This article will tell about Maxim Akimov. History teacher, politician, successful businessman who managed to make an excellent career for himself in a short period of time. Maxim worked as a history teacher at school, after which in the nineties he got into the government circles of Kaluga. This is where his career as a politician began. This article will describe the career growth of this brilliant politician, mention the well-known details of his personal life, consider interesting facts and retell the last interview of Maxim Akimov about the government and the future of the Russian Federation.
Young years

The biography of Maxim Alekseevich Akimov begins with the fact that he was born in the city of Maloyaroslavets, Kaluga Region, on March 1, 1970. The city is located at a distance of 60 km from the regional center. The academic years are not full of bright letters and significant moments. He studieddignified and was a quiet guy.
After graduating from school, a young politician chooses teaching for himself, deciding to become a teacher. Maxim enters the university at the department of history. Already in his student years, the young man gets a job as a teacher of history, English and geography at a local school. So he begins to earn a living on his own.
Career start

In the troubled times of the end of the last century, and more specifically, in 1994, Maxim dramatically changes the direction of his career. He gets a managerial position at Fineart-Audit. Before his thirtieth birthday, Maxim manages to get into politics, taking the position of head of the commission in charge of the securities market in the Kaluga region.
Main career politics and awards

Further in the life of Maxim Akimov and in his biography begins a rapid rise up the political ladder:
- A year later, the young politician takes the position of Deputy Director of the Regional Department of Economics and Industry.
- Next, the man is promoted to the government. Maxim Akimov becomes Deputy Chairman of the State Property Committee of the Kaluga Region.
- After it became clear to the highest circles of power that Maxim was well versed in many areas, including financial matters, he was appointed Minister of Economic Development.
- Then he becomes Deputy Mayor of Kaluga.
- In 2004, the position of head ofand the deputy takes it.
- In 2012, the Moscow leadership notices the success of the established and self-confident politician and invites him to Moscow for the position of Deputy Chief of Staff of the Government of the Russian Federation.
- A year later, Maxim Akimov becomes Dmitry Anatolyevich Medvedev's first deputy.
- In 2016, the policy expects a significant increase. He occupies a very promising and one of the main positions, namely, he becomes a state adviser on the country's strategic development.
- In the fall of the same year, the politician claims to be a ministerial chair, but this position is given to a completely different deputy - Maxim Oreshkin.
The awards of the politician Maxim Akimov should include:
- 2014 – Akimov received gratitude from the government of the Russian Federation.
- 2014 - received the Order of Alexander Nevsky.
- 2017 - awarded the medal "For special services to the Kaluga region".
Additional posts policy

The specialization of this Russian politician is very extensive. Maxim Akimov was actively involved in both internal and external financial issues. Over the years, state property, communications, transport and energy were under his supervision.
Shortly, Akimov became in charge of overseeing the general issues of the development of the country's economy, agriculture, high technology and science. Later, he began to additionally engage in control in the field of investment policy, fisheries and general industrialissues of the Russian Federation.
Personal life policy
Unfortunately, for the sake of confidentiality, political integrity and according to the desire of the young politician, all information about his personal life is hidden from prying eyes. That is why it is not available to us.
The only thing we managed to find out is that the young historian got married in his youth. At the moment, he is raising two sons, whose identities are also carefully hidden.
Further career of a politician and his awards

The following is a biography of the politician and interesting information about his successes from 2016 to 2018:
- In August 2017, by Medvedev's decree, he was appointed head of the subcommittee on the development of the country's economy and technology under the Government of the Russian Federation. Maxim Akimov began to supervise the Digital Economy program.
- In 2017, the Russian politician was going to change his position to the vacant vacancy of the governor of the Nizhny Novgorod region. He was on the shortlist of politicians who were going to take the vacant seat.
- In May 2018, his candidacy was considered for the post of Deputy Prime Minister. Maxim Akimov was supposed to replace Arkady Dvorkovich as prime minister for communications, transport and the digital economy. At the moment, the politician has been appointed Deputy Prime Minister of the Russian Federation.
Interesting fact
The current President of the Russian Federation announced the possibility and forecasts of the transition of the Russian Federation to the digital economyFederation by Vladimir Vladimirovich Putin. This was announced at the end of 2016. According to the President of the Russian Federation, for the next 10 years Russia will develop along the path of IT technologies, which will occupy a leading position in the country's manufacturing sectors.
According to the opinion of the President of the Russian Federation, a whole system of so-called information democracy will be created in the future. According to this system, the financial life of every person in the Russian Federation will soon have to switch to numbers. The main sectors to which this bill will be applied are:
- Judicial system.
- Medicine.
- Education.
- Banking.
In the middle of summer 2017, this bill was approved by the President of the Russian Federation.
Interview with Maxim Akimov

In early February 2018, journalists talked to the politician. Akimov said that he would wait for the citizens of the Russian Federation in ten years.
His first statement was that plastic cards would no longer be relevant. The payment and financial system will work with the latest technologies, including all known instant messengers. When asked how it will all look like, the politician did not give a definite answer. However, he said that there are active discussions and discussions in political circles on this issue. The politician also added that all current banking services will go into the background in a few years. They will be replaced by various digital platforms.
Main domestic politicalchanges in the country with these reforms will also affect the education system. The Duma considers the possibility of some kind of innovation, which in turn will reshape the entire educational system. According to politician Akimov, the training mode will be individual for each student and will be held through online broadcasts.
Maxim Alekseevich noted that with the arrival of these updates, the citizens of the Russian Federation will begin to understand all the advantages and further innovations in the development of the country, which will be ensured through research and improvements in IT technologies. In other words, we can say that the overall literacy of the country's population will increase.