Lesoparkovaya metro station (no address) is located on the Butovskaya line of the Moscow metro, between st. Bitsevsky Park and Starokachalovskaya Street.

The origin of the name is linked with the Butovo forest park, near which it is located. On the map of the city, the location of the station coincides with the 18th microdistrict of the Yuzhnoye Chertanovo district, near 34 km of the Moscow Ring Road (inside the ring). Nearby are the streets: Kulikovskaya and Polyany.

Butovskaya line is the 12th line in the Moscow metro and includes seven stations. The line appeared in the early 2000s. Cars of the 81-740/741 Rusich model, which are manufactured at the Metrovagonmash enterprise, run along it.
History of the station
The station is one of the last stops of the Moscow Metro. It became the 194th stop of the Moscow Metro. The opening date of the Lesoparkovaya metro station is February 27, 2014. Startconstruction work took place in 2010. The process was expected to be completed by December 2013. An open pit method was used in the construction of this transport facility. Tunneling began in August 2012. When creating this transport facility, recommendations developed by the Russian Institute of Transport Construction were taken into account. This made it possible to create a solid and reliable design.

Station features
Lesoparkovaya station includes two underground vestibules. The walls are finished with marble slabs with a pleasant color scheme. The staircase pavilion of the station is a spacious iron structure located above the ground. The area between the platform and the vestibule is covered with a large glass dome, allowing you to see the sky. This dome rests on mosaic-tiled columns.
Elevators and other facilities are provided for people with disabilities. Steps and some other surfaces are anti-slip.
The walls of the station and vestibules are finished with granite. Granite (gray) and some other materials were also used for the floor. The steps and floors in the passages, as well as the areas of the stairs, are finished with anti-slip granite.

Lighting is created by fluorescent lamps. The total length of the platform is 92 meters (5 wagons).
Interesting facts about Lesoparkovaya station
- This is the most environmentally harmful station of the Moscow Metro. It's fixed heremultiple excess of the norm for many toxic substances, especially for styrene (204 times).
- This is the most empty station of the Moscow Metro. It passes about 500 people per day (as of 2014). Passenger traffic is expected to increase to 30,000 people per day.
- This is the brightest metro station in Moscow, as sunlight penetrates through the glass dome.
- The surroundings of the station are still almost deserted.
Reasons for building Lesoparkovaya station
The surroundings of Lesoparkovaya station may be gradually built up in the future due to the expansion of the southern part of Moscow. With the construction of houses and transport interchanges in the vicinity of the station, its importance will gradually increase. Nearby is the natural and historical park "Bitsevsky Forest". The station should improve transport access to this facility.
Now get to the station. "Forest Park" can be on foot from the city, or by car.
Station schedule
The first electric train going in the direction of st. "Ulitsa Starokachalovskaya" stops at the station at 05:43 on odd days and 05:58 on even days. The train heading to the Bitsevsky Park station stops at 05:45 on odd days and at 06:03-06:05 on even days.
Surroundings of Lesoparkovaya Station
The surroundings of the station, except for some remote high-rise buildings, still have a rather dull look. Low buildings, individual trees, grass and wastelands, roads with poor quality coverage or lack ofsuch. In the background, the outlines of a forest area are visible. Passing high-voltage power lines.
There is no bus station near Lesoparkovaya metro station (and its address).
In the future - the creation of a transport interchange and the gradual development of the territory associated with the expansion of the city of Moscow. Now you can get to the station on foot or by private car. At the same time, it is quite difficult to do this from high-rise buildings located nearby, since they are located outside the Moscow Ring Road.

Lesoparkovaya metro station is a new station of the Moscow metro, located on the southern outskirts of Moscow, not far from the Moscow Ring Road. It was built according to a modern model, but materials harmful to human he alth were used during construction. The surroundings of the station at the time of opening and two years later correspond to typical urban outskirts, with poor quality road surfaces, high-voltage power lines, small industrial areas and a rather rural appearance of the surroundings.
The station itself is quite convenient and adapted to receive people with disabilities. And the presence of anti-slip coatings on the steps ensures safety during the movement of passengers. The station has 2 exits (pavilions), one of which was closed at the time of opening.