many people really live in Moscow, you understand that it gives shelter to more people than, for example, the entire Republic of Belarus or Kazakhstan. Moscow is practically a separate state.

How many Russians are in Moscow?
Moscow is a historically Russian city. But many representatives of various nations have always lived in it.
What is the ratio of nationalities today?
How many Russians are in Moscow?
The question is difficult, because the Russian Federation is a multinational country, and in order not to provoke hostility, such information rarely gets into statistical reports.
According to some reports, among the population that officially lives in Moscow, Russians make up 31%. But we understand that there are many times more real residents, and this figure is most likely much less.
According to unconfirmed data, in the group of official residents of Moscow, Azerbaijanis are in second place in terms of number, which are 14%, and Tatars, Bashkirs and Chuvashs, making up 10%.
The remaining residents of the hero city of Moscow identify themselves as other nationalities.
Findingsuch information, you are surprised at how many people live in Moscow. How many different nationalities exist in one city. There is no other place in the world where so many different people live.

Moscow is the heart of the Russian Federation
It reflects the national composition of the power and diversity of Russia. A huge number of people with their own culture and language, united by a single state. All these people live and strive for goals.
Understanding how many people live in Moscow and how many representatives of different nationalities consider it their home, you involuntarily start to think. Probably, the capital has some hidden magic or secret that attracts new residents to it, gives hope for a dream come true.
People who are looking for themselves think: how many people live in Moscow and find a place for accommodation and implementation. Why not become one of them? Moscow shows by its example that it doesn't matter what nationality you are, what matters is what kind of person you are.