About the multifaceted phrase "white light"

About the multifaceted phrase "white light"
About the multifaceted phrase "white light"

Sometimes, combining words, we put such different thoughts into them that an outsider will not immediately understand what is at stake. It is not a matter of tongue-tied tongue or inability to unambiguously express one's understanding, but in the variety of applications of certain phrases. These include the expression "white light". Digging through dictionaries, you can see that these two words are used together in various areas of not only life, but also science.

White light
White light

Let's see what's what.

Scientific approach

White light in scientists' minds is determined mainly by the neutrality of the impact on our eyes. That is, these are electromagnetic waves that are not associated with any of the colors of the rainbow. Everything is mixed in it. In life, to understand what it is, you should pay attention to the light of the Sun. Passing through the atmosphere, it dissipates, we perceive it as white. Such waves are also emitted by solid objects heated to high temperatures.

white light
white light

For example, when a metal is melted, it emits white light. In fact, scientists do not suggest any special figurativeness. So to speak, no imagination,just a clear definition of terms. White light is the one that contains the entire rainbow gamut and is perceived neutrally. It should be noted that in the construction of theories, their practical implementation, this concept is of undeniable importance. Any specialist will tell about it.

Poetic imagination

Creative personalities are quite another matter. They have long felt the volume and versatility of such a combination of words. For example, the expression "in the whole wide world" means not just "on the planet", but "in all possible worlds." How much scope is there for a person who perceives information! Everyone represents the world as the imagination draws it. It is not the thoughts or words of the poet that become the limiter, but only the narrowness of the reader's worldview. For some, "the whole wide world" is only the country or region where a person lives; for others, the whole planet; still others immediately imagine the Universe, unusually huge and unknown. On the other hand, it is a counterweight to the dark world.

all over the world
all over the world

That is, an image showing the hypothetical division of our living space into two mutually exclusive sectors, functioning according to their own special rules, constantly fighting each other for leadership in human souls.

Education element

Skillful use of such multifaceted concepts allows "small efforts" to significantly influence the development of the child's imagination. If we start from the perception of white light as the surrounding space, then we can endlessly develop the idea. Begin withplace of residence of the individual, family, community, people, gradually move to all of humanity. Get a detailed description of our world. But "white light" does not mean only territory. In some cases, this is the definition of a community that is affected by this or that event, information. You can cite as an example the common expression "disgraced in the whole wide world." It refers to the inhabitants, not the territory.

Use in catchphrases

The considered phrase fell in love with people for its figurativeness, multiple interpretations, harmony embedded in it. It can be found in the statements of cultural figures who have become almost popular. For example, A. Tvardovsky once came up with a phrase that became winged: “That’s why the position is good - you can think about everything in this world slowly.”

all white light
all white light

This expression contains harsh criticism of all kinds of statesmen who have nothing but groundless narcissism in their souls, who do not know how and do not want to work, just to fulfill their duties. The phrase has been around for many years, but the relevance is far from lost! And remember Baba Yaga, who scolded Ivanushka about the fact that he was saturated with white light! What is meant? This is no longer just a play on words, this is a serious opposition of worlds, albeit in a fabulous setting. White light acts as an orderly and harmonious human kindness as opposed to the "black world", which is characterized by chaos and evil. Just two words, but what a deep meaning!

With white light acceptedto name not just the whole existing world, the planet with the population living on it. This short phrase contains an understanding of harmony, correctness, infinity of development and achievement of good for each individual. It means humanity, striving for happiness and harmonious development, which opposes the world of rudeness, evil, disunity and immense grief.
