Chair, photograph of chair, dictionary definition of chair. All together it is a work of art. Namely, conceptual. A concept is a term that has many meanings (derived from the Latin "conceptus", which translates as "concept"). If explained simply and accessible, then this word is interpreted as an innovative, fresh idea aimed at creation. For example, there are so-called "concept cars".

These are the cars of the future, prototypes of developments in this area in terms of design, technical component and style in general. Typically, such machines are not sold, but are exhibits. At the auto show, the public is invited to evaluate new ideas. Taking into account feedback and reactions, manufacturers decide the future fate of know-how: to implement or not to implement. Examples of such cars, which are a concept, are the Mercedes Benz F700, which is able to determine the unevenness of the road surface and go around them, or the BMW Gina (the frame of the elastic material of this car allows it to change shape). But the design of the Ford Iosis was the prototype for the Ford Mondeo generation of cars. Russian concept of a similar plan -the well-known Yo-mobile, a hybrid car with electric transmission.
A branch of postmodernism
If we return to the fact that the concept is art, then it must be said that one of the pioneers of the "conceptualism" direction is Joseph Kossuth, the same author of the composition "Three Chairs" with which the story of this article began. Other well-known figures include John Lennon's widow Yoko Ono, Vanessa Beecroft, who uses female models in her performance, Simon Starling (he converted a wooden shed into a watercraft, sailed in this boat along the river, then returned it to its original form, that is knocked down a barn). The latter received the Turner Prize (established in 1984, a prestigious award in the field of contemporary art) for this achievement. In general, conceptualism is one of the branches of postmodernism.

For a conceptual artist, the most important thing is to convey your idea to the viewer. And in what ways - it is up to him to decide. For him, the concept is photographs, diagrams, objects, audio recordings, phrases, graphics. In a word, the conceptualist uses anything, just to express the essence of the idea. But the direction in art, designed to fully reflect only the thought, and not the external form or other visible attributes, is called concept art.
From a linguistic point of view

Linguistic concept is what is accepted in philology as an author's idea, in some cases a stable linguistic one with its traditional embodiment. We can say that this is an analogue of the motive. Sociala concept can be viewed as a product of a certain society, viable only because people are ready to obey its rules or agree to recognize that it exists. If we compare two definitions: “concept” and “concept” (from which, as already mentioned, the first word came), then, although they are formally synonyms, their use is delimited. The second word appears mostly in philosophy and logic, while the first is used only in mathematical logic, and much more often in cultural studies. In the most rare cases, the concept is identified with a singificate.